Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and thirteen forces gathered (below)

"adkaehnnga, wongn, aeangnad, aa, eaonedngaeaakeng..."

The melodious music floated in the entire hall, and a person, like a lonely ghost, was moving back and forth in the hall.

He sometimes closed his eyes and hugged, sometimes turned around one after another, sometimes raised his head and sang silently, enjoying the loneliness with his eyes closed like a ghost.

In this very large hall, there are many machines of various forms, and there is only one life.

"Hey, Angie, how are you? Are your joints still hurting? Last time I gave you a hurricane gilt to mend it. It should be fine."

"Oh, it's just too expensive, you have to be good, otherwise I won't treat you so well."

"Hey, Pu Dongzheng? What's wrong with you? Why are you bending over? Is this spear too heavy? It doesn't matter, just hold on, it will be fine soon."

"Hey, Great Emperor, hello, are you still so tall? Let me see, ah, your teeth are a little rusty, I have to take care of you, um, take care of it, but this time there is no time, Next time."

"Da Leopard, Da Leopard, you are the most obedient. I like your metal armor the most. It is full of strength and beauty. How about I choose you as my mount?"

"Yeah, I almost forgot about you, Ono-kun, you are my car, but I'm a little tired, I want to do a close fight, what do you think?"

This person is constantly talking to this kind of machine in the music. It is strange that whenever he talks to a machine, some lights will always light up on these machines, as if they are responding to him.

In this way, this person, talking to this machine, danced by himself, playing songs in unknown languages.

After a while, something suddenly lit up on a crystal screen in the center of the hall. The person walked slowly and saw a mountain peak shining with light.

He chuckled, and stroked the head of a mechanical rabbit that was only as big as his knee.

"Yeah, it's started!"

A long-awaited smile appeared on the man's face.


In a dense forest, several kilometers of plants have been cut down.

In Alaska, because of the climate, there are not many plants that can survive, and this behavior is usually regarded as an outlier.

At this moment, in this open space, a not-so-large but very strong camp was built at some point.

There was a lot of people inside, many people were drinking and eating meat, and there were some mutated beings leaning on several huge bonfires. Because this place is a little far away from the North Pole, the wind is not as strong as the Bering Strait, so the whole camp is full of wine.

Now is the end of the world, everyone is an evolutionary, and wine is no longer intoxicating.

Beside the bonfire in the center, there were six or seven people sitting around. One of them, a big man in white animal skin, was pouring alcohol into his mouth. He drank a bottle of 700ml spirits in one gulp, and then threw the empty bottle into the Behind, there, already dozens of bottles.

"Hey Drew, do you want to drink to death? We're here for a purpose, not to get you drunk."

A man with blue pupils said dissatisfiedly, the dagger in his hand flew up and down, evenly cut off the flesh on the leg of a mutated life, wiped the red pepper, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed.

"I can't get drunk."

The big man hummed twice and replied.

Although evolutionists can't get drunk now, if they drink too much in a short period of time, it will still cause dizziness and a decrease in reaction force. As for how long it will last, it varies from person to person. If the evolution level is high, this time will naturally be very short.

"The governor called us together, is there any dissatisfaction with you?"

The other person is very thin, and has a third eye on his forehead. Obviously, he is an evolutionary pupil technique. When he said these words, the eye in the center of his forehead would occasionally open, and it was pale inside.

People will feel eerie when they see it.

"Shut up, damn thief, dirty liar, disgusting beggar, you (cousin) raised gypsy."

Drew roared angrily, and threw a wine bottle over. The huge force caused the howling wind, and when it reached the three-eyed man, it suddenly stopped, and gradually twisted, and finally turned into nothingness.

After defusing Drew's attack, the gypsy said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to have a conflict, they both shut up at a certain point.

A person was opening the curtain from a tent not far away, and everyone looked at it collectively. Through the door, they saw several female corpses in strange shapes.

When the curtain fell, the mountain-like figure blocked the situation inside, and also blocked the blood that floated out.

"No, the level is too low, and you will die if you play around. I still think Ella is better."

Everyone sitting around the campfire stood up and said hello.


The governor nodded and walked with some difficulty. Because he is too fat.

The whole body only covers the lower body, like a Japanese sumo wrestler. But he was even bigger, with the flesh on his torso and limbs drooping downwards, giving him a disgusting visual experience.

But no one dared to underestimate this person, the meat was not fat, but caused by this person's special occupation and bloodline, and he was recognized as one of the strongest in North America.

Governor in spades.

"Sit down, sit down."

Spade found a seat, sat down with a bang, and the whole camp was shaken. After sitting down, someone immediately handed over a piece of the most tender meat.

While eating, the governor of Spades glanced at the few people who had just clashed with him with his almost invisible eyes, and said with a smile: "Don't hurt everyone, we are all here for this special roulette space. Yes, we have many opponents, such as the women's battalion, those women are difficult to deal with, and the guy who is a mechanical ghost will definitely come. I heard that there are also people from other continents, such as those yellow-skinned monkeys in Asia, so, we Be united."

Everyone listened and didn't speak.

"Although the mountain crown will belong to me, there are other excellent rewards in the space of the roulette wheel. You won't come in vain, and the rewards I give you are also good things, right? So everyone Be peaceful."

After finishing speaking, the governor's face suddenly changed, and it was as cruel as his voice!

"Otherwise, I don't mind eating you at all."

The others trembled subconsciously. Governor cannibalism is nothing new.

The governor took out a watch from the only piece of cloth on his body, glanced at it, then raised his head, looked at the mountain not far away, and murmured that it was time.

In the next second, the mountain was full of light!

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