Roulette World

1617th open

"Spades, you won't just use these news to perfuse us?"

In Governor Spade's camp, dozens of people sat around the bonfire. Although they are the leaders of various forces, with high evolutionary levels, they are not afraid of the cold here, but they can have such a warm fire source next to them. They are still happy to enjoy a little comfort.

The one who spoke was a thick man with two mechanical arms but no arms. Judging by his complexion, he looked more like someone from South America.

Among these dozens of people, there are no more than five who can speak in this tone to the fat and mountainous Governor Spades. The man with the mechanical arm is one of them. He is the head of the Thick Union, Broken Arm Vincent.

"The news... isn't enough?"

Spade smiled and looked at the broken arm Vincent, with a good temper.

But everyone else felt a little cold.

"You know, it must be more than these, more detailed than these." Broken-arm Vincent said without giving in, looking at Spades.

Others naturally knew this was true, but no one dared to say it.

Governor Spade sneered, and the flesh on his body trembled accordingly.

He didn't answer, but he did.

Let's not talk about how he knew the news, but he must have paid a big price. Spades must have wanted to use the news to gain greater benefits in the roulette space. How could he tell others in such detail? .

Now I want to disclose a little bit of information to everyone, in fact, it is because of the pressure from those outsiders. Spade means that everyone should not kill each other in the initial stage, and be taken advantage of by outsiders.

Of course, there is also the meaning of receiving benefits. After all, these undetailed news also require money.

"In this case, there is nothing to say."

Broken-arm Vincent stood up, led his men and left on his own.

"I wanted to pinch his neck and stuff his rotten arm in his mouth."

Spades said with a grin, and the others echoed with a smile.

Given the chance, Spades would really do it, everyone believed that.

"Big Z, tell me about the situation."

Spade said to a skinny man in a clown costume with camouflage all over his face.

"It's very tricky. That team is composed of women and children. The individual combat effectiveness is very high. There are many beasts and excellent equipment. The strength is far from what gender and age show. I estimate that the evolutionary level is between six and seven stars. , Among the equipment, there are a lot of blue ones. The evolution levels of those war beasts are also good, there are five levels, six levels, and seven levels. It is especially important to note that they have a very strange and powerful standard weapon."

After finishing speaking, he paused for a while, as if to let everyone digest what he said, and then continued: "The force with many strange machines is also very strong, and those machines have powerful attack power. Basically, my people can't reach a hundred. Within meters."

"As for the guys in Europe, they are full of wildness. The mutated polar bear cavalry is very strong, and it is unstoppable to charge. This is where I invested the most troops. I rushed in, but was killed by these cavalry, and lost thousands of soldiers."

"As for the others, I don't have enough manpower, so I don't have any temptations."

After listening to this skinny man in makeup, everyone was a little silent, waiting for the governor to make a decision.

In fact, they don't mind swallowing these foreign forces, but it requires a leader, and it is best to bear the loss of being a leader.

Governor Spade said to the clown that I will supply you with manpower, then he lowered his head and began to gnaw on a thick hind leg of a mutant life. The bloody one was completely raw, and even the bones were directly crushed, crunching. The voice was cold.

You know, the governor is thinking about the pros and cons.

You know, the people gathered here are only about half the number of North American forces who came here, and the other half are watching. If they make a move, it will be easy to say if they succeed. Once they act, they will be disrupted or even attacked. , then the result is not good.

Spade stuffed the last bits of bone into his mouth,

There was a sharp look on his face, obviously a decision had been made.

High risks naturally mean high returns. As long as these foreign forces are eaten, then these people's equipment, property, and magic crystals of war beasts will all be theirs, which is a fortune!

But before the fat Mountain of Spades could speak, the top of the mountain, which was only shining slightly, suddenly burst into light, and black lines poured down from above.

These lines were extremely fast, and soon reached the bottom of the mountain. At this time, they had become dark cave entrances!

Many people who saw this scene were horrified and inexplicable. After the black hole stopped, they suddenly realized.

The Mountain King Disk is on!

These people were stunned for a moment, and then they dispersed, leaving behind the fat man with a regretful and complicated expression.


Ye Zhongming slipped his hand, and the golden equipment he was manufacturing failed.

But he didn't have time to worry about those materials, but stood up hastily, because a huge black energy channel had opened on the side of the Yunding camp near the mountain.

It's like a big mouth, trying to swallow everything.

"Boss, we have checked, and the other positions are still the same."

Xiao Min efficiently did what Ye Zhongming needed her to do in advance. Her advance work clearly told the King of Cloud Top that now, only this black passage that suddenly appeared can be entered.

Ye Zhongming nodded, and simply ordered everyone in Yunding to enter.

This black channel must be a signal for the opening of the Shanwangpan space, and there will be no danger.

The people in Yunding gathered quickly, and then everyone distributed a firefly-like item of that bright color, and entered the black passage one by one in a short time.

When his eyes went dark and then brightened, Ye Zhongming's eyesight recovered.

The front is still icy and snowy, but you can't feel the cold. Everything around you is very real, but it seems to be a distorted picture, giving people a very strange and uncomfortable feeling.

Behind him, soldiers from Yunding kept appearing, and they all arrived in a few minutes.

Including yangos, including undead ichthyosaurs.

The former was the last one to come in. The dragon came quickly after noticing the strange shape on the top of the mountain, and it didn't take too long at its speed.

Although the transformation of the latter has not been completed, it is lazy, but it can move. At this moment, some flesh membranes have appeared on its body, and it will not be long before real flesh and blood will grow.

After counting the number of people, the Genting team proceeded cautiously.

The surrounding scenery seems to be a bit static. Except for the people in Yunding, there are no other people or life. Ye Zhongming thinks that it should be Shanwangpan who separated these people on purpose. Because everyone used the zero-point firefly, Ye Zhongming is not sure now whether each force is carrying out the task together, or randomly assigned some people together.

He thinks the former is more likely.

If this is the case, then the cooperation with the ogre chain is basically meaningless, unless the competition for the final reward has not yet started when they meet later.

The others also silently watched their surroundings, fully on guard.

Some vibrations came from the ground, and the frequency was getting faster and faster. On the distant snow field, a black line appeared and was approaching quickly.

Everyone in Yunding knows that the first test of Shanwangpan has arrived!

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