Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and two balls

There was never a moment when Ye Zhongming was so powerless to resist.

It's not that he has never faced the existence of level nine. The Holy Father, King Kai, Nine-winged Crow, Snow Wolf King, and Human Bear King are all real level nine. Even after his strength continues to improve, he can already compete with Snow Wolf King. This presence hits a dozen.

Although you will lose, it is definitely not powerless to fight back!

But at the entrance of this narrow cave, Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai had no room to turn around, and when these white threads came entwined, they couldn't escape.

Under other circumstances, the two of them could still choose to fight recklessly, but at this time, the resilience of these white silks made them helpless.

Just like when facing Yu Po was caught and couldn't cut off the white silk.

The body was entangled, and a huge force came, Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai felt as if their bodies were about to be strangled.

The magic crystal rose to the top of the cave with the support of Bai Si, and looked down at Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai below. Although it was impossible to express any expressions, it gave people a clear sense of greed and evil.

Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai felt that this guy was full of appetite for them.

Xia Bai didn't resist at all, she wanted to hurt herself more severely, preferably in a near-death state, so that she could deliver her strongest blow, what she had to do was to cut off all these white threads.

The strangely evolved features prevent her from being restrained like Ye Zhongming, and she can control the sickle to appear from her side.

Xia Bai knew that she had to do something to save Ye Zhongming whose second life was still cooling down, and if he died, he would lose the elemental spirit forever!

The King of Cloud Top was also thinking about countermeasures. The equipment on his body made him in a much better state than Xia Bai who hadn't resisted.

Ye Zhongming can now think of something that might have some effect, that is, Ling Xiao's cutting, and using all his mental strength to give it a go.

It's just that this requires a lot of risk. Now that the arms are tightly wrapped around the body, Ling Xiao's cutting is very likely to cause harm to himself.

What to do, to gamble or not to gamble?

Ye Zhongming could only choose to gamble.

He hoped that the purple gloves and Ling Xiao's cutting characteristics could get him out of the current predicament.

Some faint light came from the glove, which was a sign of the activation of the skill.

Ye Zhongming's mental power began to surge towards the glove crazily, and he made a decision in his heart, but he was also very depressed.

This ninth-level life is too special, so special that I don't know what method Ye Zhongming should use to solve it.

Now, it is completely forced to do so.

Just when Ye Zhongming was passively about to use Ling Xiao to cut desperately, a black energy hole appeared on the ground below the white silk magic crystal, soundless and odorless.

Before, because the two sides entered a state of battle, no one paid attention to it, but it was only at the beginning that they didn't notice it. Now, the energy hole is wide enough, and both Ye Zhongming and the ninth-level white silk life have discovered it.

A sphere slowly drilled out from inside.

This guy is not big, the diameter of the ball's body is at most two meters, there are some long soft tentacles growing on the ball, and the whole body looks full of elasticity.

This... Ye Zhongming opened his mouth slightly, and he didn't know how to describe his current mood. Isn't this the hell life that was summoned after activating the bloodline last time and called by many red makeup guards?

Ye Zhongming's surprise suddenly dropped by half.

He knew why this guy came.

Although he didn't bring it with him when he came here, because it was the summoned life of the bloodline, when Ye Zhongming activated the bloodline again, it was summoned here from the Genting team outside the city.

It's just... Ye Zhongming smiled wryly in his heart, even if it's Nine Treasures, he can use the venom to see if it can have an effect on these white silks, but it happens to be Qiuqiu!

Or the lightning sand monster is also fine, shouldn't this guy appear immediately? Why is it gone?

Qiuqiu is a perverted defensive power, and he still has such a lot of strength,

But it doesn't work for Baisi!

Baisi Life also saw Qiuqiu, and it was not polite. Several white silks flew out quickly, and immediately entangled Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu has eyes, but they are relatively small, so you can't find them unless you look carefully. It uses its small eyes to look at the white silk hidden on its body, and whines twice.

Because of this accident, Ye Zhongming temporarily put away Ling Xiao's cutting, and he didn't want to work hard if he could not.

But when he saw that it was Qiuqiu, his hopes were dashed, and he was about to send out a Lingxiao cut again.


Qiuqiu was lifted near Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai. Its body was originally elastic, but under the entanglement of several white silks, its body was strangled and deformed, as if the plasticine was strangled by shoelaces.

He looked at Ye Zhongming with a bewildered expression.

Ye Zhongming was so angry that he was helpless, this guy, can't he see the situation clearly? Even if the attack is useless, you should do some resistance, okay? What are you looking at?

At this time, Bai Si seemed to have lost her desire to play with cats and mice, and the bulge on Bai Si began to appear. Whether it was Xia Bai or Ye Zhongming, they were immediately pierced into the body by this bulge, and the hard armor unexpectedly It doesn't work at all!

Ye Zhongming smelled the breath of death, and felt the energy start to lose, and his body felt numb.

He knew that the structure of the white silk that penetrated the body carried paralyzing toxins!


Over there, Qiuqiu made such a sound again. It no longer looked at Ye Zhongming, but looked at Baisi who was entangled with him. Obviously, Baisi was also attacking it.

Qiuqiu's defense is extremely tenacious, no amount of strength and sharp claws of a ninth-level being like Snow Wolf King and Bear King can really hurt Qiuqiu.

But now, Ye Zhongming saw that Baisi had pierced into Qiuqiu's body.


The syllables uttered by Qiuqiu are still the same, but there is a different meaning in them.

According to Ye Zhongming, this he angry?

Ye Zhongming saw that Qiuqiu, who was often kicked around by Yangos and Dihuangwan these two days, slowly opened a small gap not far below his eyes.

There should be its mouth, right? Ye Zhongming thought so.

In the next second, he saw that the area around Qiuqiu's mouth shrank a bit, and after that, a ball of mucus flew out.

The muscles on Ye Zhongming's face were twitching.

What does this Nima mean? Being caught and unable to resist, spit at the other side angrily? !

Can you be more childish? Is this the only form of attack you have besides hitting with your body?

As the king of Yunding, Ye Zhongming suddenly felt blushing.

What a fucking shame!

However, when these thoughts were still echoing in her mind, she suddenly felt her body relax, and Bai Si let him go!

Ye Zhongming looked at the white silk magic crystal, and saw that the ninth-level magic crystal, which looked down on him like a god, was wrapped around an unknown number of white silks. Wiping something frantically.

The King of Cloud Top turned his head somewhat awkwardly, and saw that Qiuqiu, who had also recovered his freedom, had a few tentacles bent and crossed at his waist, and the remaining one was pointing at the life of Baisi who had fallen into a frenzied state.


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