Roulette World

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Dad will not forget these two words, nor will he forget the scene he saw next.

He couldn't imagine that a team of evolutionists who didn't even have a thousand people shouted a massacre against a mature base protected by a tall city wall and the number of evolutionaries exceeded 10,000.

He is very grateful to this team, even though today's encounter was caused by them directly approaching him, but in order to cover himself and others to retreat, they sacrificed two people.

Dad knows that he is not irreplaceable, and he also understands that those teenagers can escape with only him, leaving the rest of Dad's team to fend for themselves. He understands this, so he is grateful.

The more this was the case, the less he wanted to see these compatriots being overwhelmed by anger and doing something beyond their power.

Maybe, this group of people is really powerful, and they can really kill all the people in the fishy nest, but how many people will die in that way?

Is it really worth it to avenge two dead people and lose many more?

The old man really wanted to talk about this issue with the young leader, but seeing the calm determination on his face, he knew that any persuasion would be useless.

Another thing surprised him. As a leader, perhaps this Mr. Ye had to make such a decision because he was responsible for his subordinates, but why didn't his subordinates try to dissuade him? You must know that they are the ones who charge forward, are they willing to risk death for a meaningless battle?

At least in Dad's opinion, the battle was meaningless.

During the more than five years of his life in the last days, he has already learned not to fight between emotions.

However, after the word "Tucheng" came out of the young man's mouth, he was completely dumbfounded by what happened.

The first to do it were the female warriors wrapped in thick animal skins.

In fact, Dad has always been wondering why most of the people in this team are female fighters. He could feel the aura of the strong from these women, but these women were a little sick, as if they were just recovering from serious injuries.

He didn't expect that once these women entered the fighting state, they immediately showed an extremely terrifying side. They drew their knives and swung their knives neatly. That long, gigantic scythe that glowed with black light.

A dazzling ray of light passed between those ice bear knights, including the seven-star knight captain, all these evolutionaries just moved slightly before being swept by the ray, and then everything seemed to be still Like.

Whether it was in the eyes of the old man or Ivan on the top of the city, they all saw a scene that horrified them.

The bodies of more than two hundred knights were all cut in two!

It only took a few seconds for these corpses to slide slowly to the ground, but in the eyes of those who saw this scene for the first time, it seemed as long as a century.

What kind of attack is this? Why is it so powerful? Hundreds of people died just like that? !

Dad's hands trembled violently, but he didn't realize it.

Those ice bears sensed the death of their master, and all lost control. Some rushed to the front, that is, the direction of Yunding, and some rushed to the side.

There are other evolutionaries who have not yet reacted to the fishy nest.

Under the city wall, chaos suddenly broke out.

"Kill them!"

Someone in the youth army yelled, and these youths who had been holding their breath for a long time rushed into the enemy's formation like angry bulls.

Without being in their position, it is impossible to understand the feelings and friendships that these teenagers have cultivated during this period of life and death every day.

Each, a brother, sister, and sibling, each loses a soul that breaks their hearts.

They are not universal good-hearted people, they are just selfish evolutionaries, they will not consider other people's emotions, they will only pay attention to their own emotions.

A boy with red eyes,

Turned into killing gods wielding weapons one by one.

In the sky, a piece of fire fell, a giant dragon descended from the sky, flapped its huge wings, and sprayed a mouthful of dragon's breath on the city wall. Large pieces of defensive equipment were destroyed, and many evolutionaries did not know anything. It turned into ashes.

"Dragon, it's a dragon!"

The people who saw this scene were stunned, and there was such a shout in their mouths.

In the eyes of the people in the country, they admit that Yangos is a dragon, but because of the worship of the oriental dragon, the people of the country do not have too much fear of the shape of the dragon itself. What they are more afraid of is the evolution level of Yangos And strength, even that huge body shape.

But in the West, Yangos is a mythical creature, the life at the top of the food chain. Its appearance has plunged the entire fishy nest into a state of extreme panic.

