Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and twenty-six engraving machines

Still three things.

A chest, an item and a sculpture.

Ye Zhongming opened the box. As he expected, it was filled with the brown stones that make up the flaming stone man. It was hard to see if there were any lines on it, but it was also very smooth. It didn't feel hot to the touch, but rather cold to the touch. of.

The total amount is about the same as the stone cavalry obtained in the ice and snow. It seems that this is the unified reward for each level.

Without spending too much energy exploring these stones, Ye Zhongming looked at the second item.

In the first level, the second kind of reward was the peculiar 'refining furnace', which Ye Zhongming also didn't have time to use, so he was very curious about the rewards of this level.

"Carving machine!"

This is a strange machine with a circular platform and sixteen mechanical arms. Each mechanical arm has very sharp alloy needles of different thicknesses.

Next to it are some buttons with a very obvious sense of technology.

Human refining furnace, tattoo carving machine...

Are these two things related?

Ye Zhongming looked at the swamp and lake in front of him, and ordered everyone to take a break. He wanted to study these two things. If they can be used, it might be easier to go on.

As for whether the fighters in Yunding will be allowed to rest here, let's not worry about it for now.

There is also the third thing, the sculpture of the flame stone man, Ye Zhongming just put it away and didn't pay attention to it at all.

Taking out the refining furnace from the space and placing it next to the engraving machine, Ye Zhongming began to study it.

The morale of the entire Yunding team is not low, but it is not high either. After all, the battle just now lost some companions, and everyone was injured. The scald caused by the magma did not disappear with the disappearance of the lava hell. Constantly invading everyone's body.

The healing potions and healing crystals have been used, and a lot of pain has been relieved. However, the wounds left by this magma obviously carry a different kind of toxin. Although the effect is there, it cannot be removed immediately, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover. The bursts of negative stimulation from the nerves all reminded the soldiers in Genting that they were facing an unknown road ahead.

The female soldiers of the Red Makeup Guard were comforting the young soldiers who were relatively emotionally volatile. During this period of getting along, the relationship between the two parties was very good, and these children were taken care of like younger brothers. The perverted women who looked like murderous gods to outsiders showed the brilliance of women that they thought had disappeared, which greatly boosted the atmosphere within the Genting team.

However, although after half a day of intense battles, the team has been reduced and everyone has been injured, but now everyone's temperament has improved a lot, especially these young soldiers, everyone has matured a lot, His body was a little less serious than he pretended to be even if he survived in Black Dragon City, and he was a little more calm and tough, and his eyes were filled with the qualities that an elite fighter must have.

Although the number of this youth army is constantly decreasing, in these two battles, it has already caught up with the average level of Genting fighters and has become a truly qualified Genting main fighter.

"Swamps, puddles, lakes, wormwood...what could be here? Clay figures?" Xiao Min was in charge of the realm himself, looking at the scene in front of him and said softly.

"The road is not easy to walk. If you march in a hurry, you won't be able to maintain your formation." Xia Bai seldom spoke, and it was the same at this time. The red-haired one answered.

They are strong, and their injuries are not serious, and they are the first to recover.

"Just hit it."

Xia Bai's voice was emotionless, but the other two were used to it, and it was already a great face to be able to open their mouths to speak.

"This is much more difficult than when Neptune was at the plate." Xiao Minmin said with emotion.

"We are also much stronger than that time." Xia Bai really wanted to go ahead. She had never been afraid of fighting, but now that her companions had not recovered well, she was restraining her desire to fight.

She was the only one who didn't heal her injuries, and she even hated the body's ability to heal itself,

Because this will 'affect' her combat effectiveness in the back.

"Wouldn't it be frighteningly difficult to do the Heavenly King Pan?" Xiao Min giggled, showing an eagerness similar to Xia Bai's.

"I'm more interested in the ability generated after all three pieces of master equipment are assembled."

"You have confidence in the boss."

The conversation between Hongfa and Xiao Min made the corners of Xia Bai's mouth twitch, and then she suddenly turned her head and looked in Ye Zhongming's direction. She felt that there was an inexplicable aura just now.


Ye Zhongming looked at the stone man in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched a little.

He spent a certain amount of time studying the refining furnace, and found that it was a device that could refine puppets.

However, not all puppets can be refined, but only the template puppets allowed by the above can be refined.

As for what a template puppet is, Ye Zhongming didn't know it at first, but then he suddenly remembered those two statues, so he put the stone cavalry statue and the flame stone man statue into it.

Sure enough, the types of puppets that can be refined by the refining furnace have changed from zero to 2.

It is not enough to have a template that can be refined, and materials are needed. Ye Zhongming checked it out. The most core of the materials is the two boxes of stones obtained. Only one piece is needed to make a puppet. Magic crystals and all kinds of things that are only limited by categories.

For example, the manufacture of stone cavalry requires materials derived from riding life, bonding materials, special additives, and so on.

There is no limit to what it is, but the type is limited, and the strength of the stone cavalry produced is proportional to the level of the magic crystals of these materials.

Ye Zhongming happened to have all these materials, and he also wanted to see what the special puppets that could be refined looked like, so he put in materials and a stone and carried out a refining process.

The refining process was very fast and smooth. When a flame spewed out from the refining furnace and opened it again, a stone cavalry appeared.

Yes, it appeared, if Ye Zhongming didn't lower his head, he wouldn't be able to see it.

Is this Nima a dog cavalry?

It's still a medium-sized dog cavalry, not even a large one!

Ye Zhongming felt it carefully, this is a rubbish stone cavalry with a strength of more than three levels.

He used the most advanced materials! There are also nine-level materials added to see the effect!

Use the least materials that can produce golden equipment, and finally come up with such a thing?

Ye Zhongming felt that today was the most humiliating day in his craftsmanship history.

However, Ye Zhongming was only slightly disappointed, and finally controlled the third-level stone cavalry to walk to the engraving machine.

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