Roulette World

1575th death of the wolf king

The red hair recovered from the state of the thorn tree, and the whole person looked very bad, the beautiful red armor was broken into pieces, there were many deep wounds on it, and blood flowed continuously from it.

However, the red-haired eyes are still bright, even though the long hair she is proud of and has great functions has become uneven, but when she looks at the ninth-level Snow Wolf King, it is still as if she is looking at a line. the dying life.

Snow Wolf King was seriously injured, his mouth was blown off, but he wasn't dying. He was injured, very seriously.

What Ye Zhongming threw into Snow Wolf King's mouth just now was another card he had prepared, the enriched magic crystal uranium bomb.

This is a powerful weapon made by Le Dayuan that is almost unlikely to have a second appearance.

Because the manufacture of this kind of weapon that combines magic crystals and radioactive elements requires not only up to twenty eight-level magic crystals, but also a certain amount of radioactive substances.

The latter, there are not many in the last days, and they are basically in the hands of the resistance area. The enriched magic crystal uranium bombs were obtained from Mu Xinfei's father, and they were also embezzled from the previous war fortress. Some.

In fact, neither Le Dayuan nor Ye Zhongming had a clear concept of the power of this bomb before. They just knew how strong it was, but they didn't know exactly how strong it was.

Ye Zhongming took it out today, because the environment he was facing was too harsh. The pressure of the two ninth-level lives makes Yunding lose its high-end combat power at any time, and these combat powers have been cultivated by Ye Zhongming so hard. They are all future nine-level seedlings. A partner who can entrust his life.

He doesn't want anything to happen to anyone.

So Ye Zhongming was unprepared when Snow Wolf King approached him today, but Ye Zhongming really had murderous intentions at the moment of the battle.

Sooner or later you have to pass this hurdle, let's do it today.

So good things are kept being used, such as the function card that improves bloodlines, and this powerful bomb.

Of course, these seemingly simple cards seriously injured the ninth-level Snow Wolf King. In fact, he and Hongfa were constantly looking for opportunities and grasping them accurately.

If it were someone else, even with these things, they might not be able to exert the power they should have.

Ye Zhongming reappeared, holding a reaper mimic shooter in his hand. As soon as he appeared, he kept shooting at the seriously injured wolf king. Blue bullets whizzed out of the purple-level weapon. There were bloody flowers on his body.

In order to kill this guy, Ye Zhongming went all out, and these precious micro-carved bullets flew out like they didn't want money.

At a certain moment, Ye Zhongming found some feeling of fighting as a shooter in his previous life.

At that time, he had a purple weapon in his hand, which could fight nine-level beings, something he could only imagine in his dreams.

At this time, the bear king over there roared, with pain in his anger, obviously injured.

The firearm in Ye Zhongming's hand fired faster, and even began to use various skills of this weapon continuously.

If there are people from other forces here, they will definitely feel that Ye Zhongming is a little anxious.

Now, Yunding is taking the initiative in the two battlefields, and it is still the absolute initiative, especially on his side, the Snow Wolf King is seriously injured, and it seems that he has not much fighting power. So many precious bullets and skills should not be wasted. You should look for opportunities to kill it in normal ways.

But Ye Zhongming didn't do this. He seemed to be afraid of something, and when his mental power was almost exhausted, he used long-range attacks to attack his opponent frantically.

Because, he knew that the reason why nine-level beings were called beings close to gods was because they all possessed an ultimate skill.

This ability is full of strange things, it has everything, at least half of the ninth-level lives, the ultimate skill is passive,

is auxiliary.

In his previous life, Ye Zhongming knew what the ultimate abilities of many ninth-level beings were. Back then, it took the lives of countless people to figure it out.

Ye Zhongming didn't know Snow Wolf King in his previous life. As a reborn, he flapped his wings a bit fiercely. Most of the situations and lives in the last days are different from those in his previous life.

He didn't know what the Snow Wolf King's ultimate skill was. He guessed that it was the kind of ice flower that could be protected passively or actively.

But Ye Zhongming was not sure.

What he was afraid of was that that kind of ice flower was not. If Snow Wolf King's ultimate skill was an offensive ability, then he and Hongfa would definitely be unable to defend against it in their current state!

