Roulette World

1524th Chaos God Box

The storm-like attack drowned Ye Zhongming. If he could not still hear the sound of Fenglei Twins chopping on the bubbles of fog and flowers, he would have thought that the King of Cloud Top was dead.

The attack of the all-element plundering plate, a piece of golden equipment, is eye-catching.

It's not that Ye Zhongming has never encountered opponents of the same level before, such as the assassin organization that snatched an admission ticket, etc., but to be honest, they are top experts from the perspective of the entire country, but they are at the level of eight stars, and they are not He is not a powerful person, but he is far from a real master like Ye Zhongming.

But today, Ye Zhongming met all elites, and several big bosses, such as Wen Yan, were on the same level as him, even if they were not as good as him, they were not far behind.

Especially when a boss like Dan Wenyan really goes all out, he can cause Ye Zhongming a lot of trouble.

Ye Zhongming didn't know the cooldown time of attacking equipment such as the All-Element Raiding Disk. It was conceivable that it must be very long, and there was even a price to pay. Even if it wasn't a purple equipment, it was still a powerful equipment.

Faced with such equipment, if they were replaced by other eight-star evolutionists, they might have been seriously injured.

It's just that Ye Zhongming is also a little uncomfortable.

Ye Zhongming's current defense power is mainly divided into the buff field, the black halo shield, the black soil armor and his own defense power.

The defensive power of the buff field is the lowest, because its main function is to apply buff equipment to Ye Zhongming and apply abnormal status to hostile targets. The defensive power is mainly reflected in the energy neutralization and deceleration of the attack.

The main ability of the Black Halo Shield is to rebound attacks, and now Ye Zhongming has upgraded it to the highest level, and the rebound ratio is 50%.

Of course, the dark energy is excluded.

Then there is the black earth armor of the earth element, which already includes its own equipment including armor.

With multiple protections, Ye Zhongming dared to ignore many attacks.

However, the attack of the all-element plundering disk, especially the attack of the second type of dark power, without the rebound of the black halo shield, caused Ye Zhongming the most serious damage since the start of the war today.

The energy of the dark energy is very vicious, and there are many ways to affect people after attacking the target. These black balls fall on Ye Zhongming's body, every time it makes Ye Zhongming's body tremble slightly, and the inside of the body is eroded. Even though most of the attack strength has been resisted by the defense, the rest still hurt Ye Zhongming.

The number of attacks per attack of this all-element plundering plate is too much.

Ye Zhongming tried to take out the Staff of Nature, but he didn't know whether it was because of Wuhua or the All-Element Plundering Disk, this piece of equipment couldn't be deployed.

After the attack of the dark element, it was the attack of the ice element. Countless ice cones fell from the sky, filling up the water bubbles of the whole person.

Next comes the elementals of air, fire and even light.

Each has its own characteristics, and they all have an impact on Ye Zhongming, but except for the dark element, the black halo shield can reflect half of the damage, plus the constantly refreshed black soil armor and even special armor, these attacks are not harmful to Ye Zhongming. big.

It's just that there were too many attacks, and they were too concentrated. After the attacks of various departments were over, a lot of blood flowed from the corner of Ye Zhongming's mouth.

However, Ye Zhongming was not idle during these times, Wuhua's bubbles were shattered by him, and there was no longer any barrier between him and Wen Yan.

Ye Zhongming didn't stop at all, and when the bubble shattered, he had already appeared near Wen Yan.

A dazzling knife light fell towards the boss of the palace.

What greeted Ye Zhongming was another attack.

From the time Ye Zhongming was trapped to when he escaped, it took about two minutes. For such a long time, Wen Yan has been preparing for this ability.

"Raging waves!"

Wen Yan didn't know when he had stood up from his thousand-year-old body. Behind him was a huge wall of water as high as 100 meters.

Ye Zhongming saw it, but he didn't care.

at this time,

Pure defense is meaningless, only attack can let him solve the problem here as soon as possible.

From Wen Yan, Ye Zhongming has already realized one thing, that is, he may really not be able to deal with the combination of Pingong, Retail Chamber of Commerce and Shentang.

Taking risky layouts and using his body as bait, Ye Zhongming knew the risks, but it was true that as Wen Yan said, he underestimated the risks. In other words, Ye Zhongming, who has become stronger recently, is a little unconsciously inflated, a little contemptuous of the people of the world, so that he is confident that he can complete this plan.

There are nothing more than two situations now. One is that Ye Zhongming entered the plain according to the plan, released the monsters, and completed the plan. The other is that they cannot enter the plains and can only be released on the spot at a certain time.

Don't talk about the former, just talk about the latter. If you don't want to 'send magic crystals' to the three major forces, then Ye Zhongming must do something.

For example, wait until you are trapped in the army, then release monsters, let them fall into melee, and consume their vitality to the greatest extent, for example, kill as many elites as possible, even if there are sunglasses to supplement, there will be no A qualitative leap in strength. For example, simply kill a certain boss and let that force completely disintegrate...

