Roulette World

One thousand five hundred forty-six

The night in Black Dragon City is also very lively.

In this kind of city with special weapons, the restrictions on lighting at night are not so strict. After all, in the absence of beast hordes, eighth-level life can resist, so basically you can sit back and relax. Nine-level life is still a minority, such as It is not necessary, and they will not attack human cities, which will provoke endless revenge.

Of course, if there is a beast horde, the difference between having lights and not having lights is actually not very big.

Walking on the streets of Black Dragon City, Ye Zhongming had the illusion of being in Yingcheng and the Holy City of West Asia—if it wasn't so cold here.

In the last days, there are very few such prosperous places.

I didn't expect to meet one in the ice and snow.

However, compared to the holy city and the British city, the prosperity here is somewhat bloody.

But when there is a wind blowing from the back, it will bring a bit of bloody smell and stench, which is emitted from the center of the city, where humans and all kinds of mutant life are engaged in desperate struggles all the time.

There is a saying among the evolutionists of Black Dragon City, rich center, dead center. That is to say, the evolutionists haunting the city center either hunted and killed mutated life forms and became rich, or died there and became piles of bones.

From this we can see the complex emotions towards the people of Black Dragon City.

Ye Zhongming took Xiaopeng Xiabai and Hongfa for a walk in Heilongcheng to get a taste of the style of the Northland. This way of walking around the commercial streets is very good.

On the ruins of the city, people built all kinds of livable houses with materials such as wood boards, iron sheets, animal bones, and even ice. If something happens, it's just uncomfortable at best.

Moreover, the people in Black Dragon City are very good at using local materials. The surrounding trees, bones of mutated life forms, and fur are all materials for them to keep out the cold. Some are used to light campfires, and some are used to make leather clothes or bedding to help them survive the long journey. cold winter.

Brother Hei once said that there are more than three million evolutionaries in Black Dragon City. This is a terrifying number, and it can definitely be regarded as a super city in the last days.

In fact, it is not because of the good living environment here, but because of the relative concentration of survivors in the Northland.

The more people there are, the more business there will be. Except for specialized merchants, the evolutionaries here are basically the type who come out as fighters and return as merchants. When they return from hunting, they just throw unnecessary things at the door Put it on, whoever sees it will sell it at a bargain price, and if you have money, go to other places to shop, see what you need, and then buy it after bargaining.

This also made Black Dragon City bustling at night. After all, during the day, many people would go hunting outside the city to avoid the terrifying cold storm.

Ye Zhongming and the others strolled for two streets like this, and saw a lot of strange things, all of which were specialties of this area.

Of course, there are very few that can be seen by the current Ye Zhongming. In two streets, he just bought the fur of a sixth-level snow fox, and planned to go back and make a shawl, scarf or something for Xia Lei, who was not here this time. .

The fur of a snow fox is not small, enough to make three pieces.

Although the stalls everywhere are good, but there are no good things. Ye Zhongming and others walked around, and their interest was greatly reduced. After inquiring, there was a commercial street in the city. It is a big shop, and behind each one is backed by the powerful forces of Black Dragon City, and they even opened it directly, and it is said that there are many good things in it.

When I came to a new city, I naturally wanted to see it. Ye Zhongming gave a 13-year-old two-star evolution child a third-level magic crystal and asked him to lead the way. The child happily agreed, and even gave Ye Zhongming a gift on the way I waited for someone to introduce which is the best place to buy and which one to sell.

"If you want to buy something, go to Jiang Dabao Store and Jingjing Building. The price is reasonable and the things are good, but you are foreigners, so you have to bargain more after asking the price."

The half-grown child looked serious, wishing to tell Ye Zhongming everything he knew.

With his two-star strength, he is basically unable to go hunting. Usually he just does some cleaning work for those big forces, and he can barely go hungry. If he wants to get a third-level magic crystal, he has few ways. Charity, in more than a year, the child has accumulated six third-level magic crystals.

In the past year, everyone's evolutionary level has improved, with an average of more than four stars. Especially after the boxes fell from the sky, many people have made great progress. The third-level magic crystal depreciated quickly, which also made this child The speed of obtaining the third-level magic crystal is a little faster.

However, the number of magic crystals needed to turn the roulette to pay the tax is still a bit desperate for him. Now that he can easily get a third-level magic crystal, the child is naturally very grateful and excited.

Feeling in his heart that the end of the world is not easy, Ye Zhongming heard the child continue to say: "If you want to sell things, you'd better go to the Chenguang Pavilion of Anlao, the credit is the best, and you will get as much as you sell after deducting the handling fee." , will not black money."

Ye Zhongming nodded, expressing that he understood. After thinking about it, he asked the child again, "The north is not peaceful recently. Do you know the specific situation?"

The child nodded, "It's those red-haired people who are looking for work, do business without credit, and often rob our hunting team, and even go to the market to poach in Beicheng, not only that, but also disturb our hunting, and send people to talk about them Killed, forced to do nothing, the big forces in the city decided to teach this group of people a lesson, and began to unite with the evolutionists of other cities, but I don’t know what happened. We must fight to the death outside Beicheng."

The child said this, looked up at Ye Zhongming, hesitated for a moment and asked softly: "You, are you here to help?"

Looking at the child's expectant eyes, Ye Zhongming nodded.

A big smile immediately appeared on the child's face.

"Then I don't want it."

After the child finished speaking, he reached out and handed back the third-level magic crystal that Ye Zhongming had just given him.

"Why?" Not only Ye Zhongming, but also Xiaobai and the red-haired Xiaopeng were all surprised.