He wants to avoid this situation.

However, the thing that frightened him still happened. The Snow Wolf King, who had been rolling and trying to attack, suddenly stopped. The mouth without the front part looked terrifying. It tilted its head slightly to prevent Ye Zhongming's bullets from directly hitting it. Its eyes, in its gaze, are filled with incomparable hatred.

"Kill you, and your camp will be slaughtered."

When these words were spoken, it was already unclear, but Ye Zhongming still heard them.

His face changed drastically, he teleported once, grabbed the red hair and threw it into the distance. At the same time, he dodged behind the spherical life that was summoned because of his blood.

Compared to returning to the energy gate again, this distance is shorter.

The Snow Wolf King raised his head and roared. Because he had no mouth, the roar was completely distorted, but a majestic force was emanating from its body.

This level of energy seems to be telling Ye Zhongming that it is about to activate its ultimate skill.

"Old bear, here you are!"

The Snow Wolf King suddenly said this again, causing Ye Zhongming, who had been hiding behind this hell life and was already looking for the energy gate closest to him, to poke his head out.

I saw that the Snow Wolf King had aged in an instant, his whole body had become sluggish and thin, and he had become a big, skinny gray wolf.

The invisible energy crossed the battlefield and rushed into the body of the Bear King.

"*\u0026%...%#@@" Ye Zhongming cursed in his heart.

Looking at the appearance of the Snow Wolf King, its ultimate skill seems to be a kind of energy transfer!

What is certain is that the current Snow Wolf King does not need to be killed by Ye Zhongming, and he is already on the verge of death, but with such an energy transfer, only one ninth-level magic crystal is left on his body, and the rest, All become worthless!

A snow wolf king's body, conservatively estimated, is also worth several bottles of eight-star evolution potions!

As a top craftsman, how could Ye Zhongming not be angry.

After using up his ultimate skills, the Snow Wolf King lay powerlessly on the ground, looked at Ye Zhongming with a mocking look, and then became silent and died completely.

Ye Zhongming was slightly distracted, he thought of many endings, but he didn't expect it to be like this in the end.

But he didn't have time to sigh, so he was awakened by the movement over there.

Originally, because of underestimating the enemy and misjudging the strength of the red makeup guards, the human bear king had already caused a huge passivity. After he slapped Yanggos' powerful fire meteorite with his bear paw, he was attacked again by the undead ichthyosaur.

The bear's paw, which was already injured and on fire, was injected by the black air needle. In the previous two seconds, it could not even feel the pain, but in the next second, the bear's paw began to rot at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Ye Zhongming heard the cry of the human bear king, not only because of pain and anger, but more because of fear.

Losing the main body, the strength will almost drop by half!

There are at least three innate abilities that the Human Bear King can no longer use.

It can make its bear paws rot, which shows that these creatures have a way to kill themselves!

It really felt intimidating.

Especially just now, he witnessed the death of the Snow Wolf King with his own eyes, and the sense of crisis in the Human Bear King's heart was so strong that it was about to collapse.

It immediately chose to escape!

Don't think that nine-level beings won't run away. They do have the dignity of top powerhouses, but that's based on the fact that they think they can kill the life that challenges their dignity!

Once they find that they are going to lose, they will never have the habit of fighting to the death like humans!

In their thinking, nothing is more important than life. Face, when it is talked about, is a pleasant dignity, and when it is not talked about, it is nothing.

It is impossible to win if you try your best, so you will definitely not fight.

The human bear king who had been standing upright had already started to fall to the ground, even though he temporarily lost a bear paw, his speed in this state was still faster than when he was standing upright!

However, that energy entered its body.

The human bear king saw that his rotten bear paws were recovering at a faster speed. At the same time, the strength in his body became very substantial, which did not allow him to evolve again, and he did not know that he had reached this point. Level, whether it can continue to evolve, but the Human Bear King knows that its strength has increased significantly, and some memories about the Snow Wolf King appeared in his mind and consciousness, as well as... leave a message.

That is to let it help take care of the Snow Wolf Clan!

