Roulette World

One hundred and fifty six producer puppet

This is the place where the corpses of the base in the new area are thrown.

Every day, the people at the base would throw the dead people here, because this funnel-shaped batching pool was built on a high platform and enclosed in a sturdy workshop, so there was no need to worry about being found by mutated life, and the corpses could be thrown continuously.

In the last days, it is not surprising that there is a place to dispose of corpses, but Ye Zhongming did not expect that there are so many corpses here!

Even with a rough estimate, there are more than 2,000 corpses in this ingredient pool!

How many people died in the zombie attack and defense yesterday? Just a few days after the establishment of the base in the new area, so many people died?

This reminded Ye Zhongming of the fear and hatred of the survivors in the base towards the evolutionary, and it seemed not without reason.

Ye Zhongming placed the few outdoor lights he brought around the workshop, and the lights illuminated the space. He looked around and found that there was an empty clear water pool on one side, which was very suitable as a blood pool.

Pulling the captured two mutated cows to the side of the pool, Feng Zhiyue opened mouths on their necks, and the thick blood immediately diffused in the air.

"You... what do you want to do?"

Yang Shilong, who was brought here with his hands broken, trembled a little, watching the young man's movements with uncontrollable fear in his heart.

Yang Shilong originally thought he was lucky, from going to school to working, to becoming an evolutionary, and even under the terrifying knife light that night, he survived.

But this feeling stopped abruptly until today, when he met this man, the person who used that knife light that night.

Without any ability to resist, Yang Shilong told everything he knew under coercion, including the gun, the car, and the place where the corpse was dumped, but Yang Shilong felt that this person had no intention of letting him go.

Now seeing him bleeding these mutated animals into a pool, he was even more frightened, wondering if it was prepared for him.

"I just learned a technique." Ye Zhongming concentrated on estimating the blood volume. The blood pool blood volume required for elementary human puppetry is about 500 kilograms.

"You know, you just learned it, and you're not very proficient, so you need to practice."

Ye Zhongming's words were so calm that there was no wave, but they sounded like thunder in Yang Shilong's ears. His body was so frightened that his lips turned purple.

He doesn't know what this technique is, but in this kind of place where the corpse pit with the left hand and the blood pool with the right hand, the fool also knows that it is not a good technique.

"Let it go, let it go, let me go, okay? From now on, I will be your cow and horse, and I will be loyal to you..." Yang Shilong hated himself at this moment for not learning Chinese well. is so scarce.

"Ask these cold, smelly corpses in the corpse pit, and see if they will forgive you."

Ye Zhongming left the two dead mutated cows aside, and the blood pool was preliminarily established.

"It's your turn." Ye Zhongming's smile looked like a devil's smile to Yang Shilong. He roared in horror, trying to escape with all his strength, but in front of the two-star evolved Ye Zhongming, all his struggles were in vain.

All limbs were broken, he lay on the ground crying bitterly, and subconsciously called out to his mother.

Ye Zhongming clenched his fist in disdain.

Human puppetry requires a dying person, and using this Yang Shilong as a material can be regarded as letting this scumbag use its waste heat.


Ye Zhongming's fist did not fall, but moved a few times, and jumped onto the corpse pit.

He keenly caught a sound coming from here just now.

His eyes swept across these rotting corpses, looking for the source of the sound just now.

After only a few seconds, Ye Zhongming found it.

Because this 'corpse' is too conspicuous.

It is located at the top of the corpse pit,

Apparently it had just been thrown in there recently, and it was completely naked. Although almost no piece of skin on the whole body was intact, there was still a trace of the whiteness of a woman, which made her special in the entire corpse pit.

Ye Zhongming hesitated for a moment, held his breath and jumped down.

Turning over the female body that still had a bit of anger, Ye Zhongming was slightly startled, and with his near-photographic ability, he recognized this person.

It turned out to be the woman who was taken away by Yang Shilong and his companions in the market!

Although he had already guessed the fate of this woman, when Ye Zhongming saw that her body was bruised and purple, there were several blood holes and more than a dozen knife marks of different shades on the female characteristic parts, and dozens of wounds on her shoulders and thighs. He still felt a little angry when he saw the burn from a cigarette.

You can kill, but don't abuse.

Ye Zhongming also killed people, but he would not do such things as abuse. This is not a glory to show strength, but a perverted act that only bullies the weak.

The woman's eyes were always open, her breathing was extremely weak, and she might die at any time, but what surprised Ye Zhongming was that she still retained a little consciousness, and felt that someone was coming to her, and her eyes were still facing Ye Zhongming The direction turned a bit.

However, Ye Zhongming, who had seen too many dead people, knew that even if Pu Xiuying was here, applying the nectar technique to her would not help. This woman's body functions and organs had exhausted to the lowest point, and she was bound to die.

The woman's fingers moved, Ye Zhongming saw it, he thought for a while, and carried the woman out of the corpse pit.

When this woman saw the miserable Yang Shi on the ground because of the angle, her eyes burst into brilliance, the hatred even made Ye Zhongming tremble a little.

It was a monstrous hatred to hate a person to the bone, wishing to drink his blood and eat his flesh.

Seeing the scars on the woman's body, Ye Zhongming also understood how the woman felt at the moment.

"I need a dying person to complete a skill."

Ye Zhongming said softly beside the woman, "I don't know what will happen to you in the future, but at least you still live in another way. Relatively speaking, you are more qualified than him."

The woman moved her eyes, wondering if she understood Ye Zhongming's words.

Putting the dying woman into the blood pool, the 300 milliliters of zombie blood collected by Ye Zhongming when he took it out from the space crystal was slowly injected into the woman's carotid artery.

After finishing, he quickly threw five second-level magic crystals into the blood pool, took out a star of potion and poured it into the woman's mouth, and then activated the junior human puppetry.

The mental power that had not been restored to full state was emptied, and the blood pool began to tumbling under the skills supported by the mental power, as if the fire was burning underneath and had already boiled.

The woman's body sank into the blood pool slowly, and the second-level magic crystals that were originally floating on the blood water also sank together. Strands of black energy flowed out of the magic crystals, turning into black lines around the A woman's body is like a shackle.

Then, milky white light emanated from the woman's body, even if her whole body fell into the pool of blood, it couldn't cover up the light. The entire blood pool was reflected somewhat transparently, and the light even illuminated half of the workshop.

Some weird sounds came from the woman's body. Slowly, her body began to rotate at the bottom of the blood pool. The speed was not fast, but extremely rhythmic, and the boiling blood in the blood pool formed a whirlpool.

Ye Zhongming found that the blood of these mutated creatures was rapidly decreasing, and the five second-level magic crystals had disappeared, all turned into thin black threads and wrapped around the woman's body, forming a mysterious pattern.

The whirling nest, bloody water, and female body form a creepy picture...

"Thank you two brothers made of sand and mud for your reward! "

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