In the absence of other presidents and directors, Ye Zhongming chose the last kill Wen Yan!

Not to mention the monstrous huge waves behind, even if the sky falls, Ye Zhongming will split it.

On Fenglei Twins, when Ye Zhongming waved, there was a little magical change.

Two kinds of energy lingered on it, and the two colors of light yellow and lavender were immersed in the light of the knife.

In Ye Zhongming's hand, there is not only a pair of wind and thunder, but also the king's Shayue blade in the other hand. At this moment, the purple weapon is making synchronized movements with the twin wind and thunder.

Between the two weapons, in front of Ye Zhongming's body, hangs a small water-blue cube.

Above it, some blue energy lines are protruding, connecting the two weapons together.

As Ye Zhongming used Wan Chong Yin Dao Zhan, all the blade shadows turned into a huge blade light, splitting Wen Yan and it for a thousand years, and the length of the blade shadow was no less than the tsunami-like huge waves opposite. .

Both of them used the strongest attack without hesitation, and they both had strong confidence in their eyes.

Wen Yan's self-confidence comes from the fact that this is his bottom-of-the-box move, a combo technique with him and Qiannian, which requires not only the tacit understanding between him and the beast, but also some media, which are extremely expensive materials.

Therefore, this skill not only has a very long cooling time, but also costs a lot.

It was against an opponent like Ye Zhongming that Wen Yan was willing to use this trick.

And Ye Zhongming's self-confidence, in addition to his own strength, also comes from the small water-blue cube between the two weapons.

This is the real fourth piece of purple equipment he made last time - Chaos God Box.

In the five years of the last days, Ye Zhongming obtained many special things, such as potion boxes, material backpacks, charging crystals, etc. When manufacturing equipment, he had a clear idea of ​​the first six pieces, and only the last one , he had no concept before making it.

Ye Zhongming was even annoyed by the failure of several designed blueprints. In order to calm himself down, he dumped out all the items in the space equipment and sorted them into categories. He saw that some things with storage capacity were not useful. Big, with experimentation, luck and some faint inspiration, Ye Zhongming mixed precious grade 9 materials, and used a slow fusion and slow experience method to make a production.

It should be said to be creation.

Fortunately, he succeeded and got this Chaos God Box.

This piece of equipment doesn't have many abilities, and it's all auxiliary in nature, but it's all very strange.

The first is storage capacity. Chaos audit itself is a piece of space equipment first, and then a piece of equipment. It has huge storage space. In its space, the characteristics of any substance can be maintained. For example, many medicinal herbs need to be placed in special containers to maintain their efficacy, but now they are all saved, and they can be placed directly in the Chaos God Box.

The second ability is to increase recovery ability.

Ye Zhongming was very disappointed when he saw this, because he has two special physical constitutions and has taken many medicines, so he is already very strong in this respect.

Now it's a bit tasteless to have this extra recovery ability. But when he saw the detailed introduction, his sorrow turned into joy.

The recovery ability brought by the Chaos God Box is very special, it is called—recovery after loss. It can be something that disappears and then reappears.

To put it simply, for example, Ye Zhongming has a powerful magic crystal grenade, which is very precious, but it is a one-time thing, and it will be gone when thrown out. Now Ye Zhongming can put it in the Chaos God Box for marking and analysis, and later, after this thing is used, the Chaos Magic Box can recondense this thing within a day.

Of course, this is not out of thin air, the more precious something is, the more energy it will have in the process of "recovering from loss", and the user needs to put a lot of energy into this power, such as magic crystals and natural gems.

In other words, use these to buy.

Naturally, it costs a lot, but a fool also knows that this is extremely appropriate, some things have a price but no market.

The third ability is even more magical, called soul storage. A mutated life that has just died can be given this ability, and the soul will be temporarily moved into the Chaos God Box. When the body is repaired in some way, the soul can be put back, so as to live a new life!

This is simply a heaven-defying ability.

With such an ability, the Chaos God Box can only be used three times in total. After three times, the box will be automatically destroyed.

This ability really shocked Ye Zhongming. Although it cannot be imposed on the direction of the evolutionary, it cannot give him an extra life, but whether it is Yangos, Dihuang Wan, or even red hair, they all belong to the category of mutant life Yes, once they are in danger, this thing can give them a chance to be reborn, no, three times.

The last ability is the ability Ye Zhongming uses now, the assimilator. The Chaos God Box can temporarily fuse two items of the same general category. After the fusion, the ability possessed is the sum of the abilities of the two items, and all attributes and effects of the two items are maintained.

The general categories are the same, which means that weapons are weapons, battle armors are battle armors, etc. The twin wind and thunder and the dead Shayue blade are both weapons, so they naturally belong to the same general category. An attack of sum of power.

Ye Zhongming didn't know how far it was from the colorful equipment's attack, but he was confident that he could break through any of Wen Yan's skills.

Two confident people meet, and two powerful skills also collide.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that the world has changed color.

In the surrounding space, from the sky to the ground, there was a magnificent purple red, centered on two people... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

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