Roulette World

1609th book of keeping the promise

On the ice surface, some black sticks stand there, like protruding flagpoles.

This is a very common life in the north, and it mostly grows in places with water, on the ice of lakes or seas.

Their round roots are in the water under the ice, and the magic crystal is also there. The black stems sticking out of the ice and yam are very hard, covered with dense thorns, and in other parts of the stems, there are some small The hole emits a special smell from inside to lure the mutated life on land.

Once a mutated life can't resist the temptation of this smell, and its body is pierced near these stems, energy will be absorbed immediately. This mutated plant called 'Ghost Narcissus' will simultaneously inject strong paralyzing poison into the target The body, making them unable to resist, can only be sucked alive into a mummy.

This smell has no effect on humans, and ghost daffodils are too easy to identify, so normally, these things are not a threat to evolutionaries.

Even evolutionists like to encounter this kind of thing very much. As long as they don't get touched by these flagpole-like stems, they can cut through the ice surface, dig out their roots, and get magic crystals.

If you are lucky, you may even meet a high-level ghost daffodil.

Of course, if the ice surface breaks open, the whole ghost narcissus will lose its fixed object. This thing is very heavy, and the evolutionary cannot touch it, otherwise it will be sucked out of life, so it can only wait for the opportunity to dodge. If you are unlucky, It may also be touched and lead to tragedy.

But in any case, the ghost daffodils have basically been dug up and extinct in the lakes and streams in the human activity area in recent years. Only in the sea can there be such mutated plants in such a large area.

If evolutionists see this kind of mutated life in normal times, they must be smiling, which means that they can harvest a lot of magic crystals, especially those in front of them now. There are eight thousand if not ten thousand. Looking at the height of some of them, It also looks like level five or six, that is, magic crystals of level five or six. Once they are all dug out, it will be a windfall.

But now, these things that usually send money have caused a feeling in everyone's heart at the same time-despair.

This piece of ghost narcissus is on the way for everyone to escape. If you have time, you can naturally cut off these stems and pass through, but now even if you delay for a second, you will be crushed into meat paste by the huge iceberg behind.

Many people frantically attacked these mutated plants with skills or long-range skills. They didn't know if they could smash all these things.

Many people opened fire because of this, and the entire human fleeing army entered an attack state in a moment.

With so many people and such tyrannical firepower, the parts of these ghost daffodils standing on the ice were broken off one after another. However, because there is no unified wisdom, and the evolvers are moving at a high speed, many skills are biased, or concentrated in one place, and the divisions are uneven. After their attacks, this giant 'yam' is still left After a while, it just stood in front of the evolutionists.

Everyone was ashamed.

They have no second chance to attack, and the iceberg behind them is close at hand.

Turn around and attack these icebergs? It's not like no one tried it just now, but what happened? The skills of the ninth-level life, when they are so huge that they seem to lie between the sky and the earth, the strongest blow of everyone may break them, but it is impossible to completely destroy them, the best In the end, it was nothing more than breaking them. However, even if these ice cubes were broken, they were still tall buildings and buildings for evolutionists. They were pressed down with the power of top-level life. difference?

Maybe it is for the highest level of evolution, but for the vast majority of evolution, it is not.

Ye Zhongming raised his head and poured a bottle of high-level mental power recovery potion into his mouth, and directly absorbed a few eighth-level magic crystals, which were converted into mental power through Xiang Liang.

This suddenly increased the mental power that was already only a quarter left,

But it was only about half of the full state. He turned around and drew the broken soul bone staff, and launched an attack on an ice mountain behind the cloud top.

Now in this situation, he can only use this simple and rude way.

Soul Crusher, a Horcrux that consumes more mental power and becomes more powerful, is most suitable for use in this kind of scene. To attack this kind of target that cannot be avoided, Ye Zhongming rarely uses it when fighting alone, because the opponent does not know how to use it. Will stand there stupidly waiting for you to fight.

However, although the soul-crushing bone staff is good, it consumes too much mental power. Ye Zhongming only kept a little amount for himself to continue fighting, and input the rest into the bone staff. After such a beam of light flew out, he opened the main Countless fragments flew out of the iceberg at the back, and most of them flew in other directions, but some still came towards the Yunding team.

Ye Zhongming put away the bone stick, and together with the eighth-level beings in Yunding, continued to intercept the pieces and cover the retreat of the Yunding people.

Several other teams also showed their special abilities, either constantly opening up a smooth front road, or using attacks to deal with the back road.

After the impact of these huge ice blocks, several teams were a bit miserable.

Of course, this misery is different.

The tragedy of the Gyanendra team was the loss of many machines and chariots. At the critical moment, these technological products from all races in the universe once again demonstrated their strangeness and power. The power of several machines self-destructing made the ice surface They all collapsed and I don't know how big the area is.

The misfortune of the Alamos team is more due to the consumption of those genetic lives, which are also self-destructed. Their damage to dead objects such as ice cubes is far less than that of mutant lives, so they paid more. At the same time, a type of genetic life is also exposed, which is a kind of existence that can emit a beam of light that can freeze the target, and has the size of an ordinary adult. It has no head, a broad upper body, and a fleshy ball-like lower body. while rolling on the ground.

