Roulette World

1594 You are the solution (middle)

At the armor level, he had already experienced countless fights. After being attacked, he dodged, turned sideways, and swung his palm in one go. The huge palm turned into a knife and cut towards the red-haired hand holding the spear.

This reaction and response is enough to prove that the evolution of the armor is completely on its own, even in the face of a sudden attack from the red hair, it can still be defensive.

The red-haired man let go of the spear, dodging the armor's attack, and then pushed the gun's tail with his hand, and the gun head whizzed towards the armor's head.

Armor kicked hard on the ground with both feet, and his tilted body bounced backwards. He was extremely flexible, and let the tip of the gun pass by his chest, but did not touch him.

At the same time, both hands lit up, and a wave of energy appeared on them, obviously it was time to use skills.

The red hair grabbed the spear again, and the hair that had grown unknowingly before spread to her surroundings, stabbing out suddenly at this moment.

The armor finally changed color, and both hands didn't care about fully exerting their strength, so they could only strike forward.

Although hasty, this skill still showed the excellent combat power of the armor. The left hand clapped in front of him, forming a light curtain that completely covered the front of his body, and the energy light of the other hand pushed on the light curtain. On the cover, the light penetrated from the position of the contact point, forming a scattered curved surface, intertwined with these long red hairs.

After the crackling sound like popping beans, the armor continued to retreat, neither the mask nor the light disappeared, and the red hair also temporarily receded.

But it would be naive to try to stop redheads just like that.

The spear had already adjusted its position in an instant, stabbing towards the armor. Compared with the previous spear, this spear was significantly more powerful, as if the air had been punctured, forming an air hole visible to the naked eye. The whirlpool, the same red spear tip seemed to have teleported for a while, and after the red hair stabbed out, it appeared in front of the armor.

The eight-star evolutionary let out an ah, and spat out a black ball, which just hit the tip of the spear.

The black ball was like a piece of mud, instantly covering the tip of the red-haired gun, and made the gun body pause. Taking advantage of this gap, the armor covered his face with both hands.

The spear pierced into the armored hands with the black mud, and the huge palms folded their fingers together to hold the gun in it.

Anyone can see that the spear pierced through the armored hands, but strangely, no blood flowed out, and some pure black viscous liquid flowed out.

Pei Jia looked gloomyly behind his big hand, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

His body seemed to be liquefied at this moment, and the same viscous liquid as his hands flowed out from the gaps in the battle armor.

The disgusting-looking liquid didn't just land on the ground, but floated in the air. With the armor's smile, it shot at the red hair like bullets.

The spear was held. At this time, the red hair seemed to have only two options. One was to give up the weapon and retreat, and the other was to use other methods to resist.

No matter what it is, the initiative in this battle must return to Pei Jia.

At this time, many people from Team Armor had already arrived. Their number was much larger than that of Genting. The battle started in various places, but the center and the most intense place was undoubtedly here. Once the armor takes the initiative, it also means the overall initiative.

The redhead chose the first option.

She chuckled and dodged to the side, dodging the liquid and losing her spear.

Pijia smiled triumphantly.

He believed that this gun was the majority of that woman's strength. Its sharpness and speed all meant that it was of an extremely high level.

There is no light now, which means that this weapon is at least the golden level!

Pei Jia felt that he had just obtained a piece of purple equipment, and today could be called his lucky day.

But the next moment his face changed, the red-haired who had lost his weapon had no intention of regaining the weapon, but rushed into the ranks of evolutionists who were fighting the red makeup guards.

Originally, the Armor Team Evolvers, whose number was several times that of others, were at a disadvantage and could only defend passively. The casualties continued to expand in a short period of time. Now that they were rushed in by the red hair, they immediately showed signs of collapse.

The strength of the red hair is far superior to the evolution of these foreign regions. Even if she has no weapons in her hands, every punch, every kick, and every strike of her long red hair can take away a life.

In just a few seconds, she had already killed four or five people, all of whom were at the front with high strength or professional strength. All of a sudden, the other evolutionaries backed away in panic.

Pijia roared angrily, and chased after her with a red-haired spear. The cunning of this woman was beyond his expectations. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to give up his high-level equipment.

The red spear is also extremely powerful in the hand of the armor. He swung the body of the gun, leaped high, and stabbed the red hair straight. Although he did not have the ability of the red hair to penetrate space, it also brought The sharp whistling was obviously extremely fast.

The red hair killed a few people, and when he saw the armor rushing towards him, he didn't take credit for it, and confronted the big black man again.

Facing the long spear stabbing towards him, the red hair didn't dodge, instead he punched, apparently wanting to head-on with the point of the spear.

A cruel smile appeared on Peijia's face.

Even if he hasn't figured out the performance of this gun, he also knows that even an evolutionary who has practiced physical skills cannot be safe and sound under the attack of such a high-level weapon.

This woman is too conceited.

Armored with both arms, the spear was a little faster.

The next moment, the tip of the spear and the fist will meet.


The jaw-dropping scene happened.

The spear in the armor's hand suddenly disappeared!

Afterwards, the red-haired fist landed on the unsuspecting armored body with eyes full of horror.

The eight-star evolutionary was punched flying, and a large amount of black viscous liquid flew out of the armor.

When he landed on the ground and was struggling to sit up, the red hair had already rushed over. The long gun reappeared in her hand at some point, and while she chuckled, the gun pierced through The shoulder blades of the armor pinned him to the ground.

The defeat of the armor directly led to the rapid collapse of the unoptimistic battle situation in the entire town. Within half an hour, all the evolutionists in the foreign area surrendered to the troops of Yunding.

This sudden battle, because of Yunding's haste and dispersion, caused some losses. One boy army was killed and as many as 300 others were injured. After the treatment, I will not be able to fight within a week.

The missing people were found by Xia Bai. They were ambushed by strange professionals. They were captured after a short battle after being affected by some negative effects and binding spells. Several people were lost.

In addition to coveting the magic crystal, those people killed the war beast to vent their anger.

However, because Yunding found them too quickly, and because they had too much blue and green equipment on them, many evolutionists in foreign regions realized some problems, so they haven't been hurt yet.

The armored team lost a lot. Hundreds of people died in a short while, and almost the same number were lying on the ground unable to get up. The rest of the people were gathered in the center of the town, stripped of their equipment, hugged Crouching with his head bowed in the ice and snow, shivering.

After Xia Bai slaughtered all those who participated in the kidnapping as if venting his anger, he gathered with the red-haired Xiao Min and others to discuss how to deal with the aftermath.

At the same time, because Yunding did not deliberately blockade the town when the war started, everything that happened here was passed into the front camp of the human coalition forces through some people who escaped.

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