Roulette World

One thousand five hundred twenty-nine strong kill

The hairs on Ye Zhongming's back stood up, his body twisted strangely, and he turned upside down, and the weapon in his hand swept backwards.

He no longer cared about killing Mo Shuang.

There was a huge vibration from the weapon, and at the same time, black shadows came from around.

Ye Zhongming hit the ground with his weapon, and his body rushed towards the position of the Magic Shuang behind him. At the same time, he threw several things around his body, and an explosion occurred as soon as he appeared. After the impact of the explosion, he slid out several meters away again.

In situ, there was no loud sound, only energy fluctuations and some green smoke.

Ye Zhongming fell to the ground, wiped his cheek with the back of his hand holding the knife, and a smear of blood was printed on it.

At this time, he finally saw what was attacking him.

Heavenly language magic vine!

Ye Zhongming has indeed never seen the attack method of this mutated plant pet, but now he has personally felt it.

At least a hundred black slender conical vines are slowly retracting, and at the top of each one is a small white flower, each with only three petals.

But anyone can tell that these are not ordinary petals, the edges are all abnormally sharp, shining a strange blue light under the light, and there are a few drops of blood on one of them.

It was left when Ye Zhongming's left face was scratched.

Ye Zhongming's bloodline and star elf's skills are now fully activated. Even if his body is injured, it doesn't affect his combat effectiveness very much. He can be said to be in peak condition.

It was him like this, but he was hurt by these strange flowers' attacks.

Ye Zhongming watched the Tianyu magic vine gradually disappearing on the ground, and did not pursue it. He is looking for the owner of the Tianyu Magic Vine, the director of the Shentang!


Mei asked the Holy See to tell the story of the battle, and the expressions of Da Zhan and the director were a little more relaxed.

"As expected of the Tianyu Magic Vine, it can pose such a big threat to Ye Zhongming without your control, I am willing to bow down."

The president of the assembly is still in a good mood. Although Sister Bo was seriously injured, she did not die. So far, the dead Baiyin and Tong Lu are both members of the Shentang, which is a good thing for him.

Ye Zhongming is desperate to fight, and death in battle is a matter of time, so the less his own people die, the better, and the more people from other forces die, the better.

Seeing the effect of the Tianyu magic vine, the director's bad mood improved a little, but he didn't feel very comfortable after listening to the president's words.

The successive killings of important subordinates made him understand that the fat man who always hinted that he was the head already had other thoughts in his mind.

The combination of Shentang Pingong Retail Chamber of Commerce and other small forces is naturally dominated by three superpowers, but there are also strong and weak among the three.

To some extent, the shrine has always been in a dominant position.

Being able to be in a dominant position will naturally gain a little more benefits. With the number of evolutionaries at an absolute disadvantage, Shentang attaches great importance to this dominant position.

Sensing the restlessness in the president's heart, the chief suppressed the anger of losing the two generals, raised his right hand, and a section of rattan smooth as jade and dark brown appeared from under his feet. It looked like a statue The jade statue, even if it pops up from the ground, does not contain a trace of mud.

The chairman of the conference was taken aback.

This is... the Tianyu magic vine? !

So what is attacking Ye Zhongming now?

The director was very satisfied with the expression on the chairman's face, smiled proudly and said: "The ones on the battlefield are only a small part of it."

The president of the assembly opened his mouth in surprise, pointed to the direction of the battlefield, and then pointed to this section of crystal-like magic vine, stammering a little: "That, and, this, is one? Connected together? It's so long ?”

A bigger smile appeared on the director's mask, "Yes."

The chairman of the assembly said nothing, but gave the director a thumbs up.

The director did not give up because of the admiration of the chairman, but blew a whistle, and he decided to give Ye Zhongming a fatal blow right there.

Not far from them, there was a huge mechanical roar,

The president looked over there, his eyes flickering.


Ye Zhongming couldn't find the director of the Shentang, and felt more and more uneasy.

If the Tianyu Demon Vine is here, the director will definitely be there, so why doesn't he make a move?

After such a delay, most of Sister Bo's injuries have recovered, and there is only a small gap left in her abdomen. The fat woman's sternness answered her body again.

The huge mace that she was unable to control because of her injury just now flew back into the sky.

Ye Zhongming turned around suddenly, and once again attacked Moshuang with one sword and one sword.

Since you can't find the director, just wait for him to come out by himself!

This time Ye Zhongming was even crazier, giving up defense at all when attacking.

Ye Zhongming's attack has been improved in various buff fields, which is quite terrifying. Although the Magic Shuang cooperates perfectly, it is at best defensive. In the past, he could occasionally launch a counterattack to relieve the pressure. But now, I can only resist hard.

On the other side, the lightning sand monster that has become a spirit reappeared, howling and killing the enemy Bo Jie.

It wants revenge.

It has been a while since the bloodline has been activated, and the additional ability of the Hellbringer is also activated at this time. A dark rift was opened from the battlefield, and a humanoid dark life with two forks appeared after experience. It seems that there is also an eighth level.

Ye Zhongming was lucky these two times, and the highest level hell life he could summon came out.

As soon as this humanoid two-pronged monster appeared, its head covered with dark red tumors looked at the Holy Seat of the Green Snake. He was particularly interested in the green snake, and rushed over after screaming.

There was a sneer on the corner of Ye Zhongming's mouth, but this smile looked like a devil's smile to Moshuang.

Sister Bo and the Holy Seat of the Green Snake were entangled, and Bai Yin died in battle. They had to face Ye Zhongming alone.

At that time, Moshuang was worried, but they were not too flustered. They knew that the Tianyu Magic Vine was nearby.

Ye Zhongming, who let go of his hands and feet, broke the defense of the two of them in only about eight seconds this time, and the twins of Fenglei were already about to hit the chest of one of the two. Seeing that it was inevitable, at this time, the Tianyu magic vine that they regarded as a piece appeared again.

This time it was not on the ground, but on a tree. Five arm-thick vines covered with sharp thorns fell from the sky and covered Ye Zhongming.

If he wanted to escape, Ye Zhongming would have no more than one second, but if that was the case, Ye Zhongming would definitely give up the chance to kill the Demon Shuang.

Mo Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, they all thought that Ye Zhongming would definitely dodge.

But they were wrong, Ye Zhongming didn't hide, but suddenly stretched out the stick of nature, protecting all three people in it.

The twins of wind and thunder slashed at the chest of one of the magic pairs, the armor was shattered, and a deep wound appeared.

The water bottle shield that had just been propped up was also broken at the same time, and five vines were drawn on Ye Zhongming's body.


The other member of Moshuang let out a mournful cry, hugged his companion's fallen body, and quickly backed away.

Because the King of Cloud Top who was lying on the ground, who was whipped just now, has jumped up again and sent a sword light towards him.

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