It's just that the beam of light emitted by this kind of life from its wide upper body seems to be related to the size or strength of the target. Ten of them emit this beam of light together, and it can only stop the largest iceberg for a while. Seconds, only dozens or hundreds of them launched together can play a role.

No way, Alamos' team and the Mottled Crusaders were the slowest. After the crisis, Alamos' team lost more than two hundred genetic fighters of various types.

As for the Mottled Crusaders, they did act in an orderly manner, but in the face of this unreasonable iceberg, there was not much this legion could do. Even if they performed extremely well and left thousands of people behind, they were still The teams with the most casualties lost about 2,000 people at once.

The ogre chain is also very miserable. The miserable thing is that they have an explosive that they don’t know what it is. Blast off and let the iceberg sink.

Ye Zhongming can do it if he wants to break through the ice, but he can't break through an area large enough to sink an iceberg in a short time.

This shows the power of this explosive.

The price of such a powerful thing must be extremely high. If you use so much at once, the ogre chain must be in pain.

Genting is also miserable, to be precise, it is embarrassing.

Because Ye Zhongming and other high-level existences fought desperately, turning the iceberg into a small iceberg, and turning the small iceberg into a big ice cube, and the other people in Yunding had a high evolutionary level and strong strength, so although they were embarrassed, the injured Quite a few, but the death toll was only two. One was from Team Dad, and the other was a member of the Boys' Army, because their previous injuries had affected their strength.

After several teams rushed out, they didn't dare to stay longer, and continued to move forward. There was another abnormal sound coming from behind. It is estimated that the ninth-level life form attacked again.

Even Ye Zhongming didn't care what it was, they had already distanced themselves from the ninth-level beings, and when there were no energy fluctuations within the range of perception, he should run farther.

After a loud noise, everyone felt that the entire ice surface was shaken, and then there was a crackling sound. Everyone is too familiar with this sound, the sound of the ice cracking under their feet.

Everyone fled even more quickly, for fear of falling into the sea.

A few minutes later, everyone finally felt a little safe. Many people looked back and saw that hundreds of meters away from them, the entire ice surface had cracked, and the sea water was churning, making these ice blocks like small boats rippling in the ocean.

Farther away, the ninth-level monster had already exposed most of its body. It looked like a demon god, and the part it had seen before was only a fraction of its body. Considering that it still has a body of unknown size under the sea surface, the mere shape of this life is beyond the cognition of evolutionists.

The second time just now was not an attack at all, but this guy's body rose from the sea water and knocked the ice away.

Looking at the big guy thousands of meters away, everyone just took a look and then continued to leave.

I don't know if it was because of the appearance of level nine beings, but during the next part of the journey, several teams did not encounter any danger, passed the white-collar seafood smoothly, and reached the North American continent.

After entering Alaska, several teams obviously became full of hostility, because this road is not far from the place where the Mountain King Plate appeared. Even if the environment here is harsh, they can't walk for many hours a day, but they will arrive within a week.

At that time, everyone will be the real opponent.

After crossing the Bering Strait, due to increased vigilance, several teams have separated and chose different paths, so that perhaps it can be easier for each other.

But things are not absolute. On the second day after arriving in North America, Genting's team was intercepted by Alamos.

It's not about doing something against Genting, but... negotiating.

"Buy equipment? Buy potions?"

Ye Zhongming was a little surprised that Alamos made such a request. Under his influence, it is more likely that this person came to assassinate him than ask him to cooperate.

Alamos smiled wryly, "Ye, it's not surprising. I know how you are in the country. Equipment and potions have always been the two major sources of income for Yunding Villa. You can just treat me as a buyer." .”

Ye Zhongming took a look at this technology madman, and it didn't look like a fake from his expression, but he couldn't figure out why.

Things are abnormal!

"But we...are not friendly."

There was a direct confrontation between each other, a life-and-death struggle, even two days ago, each went their own way because they were on guard against each other.

After two days, we will be able to cooperate?

Ye Zhongming had to be cautious in North America where he was not familiar with.

"There is no permanent enemy, is there?"

Alamos said one more thing, seeing that Ye Zhongming was unmoved, he knew that if he didn't show some sincerity, he would definitely not agree.

"If Ye agrees to sell what I need, then I can withdraw from the competition for the king of the mountain."

Seeing Ye Zhongming's raised eyebrows, Alamos directly took out a book, which Ye Zhongming recognized as the 'Book of Obedience'.

Just like that kind of contract scroll, the book of compliance is also a thing to ensure the integrity of both parties. It's just that compared with the strictness of the contract scroll, which means that if you violate it, you will die, this kind of book can be "bargained" by both parties.

For example, if the two parties have agreed on a matter and are afraid that the other party will break the contract, then they can write conditions on the contract, stating what the punishment for breach of contract will be. You can write in some of the skills, occupations, bloodlines and even limbs of both parties, and you can also write in various items. Both parties agree, sign, and this contract becomes.

When one party can't do it, then according to the above, they have to accept punishment.

If the written default conditions are skills, occupational blood, etc., then these abilities of the defaulting party will be erased. If what is written is an item, then the item belongs to the other party.

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