Roulette World

One thousand five hundred and fifty: No one in the world knows the king (Part 1)

After shopping, Ye Zhongming returned to his seat.

The people in Black Dragon City became quiet, and those who took out their things but were not looked at also put away their disappointment. They all knew that this local tyrant from outside was about to speak.

Sure enough, Ye Zhongming said something that made them fall into a little madness immediately.

"I have some six-star and seven-star potions here, and a bottle of eight-star potions. If you need them, I can sell them to you."

When many people heard this, their bodies instinctively trembled.

Now they all want to improve their combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but what method or item is the most direct? Undoubtedly it is the evolution potion.

These people are basically seven-star evolvers. If they want to evolve to eight-star, what they lack is the magic crystal. Now that there is a bottle of ready-made eight-star evolution potion in front of them, how can they not be tempted.

And still crazy tempted!

Some people with agitated personalities, such as Qing Shao, even stood up, and asked Ye Zhongming directly, are you not lying?

He has already made up his mind, if this person really has an eight-star evolution potion, he will go home and ask his father for money!

Ye Zhongming didn't care, and directly took out ten bottles of six-star evolution potions, five bottles of seven-star evolution potions, and one bottle of eight-star evolution potions and placed them on the table.

Everyone's eyes are going to be straight.

Six-star evolution potion is okay, people here basically don't need it very much. At that time, Seven Stars and Eight Stars didn't hurt anymore. Even if these bosses didn't need Seven Stars themselves, their subordinates needed them too.

And that bottle of eight-star evolution potion exudes a seductive light, making the people below feel that it looks better than on the roulette.

Qing Shao immediately sent someone back to inform his father to bring the money.

"Mr. Ye, how do you plan to sell this bottle of potion?"

"Yeah, do you plan to use magic crystals for settlement, or can you barter?"

"Mr. Ye, tell me what you think?"

Everyone asked Ye Zhongming's thoughts one after another, acting a little anxious.

There is no way, once the news is known to those Black Dragon City bosses who were not present, it is very likely that they will not get this bottle of potion they have dreamed of.

Many people have already made up their minds that they must get this thing, because once they evolve to eight stars, they will directly become the top figures in this city or even the entire country, and the road ahead will become easier and easier.

While waiting for Ye Zhongming's answer, they were already thinking about what to exchange.

"If you all have magic crystals, that would be the best." Ye Zhongming is very familiar with the routine of exchanging potions for magic crystals, and then using magic crystals for potions, and this time is no exception. You can use a bottle of eight-star potion to exchange for two bottles.

Of course, his mind is more than that.

The others were slightly silent, a little embarrassed.

They couldn't get the eight-star evolution potion because there were not enough eight-level magic crystals. Every time they hunted eight-level life, they had to pay a high price. It would take a long time to accumulate the magic crystals that turned the eight-level roulette. Many people have not saved enough ten eighth-level magic crystals until now.

As for this bottle of potion, the price will obviously not be lower than dozens of pieces. They can't afford it even if they want to, and they are powerless.

Get something in exchange? How to change? What can be exchanged for an eight-star evolution potion?

"I don't know Mr. Ye, how many magic crystals do you want?"

The owner of Jiang Dabao's shop asked suddenly.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, please make it clear." Li Long also said.

When everyone heard it, their faces were filled with disappointment.

In terms of money, they are definitely not as good as these two big merchants in Black Dragon City. Now that they open their mouths, it means that they are likely to be able to afford it.


Ye Zhongming said a number.

With his super elimination ability, the probability of turning the seven-eight-nine roulette is 20%, five times can turn to the eight-star potion, and some eighty magic crystals can be turned.

Jiang Dabao and Li Long didn't answer immediately after hearing this,

Obviously considering the gains and losses. Get closer, find an ordinary eight-level roulette, eighty magic crystals can be turned eight times, if you are lucky, you can almost turn it.

What is before them is nothing more than a choice, risk or safety. If you take a risk, you can turn it yourself, you may get it, you may get more than one, of course, you may not get much. Safe, you can only get one, but you can definitely get it.

This is indeed a difficult choice.

"What about the Seven Star Potion?" Brother Hei couldn't help but looked at Ye Zhongming eagerly and asked.


"What about six stars?"


Brother Hei was a little moved.

Counting the one he turned the day before yesterday, he had already turned the seven-level roulette three times, but he didn't get the seven-star evolution potion. Although it was nothing if he didn't turn it just three times, he was still in a hurry.

The seven-level magic crystals these three times were not easy for him to come by, and he has been working hard for them all year. In Brother Hei's impression, he had never worked so hard except for the first bottle of one-star evolution potion in the early days of the end of the world.

Now, seventy seven-level magic crystals can be exchanged for a bottle of evolution potion, which he thinks is worth it.

People who have never been tricked by the roulette wheel cannot understand the overwhelming sense of annoyance that they feel that they have good luck before turning it, but realize that their luck is actually bad after turning it.

But he doesn't have that many magic crystals, not to mention that his own boss may not have one, even if he has, it is unlikely that he will give so many magic crystals to Brother Hei, after all, the entire organization has too many people.

But Brother Hei has a quick mind, he came up with the idea of ​​cutting the list halfway, he thought about it, and immediately started recruiting people in the room, looking for people who have cooperated with each other before, have a good relationship, and have a good reputation The six-star evolutionists in the world have their own forces, and there are also other forces.