They can see that this child needs this magic crystal very much, but now he is willing not to get paid for something that has nothing to do with him. Bad, kids exploited by people here.

"The people here don't treat you well." The red-haired asked lightly, her eyes fell on the child's feet where the shoes were replaced by animal skins, and there was no level of equipment on his body. They are all made of rough animal skins.

These all show that no one cares about this child, at least, there is no force willing to accept such a half-grown child who has only two stars five years after the end of the world.

"Because if Black Dragon City loses, then it's not that I can't continue to evolve, but that I will die. Even if I don't die, I don't want to be a cow to outsiders!"

A few of them can be said to be bigwigs in the country, and they were silent when they heard the children's words.

This child may not be so noble due to the influence of the last days, and he considers the problem from his own point of view, but he is very "willing", willing to exchange his own for everyone's. Others will not know his behavior Even if one day they find out, most people will laugh, don't take it seriously, boast hypocritically, and say something stupid if they are mean.

But this kid did just that, without hesitation.

"One kind of rice feeds all kinds of people, what the old man said is still reasonable."

Xiaopeng smiled wryly. He found that even though Brother Hei had revealed a little about the conflict before, he never thought about any country, let alone think about it. He would give up his own interests to help the city. Only Genting can make him do this.

Ye Zhongming touched the child's head, and looked forward, " hairs, are they all bad and strong?"

The child snorted, "There are good red-haired people, and there are bad people among our people, but this time the matter is a bit big, and both sides stand on the perspective of their own species, so it doesn't matter. As for whether they are strong or not, I don't care." I understand it too well, but it is said that there are many masters."

Children speak very maturely. In the last days, immature is fine, otherwise they would not be able to survive long ago.

Soon, the child brought a group of people to the commercial street, and there were indeed many people here. The people walking here were far from those in ordinary streets in terms of level and equipment.

"Going that way, you can go to Jiang Dabao's shop, and going to the other side, you can go to Jingjing Building and Chenguang Pavilion." After the child finished speaking, he waited for Ye Zhongming and others to choose.

Ye Zhongming thought for a while, and went to the Jingjing Building. Not only did he want to see what he could buy, but he was also very interested in the owner of Chenguang Pavilion, An Lai, who could handle and make the terrifying four dragon heads. Presumably also an excellent craftsman.

When he arrived at the gate of Jingjing Building, the child took the initiative to say goodbye, but was stopped by Ye Zhongming, who said he wanted to hire him as a guide to help him familiarize himself with Black Dragon City. The daily reward was two third-level magic crystals.

The child agreed with bright eyes.

A group of people walked into the Jingjing Pavilion built with solid ice as a material.

"After treatment, it won't melt, and it's extremely hard." Xiaopeng looked at the ice carefully, and said something in a low voice, Ye Zhongming nodded.

After walking in, you entered a spacious hall, not as magnificent as some shops in Wuhuanqian, the style here is very rough. The circular hall has three floors. There are twenty independent small halls on the first floor, ten on the second floor, each of which is much larger in size, and three rooms on the third floor.

Among them, on the second and third floors, each room has an ice door.

The hall is very spacious. There is a huge torch-shaped metal structure in the middle, and a bonfire is burning inside. There are also torch posts on each side of each independent room. They make the hall warm like spring.

The ground is covered with thick animal skins, not the pure white or pure red ones, but black and white, each skin is very complete in shape, evolutionists who are familiar with the mutated life here can call the names of these life at a glance. Spread on the ground, showing a sturdy meaning.

And those who are eligible to spread here are all beings above level seven, and even in the center of the hall is a level eight mutant bear king's fur, with holes and some burnt holes left on it when hunting it. The place is muddy, but no one will think it ugly, but they will feel that this thing has suddenly improved the grade of Jingjing Building.

"You, can you wait for me?"

The child named Xiaoxuan suddenly said something.

"Huh?" Ye Zhongming narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I have a friend who knows the situation of these shops very well. You can call him to help you. If you have something you like, I will ask him to tell you the approximate value, so that you will not be slaughtered. You, Don't worry, no reward, I will share my share with him."

Seeing the nervousness of the child, Ye Zhongming smiled and agreed, saying that he would give his friend the same reward, and Xiaoxuan immediately rushed out happily.

Seeing the back of the child leaving, Ye Zhongming suddenly asked the person beside him, "Tell me, how many children like this are there in Black Dragon City?"

Xia Bai and Hongfa turned their heads to think about it, but they didn't want to talk, so Xiaopeng could only say: "I guess there will be some."

He didn't know why Ye Zhongming asked such a question.

The four of them chose to start from the left, looking at one hall after another. The things inside the first three are indeed better than the outside, but they are of little use to Ye Zhongming and others. They are ridiculously high, even at half price they are far more than their own value, and Ye Zhongming will not go but take advantage of this.

So they walked around very fast, until they reached the penultimate hall, which is the nineteenth hall, Ye Zhongming discovered something good.

It was a white lotus flower, packed in a jade box, and the box was covered, and a piece of paper with a white lotus pattern was placed outside to introduce the function.

After several people looked at it, they found that it was a mutated plant that could heal mental trauma. It was called Iceberg Saussurea, which apparently borrowed its name from before the end of the world.

Mental trauma, not a mental illness, is a negative state that will continue after being injured by an evolutionary or mutant life with spiritual abilities in battle.

No matter how good the wound medicine and healing ability are, they are of little use to this kind of mental trauma. It can be said to be an extremely troublesome sequelae.

The red hair is a mental type. Even if her mental impact is not controlled, she will have dizziness, headache, trance and other such states for a long period of time.

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