The evil dragon, or the fire dragon, extinguished their resistance consciousness as soon as it was raised.

Even the boss here, Ivan, lost the courage to fight against Yangos after seeing Yangos, turned around and rushed into the city, moving towards the back door.

As the leader, he wanted to run away.

The ice birds appeared from one side of the city wall. They didn't have the domineering appearance of Yangos, but they were silent, but they had fierce killing intent. A sheet of ice fog could turn dozens of people into ice sculptures , After they hit, the ice sculptures turned into pieces.

Jiubao was the first life that rushed into the city. It drilled out from the ground, and started a massacre just by using its huge body. No one here is its opponent. It rolled and flung wantonly in the camp. Without moving their bodies, I don't know how many evolutionaries were directly crushed into meatloaf.

Dihuang Wan turned into a golden light, directly passed through the chaos before the city gate, rushed into the interior, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The red makeup guards started to move forward at this time, and the youth army had already slaughtered the evolutionaries who had left the city, and entered the city with Dihuang Wan.

Some resistance appeared at the top of the city, very sporadic, because the unified command has been lost there.

The female soldiers took out the magic crystal guns and suppressed them in a few seconds. After that, Yangos flew like a life harvester, burning all the enemies he saw to ashes.

When the red makeup guards rushed into the city, Xingwo completely lost the confidence to resist, and these evolutionaries collapsed.

The gap is too big, from evolution level to professional blood, from various skills to equipment, they are several levels behind the elites of Genting.

Even if the number is superior, it will not help. It is almost ten times as big as Yunding, but those who can face Yunding are only about two or three times, so how can they resist.

Now that the boss said to massacre the city, these soldiers began to kill from the gate of the city in a carpet-like manner. They didn't care too much about speed, because the people in the fishy nest couldn't escape. After destroying the city defense, the ice bird and the red-haired undead ichthyosaur had already occupied other exits, and no one could escape.

"Yes, isn't it a bit extreme."

A member of Papa's guard suddenly whispered something.

This changed the faces of his teammates.

They have already seen how cruel the compatriots in this country are. Just now they thought it was unnecessary to do so. Now they have witnessed the eighth-level giant dragon, the eighth-level ice birds, the terrifying undead life and the eighth-level After the mutant dog became stronger, they knew that the fishy nest was over.

In this camp where there is only one Ivan who is an eight-star evolutionary, no force can prevent the people from the national area from winning.

It's no wonder that people say that the city is massacred, and they have the confidence. Even if the evolutionists in the country don't do anything, just relying on these mutated lives is enough to turn this camp into a grave.

What they are worried about now is whether these cruel compatriots are a blessing or a curse for them.

Once you offend them, what if you are also cruel to yourself and others?

But Ye Zhongming who was standing here with them didn't show any anger, he just looked at the corpses on the top of the city and said something lightly.

"If I am not strong, I will also be massacred."

Dad and the others were silent for a while, and said nothing more.

This is the end of the world, where the jungle of the jungle is most vividly reflected.

Weakness is an original sin.

No justice, no evil.

An hour later, the battle was over, and this speed once again left Dad and the others dumbfounded.

Even if 10,000 people stand there and let them kill, it will take a while, right?

But they are relieved to think that a breath of dragons such as Yangos can burn hundreds of people to death.

Killing was fast, but cleaning the battlefield was slow. By the time the entire team had taken all the valuables from the fish nest outside the city, it was already the morning of the next day.

In this battle, only a few people were injured, and no one died. Because the difference in strength is too great, and there is no decent resistance, it is difficult to cause trouble to the Genting fighters who fight with each other in small groups.

The harvest is not bad, more than 100,000 magic crystals have been searched, and the level is not too high. There are only more than 2,000 magic crystals of level 6 and above that can make Yunding fancy, and there are only pitiful magic crystals of level 8. of seven.

