Roulette World

1579th the spokesperson of the earth itself

This guy's body can be big or small, Ye Zhongming stretched out his hand and pressed it, it was very elastic, cold to the touch, and the leather was very soft.


Now the hell life that has become the size of a car looked at Ye Zhongming with one eye hidden in the upper half of its body, full of doubts.

As if asking, why did you touch me?

Ye Zhongming circled it around and pinched its tentacles. They were also soft. On the west side of the tentacles were thin strips of flesh. It is estimated that they could penetrate into the ground when necessary, Fix yourself in place.

Without any treatment, Ye Zhongming only found a little scar on the lower part of the ball life's body, which is very shallow, probably caused by two ice cubes on the ground and the sky just now.

However, except for the first time, nothing was seen.


The spherical life uttered a simple syllable again.

"Can you understand me?" Ye Zhongming said first, seeing Yuanqiu's ignorant face, he was also very helpless. Could it be that he could only communicate with spirit? Because it is not Ye Zhongming's war beast, although it can communicate with him simply, it is just some simple commands, too complicated ones will not work.

This made him unable to figure out why the orb could stay in this plane, but return to the hell world behind the door opened by the bloodline.

It seems that this will be an unsolvable mystery.

Ye Zhongming is also guessing, when he uses the blood of the hell messenger in the future, will there be any life that will be summoned?

This guy is going to be brought to Sister Hong for research, Ye Zhongming thought, if he finds out why it has such a strong defense, it might give Yunding another leap in strength.

The battle is over, and the ice field seems to be very quiet tonight.

After a good night's rest, everyone continued to head north the next day.

But when Yunding was moving forward in the not so bright sky, a secret base in Wuhuanqian was already in chaos.

Deacon Tong and Deacon Ouyang were in the same room, frowning and waiting for the result.

About ten minutes later, a person hurriedly ran over, sweating profusely.

"Two deacons, the result is confirmed."

Hearing what this person said, the two deacons straightened up subconsciously.

"The life signs of the sixth-ranked Snow Wolf King and the tenth-ranked Human Bear King have indeed disappeared, and the time between them is very short, no more than half an hour."

Deacon Tong looked at Deacon Ouyang next to him, and then continued to ask this person: "Can you confirm the location?"

The man shook his head, "Our life signs are all sent by that machine, and it can only cover half of the country. The northern side has not been the key point for our detection, so the range does not cover that side, only Can scan over there according to the plan during the prescribed adjustment period, at that time, the two ninth-level beings were still alive, and they were near Black Dragon City."

Deacon Tong's eyes flashed when he heard it, Black Dragon City?

This name was unknown in the past. At that time, Wuhuanqian's intelligence department had been eyeing it recently, because there was a piece of purple city defense equipment there, and it was rumored that there was a very good thing in the city, which even ninth-level beings wanted.

For Wuhuan money, these two things are very valuable. If you get it in your hands, you can sell it for several times the price when you turn around.

"During the last scan, they were all in Black Dragon City, were they alive?" Deacon Ouyang asked, and after getting an affirmative answer, he and Deacon Shui had guesses.

Is it really outside the border?

As for the extremely cold place in the extreme north, Wuhuanqian didn't think there was anything worthy of attention except for the unknown witch's palace.

"Oh, it seems that the list of mutated life forms will be updated again." Deacon Ouyang shook his head.

Deacon He Tong ordered intelligence agents to go to Black Dragon City to investigate. It is best to find out the cause of death. In this way, it is also possible to give an explanation to the evolutionists in the country.

The two continued to discuss some things, and then walked out together.

The death of a ninth-level life is gradually becoming less of a big deal. This time, only two of them died together, so the two deacons expressed their concern.

They are more interested in what can kill two level nine lives in a short period of time.

After walking out of that area, I saw Deacon Shui waiting there. Deacon Ouyang smiled and went up to greet him.

Although Water Deacon has gone out independently, he has always maintained an inextricable relationship with Wuhuan Qian. To some extent, Water Deacon is still serving Wuhuan Qian, but it is very free and belongs to cooperation.

"Why do you come here when you have time? After cooperating with Yunding, you are opening up the road and training the team without telling the truth?" Deacon Tong asked with a bit of affection on his face.

Shui Deacon sighed, "I think I'm already able to make troubles, but the one from Yunding is even more, no, I don't know why, he went to the icy and snowy Black Dragon City, and cooperated with the people there. I bought a street to transplant the model of the Puxing Town trading market to it, and as a partner, I also bought a shop there."

"Black Dragon City?!"

Deacon Tong and Deacon Ouyang lost their voices almost at the same time.

Deacon Shui was puzzled, but still nodded, "Yes, I have already visited Black Dragon City through the teleportation array. The shop I personally selected is being remodeled, and it is estimated that it will open in a month."

The two deacons looked at each other, and both saw each other's shock.

Ye Zhongming went to Black Dragon City, and then the two ninth-level beings who were active nearby disappeared. If it is said that this matter has nothing to do with them, no one will believe it.

If this is the case, that is to say, Yunding Villa already has the strength to kill nine-level beings with a lot of high-end combat power without mobilizing large troops!

This is really too scary!

If Deacon Shui hadn't been an ally with them and had brought back this news, it might have taken Wuhuanqian a long time to know that Yunding Villa had done such a big thing quietly!

"We have repeatedly overestimated their strength, but now it seems that we still haven't realized it."

Deacon Ouyang sighed, and got Deacon Tong's approval.

Genting's current strength is really scary.

"Perhaps, we can change our strategy." Deacon Ouyang suddenly said thoughtfully to Deacon Tong.

Deacon Tong's eyes widened instantly, "You don't mean..."

Ouyang just nodded, "That's right, since Ye Zhongming has become so powerful, getting him to meet the conditions as soon as possible will not only temporarily curb the development of Yunding Villa, balance the major forces, but also allow the earth to truly emerge our own spokesperson."

As he said that, Deacon Ouyang's eyes narrowed.

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