Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and six

Bai Feng stood on the roof, with five of his subordinates behind him.

Looking at the dense crowd of corpses below, Bai Feng was in a trance. The picture of hanging out with a woman holding hands appeared in his mind. A spoonful of Haagen-Dazs was sweetly shared, and he walked for hours without getting anything. The joy of buying, and the self-deception that no one saw each other's stealthy kisses, all this seems to have happened yesterday.

A zombie raised its head occasionally, and there were no eyeballs in the empty eye sockets. It was not a human being who saw the roof of the department store. It might just be unconsciously moving, but Bai Feng, who was in deep thought, suddenly woke up.

The former life, former people, and former emotions are no longer there. Now, it is the cold end of the world.

Bai Feng, who originally had a little softness in his eyes, became firm again.

"Boss, someone is here."

Bai Feng's eyeballs moved, a person was flying towards the east building.

Yes, fly here, but it's not that he can really fly, but that he has a simple flying machine on his back.

The speed is not fast, but it is very stable and quiet, which means that the chance of being discovered by flying mutant animals and plants will be much lower, and the security is naturally high.

"The boss of the youth mercenary group, Lei Dongbao."

The corners of Bai Feng's mouth twitched, thinking of those guys in their twenties who were arrogant, and felt that this way of appearing was really suitable for them.

"Boss Bai, we haven't seen each other for a few days since we killed that third-level mutant cockroach together last time."

Lei Dongbao flew over quickly, and slowly landed on the roof of the building. The engine of the aircraft behind him was turned off, and he walked to Baifeng's side with a smile.

"It seems that Dongbao got something good again." Bai Feng said, looking at the aircraft behind Lei Dongbao, and when he looked away, he glanced at the pocket at his waist.

Lei Dongbao chuckled: "It's rewarding, but compared to you, Boss Baifeng, it's just drizzle."

Bai Feng paused for a while, then turned his head to look in the direction Lei Dongbao was flying from, and said with a smile, "It seems that you don't trust me, Dongbao."

The boss of the youth mercenary group was not at all surprised that the most powerful man in Yingcheng found out that he had brought his subordinates, "No way, it's just that this time, Boss Bai, you brought so many people here. I'm also afraid that there are so many people. no."


A huge roar of the engine came from the other side of the street, and a heavy-duty mixer rushed over like a monster, and the zombies along the way were smashed to pieces by the modified big guy. a path.

"Lao Li..." Bai Feng and Lei Dongbao looked a little embarrassed, watching the blender whizzing downstairs, four or five people jumped out of it, and threw their flying claws one by one to the fourth floor He quickly climbed up the window, and after repeating this action twice, he reached the top of the building.

"Hello, Boss Bai, yo, isn't this Xiao Dongbao?" A bearded man dressed in greasy clothes waved a huge hand that was also greasy, and greeted the bosses of the two forces.

"What, wait a minute, I'll let my little treasure drive away first."

finished speaking,

He poked his head out of the roof, waved his hand at the unmanned but still roaring mixer, and the vehicle continued to roll forward. After a while, it was hundreds of meters away, and suddenly made a few circles , killed many zombies around it before stopping and turning off the engine. A group of attracted zombies surrounded this huge monster, but it was doomed to be in vain.

Bai Feng and Lei Dongbao glanced at each other. While they were a little disdainful of this extremely loud way, they also saw a little envy in each other's eyes. This old man was a car repairman before the end of the world, and he also got a The profession of 'driver' has a lot of unimaginable ability to control vehicles. In the entire British city, Lao Li's Lihou team is the most mobile force. They can rank third among all forces. It matters a lot.

Almost at the same time, the screams of ah ah rang in everyone's ears. When everyone looked back, there was a figure flying over from behind.

This 'fly' is different from Lei Dongbao's fly just now, this one is more like jumping from a distance, and the distance is crossed by inertia rather than other power.

Everyone looked behind this person, and saw dozens of people gathered on the roof of another building. In the center of the roof was a huge trampoline. At this moment, a person was jumping on it, and the speed was getting faster and faster. , At a certain moment, he suddenly exerted force, followed the trajectory of the first person, and ejected towards this side.

Lei Dongbao chuckled, "This is the one who is ranked fifteenth, from the Silver Pie Team, right? I heard that most of them are from the provincial and municipal trampoline teams. It's really funny. They won't all be there. Fly over here, this distance...however, is a hundred meters, and they are not afraid that they will not be able to calculate it and fall?"

Bai Feng was not happy, his eyes fell on the trampoline far away, and then shook his head: "No, at least the strength of a two-star evolutionary is needed to accurately cross this distance."

Oh? Lao Li brought people over, heard what Bai Feng said, and looked at the trampoline thoughtfully.

After all the five members of the Silver Cake Team arrived, each team that received the invitation letter appeared one after another, in different ways and each showed their abilities. Some sneaked up directly, some shot a steel cable with a gun and slid over, and some rode flying. Among the battle pets, some used their professional skills to rush up, and there was even a person who performed a high-altitude tightrope walk.

In short, the way of appearance is very strange, but to a certain extent, it also reflects the ability and type of individuals and teams.

These things are actually very valuable information. Bai Feng set the meeting place at this location, so it can be said that he has a better understanding of various forces at once, which is very clever.

"Hey, isn't that the woman Sasha? Why is she here?"

Lei Dongbao was slightly surprised when he saw a woman leading a person sliding over the steel cable left just now.

This time, the Renxing team invited all the top 20 factions in Yingcheng, and there were a few for the factions that specialize in trade. The team ranks more than 30 people, and the boss is somewhat of a beauty, even though this beauty has an ugly birthmark on her face.

"I just sent it in yesterday, because after updating the ranking today, her team is ranked twentieth."

"Twenty?" Lei Dongbao was startled: "This jump is fast enough."

"I heard that they got a lot of one-star potions." Bai Feng replied lightly. Obviously, he didn't care too much about the following teams whose rankings often changed drastically. He knew that these people were studying with the prince today. Role.

Seeing that Shasha was bringing people, some forces who had dealt with her went over to say hello.

Bai Feng looked around for a week, silently counting the incoming forces, and frowned slightly.

"What's the matter, Boss Bai? Are you all here?" Luan Cheng, the general manager of Xingmei Company, asked.

"There's still one left, if they don't come within three minutes, then we won't wait..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a slight uproar from some people. Bai Feng followed the prestige and saw a team of twenty people appearing at the bottom of the department store.

Many people looked at the equipment of this team and raised their eyebrows subconsciously!

Sasha, who was also quietly watching the team in the crowd, was shocked when she accidentally saw a young face inside.

The young man also just raised his head, saw Sasha, smiled lightly, and waved his hand.

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