In terms of equipment, people in Genting don't pay much attention to it. There is one piece of golden equipment that can be preserved in good condition, about 30 pieces of blue equipment, and only more than 200 pieces of green equipment.

Compared with Genting's all-green and all-blue equipment, it's so shabby that people can't bear to look directly at it.

In addition, there are some materials, scrolls, medicines, etc., which are also good and bad, so Ye Zhongming doesn't like much.

The ones that Mojing and Yunding wanted were set aside, and Ye Zhongming asked Dad and the others to choose whatever they wanted, and everyone could choose ten.

"Well, evolution potion can also be picked?"

These people saw that among the leftovers, there were many evolution potions. Although not too many six-star and above evolution potions had been taken away, there were quite a few five-star potions left.

Among these people, there are only a few five-star evolutionists, and the rest are all four-stars. They have worked so hard to get a bottle of five-star medicine. Now the opportunity is in front of them. Some people can't believe it is true.

After getting an affirmative answer, they ecstatically rushed into the pile of wealth that was of little value to Genting, but a cornucopia to them.

Even the always steady father is the same.

Ye Zhongming smiled, and while these people were picking things, he returned to his tent, where Ivan was curled up on the ground.

Yesterday, he was caught up by Dihuang Wan who was trying to escape, and it only took a minute for Dahuang to defeat and capture this human being of the same level as him.

"Have you figured it out?" Ye Zhongming asked after entering.

Ivan looked up at him, then lowered his head again, remaining silent, just like yesterday.

"I know you can understand Chinese."

When Ye Zhongming gave the order to massacre the city yesterday, the voice spread far away. The evolutionists in other foreign areas looked confused, but this person showed a look of surprise, obviously knowing what it meant.

"Repeat again, tell me what you want to know, I can let you die happily, otherwise you will suffer a lot of inhuman torture until you die, this process is very long, so long..."

Ye Zhongming looked at Ivan whose body was obviously trembling slightly and continued: "It's been so long that you regret coming to this world."

"I need an answer right now, you have ten seconds."

After speaking, Ye Zhongming sat there, quietly looking at the prisoner.

"You, do you mean what you say?"

Ivan's Chinese has some strange intonations, but it doesn't affect Ye Zhongming's understanding.

"I don't really care if you believe it or not."

Ivan, who was still talking about life and death in the fish nest yesterday, smiled bitterly after hearing this answer, took a deep breath and said: "Yakutsk is the largest city nearby, and it is said that there was a beast tide there a while ago. Many evolutionaries have died, including a branch of a very famous force. I heard that the destruction of the branch made the organization headquarters very angry, and sent an expeditionary force. After uniting the surrounding forces, The mutated life in the city was wiped out, the battle was fierce, and until now, no news of the end has been heard."

Perhaps because he opened his mouth, there was no longer any psychological pressure. Ivan said something about the situation in Yakutsk, the distribution of forces around him, and some news he knew, including the name and strength of the organization, etc. .

But Ye Zhongming didn't hear anything about Yupo from his mouth.

"Do you know a female mutant zombie holding a black cat?"

Ivan was stunned after hearing this, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I don't know any mutated zombies holding black cats, but I seem to have heard that among the leaders of the beast tide, there is an eighth-level mutated black cat."

Ye Zhongming raised his eyebrows, and asked some more questions, not just about Yakutsk, some got answers, some didn't, and some repeated questions were suddenly interspersed during the period, according to whether the answers twice The same and Ivan's expression to judge whether this person is lying to himself, the result is still satisfactory, this person should have something to say, I just hope that Ye Zhongming can keep his promise.

"Thank you." Ye Zhongming nodded and stood up to go out. When he reached the door, Ivan suddenly stopped him.

"I, I can join your team and become your loyal subordinate."

Ye Zhongming just paused, then walked out, leaving the last two words Ivan heard in his life.


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