Afterwards, he asked his boss and the other bosses, and after a few minutes, he managed to gather enough level 7 magic crystals and handed them over to Ye Zhongming in exchange for a bottle of seven-star evolution potion.

Ye Zhongming has been observing the situation in the room, and naturally knows how Brother Hei does it. First, this person signed an agreement similar to mutual assistance with some evolutionaries of the same level who are also six-stars and are working towards seven-stars. It is these six-star evolutionists who gather all the seventh-level magic crystals in their hands and give them to Brother Hei, so that he can evolve into a seven-star evolutionist first. After that, Brother Hei will be responsible for helping these people hunt down seventh-level life forms until they also evolve to seven-star evolution. until.

In the last days, this kind of behavior is not common. Because of trust issues, Brother Hei was able to persuade so many people in a short period of time. Obviously his connections and character are recognized.

These people failed to gather seventy seventh-level magic crystals, and the worst twenty or so were borrowed by Brother Hei from his boss and other bosses. This one needs to be replaced, and it is still a usury loan. times.

Soon, the six-star medicine was sold out, and the price of fifty made them more acceptable. Brother Hei's approach also set an example for others, and all the remaining four bottles of Seven Star Evolution Potion had buyers.

In the end, there was only one bottle of eight-star evolution potion left.

This level of magic crystals is too precious, even if these bosses unite, they can't get enough of 80 pieces, they can only enjoy their eyes. In the end, only Jiang Dabao, Li Long, and Qing Shao, who was waiting for money from his father, didn't give up.

"Brat, if you dare to lie to me, I will break your leg!"

Soon, a loud voice appeared outside, and then a bearded man pushed the door and walked in, followed by four or five men.

But as soon as he entered the room, he saw the bottle of potion on the table, and his eyes were straight.

He is an eight-star evolutionary, so he has drunk this thing, but so far, he has not gotten a second bottle.

Perhaps because he couldn't hold it back, Qing Shao's old man walked over in a big stride, and grabbed the bottle of eight-star potion directly.

But halfway through, he listened to it, not only stopped, but also suddenly changed his face and showed a flattering smile to Ye Zhongming, then turned around and sat beside his son.

In the process of reaching out his hand just now, this man named Hai Dayu heard a sentence that made him frightened. The man sitting next to the so-called Mr. Ye turned his head and asked softly when he stretched out his hand. There were only two words .


Hai Heavy Rain immediately gave up.

If someone else said that, he wouldn't be afraid, but if someone who could take out an eight-star evolution potion said that, he would be really scared.

He was just testing it out. If the other party was easy to bully, he would grab this bottle of medicine machine, but if the other party was strong, he would definitely be able to take it and let it go.

Ye Zhongming looked at Hai Dayu, not only was he not angry, but also wanted to laugh. This feeling was too familiar to him. Evolvers in the last days should be like this, even in his previous life, he would occasionally be like this.

It's just that he has become stronger in this life, so he doesn't need to be like this anymore.

The hardness of the waist is related to strength. Before the apocalypse, strength is money or power, after the apocalypse, strength is fist.

Not long after the heavy rain came, people came one after another, the number was not many, only four, but these people were really the pillars of Black Dragon City.

They are all eight-star evolutionists.

For a city with so many eight stars, Ye Zhongming was a little strange at first, but he was relieved when he thought about the population base here, the mutated life in half the city, and the rich sources of mutated life on the ice sheet outside.

"Extremely cold!" "Night Kill!" "Blood Hand!" "Sacred Snow Mountain!" "Black and White Landscape!"

These are the five major forces that have eight-star evolutionists in the entire Black Dragon City.

There is another one, An Lao from Chenguang Pavilion. He is also an eight-star evolutionary, but he has a special status and rarely shows up.

The boss of the extreme cold is the sea heavy rain that can bend and stretch, but Hai Qingtian...

The boss of Yesha is called Akai, he is a very indifferent and tall thin man, probably because of his blood, he suddenly showed a blood red color, which is somewhat similar to red hair.

The boss of the Bloody Hand is a woman. No one knows what her real name is, but everyone calls her Yan Feishuang. She is not very old, you can even say that she is very young, probably not even twenty years old, and she is not beautiful. But she is cute, her eyes are like crescent moons when she smiles, and she has two big dimples.

However, the information obtained by my subordinates yesterday showed that this little girl Yan Shuangfei was the most ruthless person in Black Dragon City and also the person who killed the most people. She herself really had the same name as her old team, and her hands were covered with blood.

The boss of Shengxue Mountain is a very quiet old man with a kind face and kind eyes, but he has six swords on his back and side, and one in his hand. The seven swords are impressive.

The boss of Black and White Shanshui is called Bai Pi by people, and he wears a fur coat and hat, dressed like a mountain eagle who outwitted Tiger Mountain.

A few people came here for the eight-star evolution potion. Although they have already reached this level, these people also know how important it is to get a helper of the same level, or it is good to exchange it for something that can be used .

However, when these people saw Hai Dayu, who came earlier, sitting there honestly, they felt hesitant. They didn't talk about the medicine when they came in, and said that they had set up a table in the Jingjing Building, and they wanted to invite Ye Zhongming to dinner.

Ye Zhongming agreed, and the group arrived at the Jingjing Building soon, but it was not the one yesterday, but another one, a gourmet restaurant specializing in the production of all kinds of rare birds and animals.

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