The Human Bear King quickly forgot this kind of useless information, and his body rose up again. It was still afraid just now, but it felt that it could completely defeat these beings.

It let out the loudest roar since the war started today, its body swelled up, its eyes became blood red, and its paws and claws became sharper.

It activated its passive ability, the power of man and bear!

It can make it increase in strength by 20% in a short period of time. Although the time is not long, it can only last for about ten minutes. After the end, the strength will be temporarily reduced by 50%.

But the Human Bear King felt that now that he had obtained part of the Snow Wolf King's energy, he could completely kill these beings within ten minutes.

Its body shook, and the phantom of a human bear king broke away from its body, and rushed towards Yanggos in the air. The speed was extremely fast, and it was still in the form of a human bear running and charging, so that it was falling Yangos, who was about to attack, couldn't dodge and was hit all at once.

The huge body of the evil dragon lost its balance, rolled in the air for an unknown number of times, splashed a lot of blood and dragon scales, and then fell from the air to the ground, gliding hundreds of meters before stopping, and a lot of snowflakes flew out , exposing the hard frozen soil, but on the frozen ground, a deep gully was plowed out by Yangos' body.

In just one blow, Yangos, who dominated Genting, was seriously injured!

The Human Bear King grinned, very satisfied with the result of the battle, squinted at the two ice birds trying to stop him, and directly slapped the bear paw.

A huge bear paw shadow flashed across the air, hitting the ice bird that couldn't dodge in time.

too fast! After almost human Xiongwang used this skill very similar to Ye Zhongming's glove, he arrived near the ice birds. The two ice birds immediately followed in the footsteps of the evil dragon and were slapped from the air to the ground. Their defense The ability and weight are far inferior to Yangos, and after being shot, he hit a low mountain before stopping.

Almost at the same time, the human bear king stepped on the ground, and countless snowflakes rose from the feet of the red makeup guards. These soft snowflakes seemed to immediately turn into bullets, crackling on the ground. The entire formation of the unprepared red makeup guards immediately became chaotic. The team of more than 500 people, plus almost the same number of war beasts, was staggered by this terrifying group skill, and they were almost instantly beaten to the point of losing their ability to resist. I don't know how many casualties there are!

Ye Zhongming, who had already rushed over from the side, saw his eyes red. He raised the Reaper mimic shooter, put down the roaring mechanic at the same time, and threw out the stick of nature. The first two attacks are aimed at the Bear King, while the latter one activates the water bottle protection and covers the red makeup guards in it. I am afraid that if the Bear King uses another skill, then his own guards will really kill the whole army. Overwhelmed.

Flames shot out from under the feet of the Bear King, and Dihuang Wan, who was already injured, launched an attack, hoping to relieve everyone's pressure.

And the undead ichthyosaur also emitted that kind of black mist again, this time it was even larger than before, what formed was not a silent mist needle, but a shape of flying life, hitting towards the bear king And go, look carefully, this flying life actually looks a bit like a nine-winged crow.

"I haven't forgotten you." The Human Bear King discovered the attack of the undead ichthyosaurus, and spat out a human word from his mouth. The bear hairs on his body began to melt, and after breathing, it became liquid and wrapped his entire body It was frozen, as if it had been painted with white paint, the eyes, nose, ears and even the magic crystal were covered, and then two pairs of bear paws protruded from the ribs and above the buttocks of the Human Bear King, which were exactly the same as the upper limbs. The only thing not covered in white matter is the sharp claws.

In the next second, the Human Bear King began to spin, at a faster and faster speed, and began to move towards the direction of the undead fish dragon. As the speed increased, the hill-like body of the Human Bear King rose into the air, as if it could fly like.

Those three pairs of six bear paws, under the high-speed rotation, form a sharp cutting machine, no matter what it is, as long as it is touched by it, it will be directly shredded!

The black mist shadow of the nine-winged crow collided with the human bear king, and was dissipated immediately. Seeing the dangerous undead ichthyosaur, it immediately flew towards a higher sky, but its speed was not as good as the spinning man Bear King!

Ye Zhongming opened his mouth. He felt that this was the ultimate skill of the Bear King!

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