Roulette World

1630 6 ways

In the last days, most emergencies mean accidents, and accidents often represent fighting and death.

So when this person suddenly appeared, Genting's team made a move.

Here, there will be no allies.

Including Ogre chains.

On the way forward, no one is a friend.

Even if the Ogre chain cooperated very well with Genting before.

At least half of the red makeup guards took action, while the rest took the initiative to take a step forward and took a defensive posture.

The light all over the sky instantly covered the exit of this black hole, and also covered the person who walked out first.

However, a mask appeared to block these attacks, and the skills and strength of hundreds of people were easily blocked, and the mask did not waver in the slightest.

Ye Zhongming couldn't do this. If so many red makeup guards attacked him together, he wouldn't dare to face the edge.

This only shows that this is not allowed by the rules, and attacks are not allowed.

The person who appeared was obviously terrified. He stood there without moving for a long time. Through the energy shield, everyone could see the sweat on his forehead.

The man staggered suddenly, almost fell, and rushed forward a few steps before stopping. Behind him, a shirtless man pushed the man away and came out.

After that, there were evolutionaries and war beast machines one after another. They knew that they were protected by energy shields, and they would stop on the side of the shield as far as they walked out of the black hole, and they would never come out.

Xiao Min waved his hand, and a team of red makeup guards rushed over. The distance between them was nothing at all. The team rushed to the side of the energy shield in a few seconds. Knowing that the skills were not easy to use, they waved their weapons. They passed, but they were still blocked. These female fighters were not surprised. Their bodies then bumped into it, but it still didn't work.

This energy shield divides the evolutionists here into two distinct parties.

There was loud laughter from the unknown forces on the opposite side, and the embarrassment of the red-makeup guard soldiers being ejected from the energy shield made them feel happy.

The team returned in vain, Xiao Min did not take any other actions, and Ye Zhongming had to make the decision on the following matters.

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything, just watched and waited quietly.

About ten minutes later, no new evolutionaries appeared in the opposite black hole, and a team of evolutionaries with a number of about 4,000 people stood opposite the cloud top at a not-so-fast speed.

"The trials are starting, please choose the method."

A harsh metallic sound suddenly reverberated in the space, and many people who have entered the special space are familiar with this sound.

"Method 1, the peaceful method, the two parties can negotiate to let one party withdraw from this test. The withdrawing party will not be punished in any way, and will receive corresponding rewards based on the performance of the previous three levels. The other party will not receive rewards, but can continue On to the next test,"

The voice stopped after saying this sentence, as if giving time for both parties to think about it.

Whether it is this new force or Yunding Villa, they are all surprised by this selection method to advance. Is this a chance for everyone to regret it?

Also, this negotiation is a bit of a joke, right? It's all here, who wants to quit?

"Method 2, selection type. The two parties decide who will enter the next level through the space setting method. The losing party will not be punished, but will not be rewarded after exiting the space. The winning party will get a certain reward."

"Method 3, group arena. The two sides will compete in the form of individuals and teams. The winning side will continue to enter the next level and get excellent rewards at the same time. The losing side will be sent out of the space and will also get certain rewards."

"Method 4, cutting-edge competition. Both sides choose one person to have a decisive battle to determine the outcome. The winner will get an excellent reward and enter the next level. The loser will be sent out of the space and will not receive rewards."

"Method 5, team competition. The two sides will fight as a team, and the winning side will get a lot of rewards and enter the next level. The leader of the losing side can choose to surrender when necessary,

At the end of the battle, you will be sent out of the space and will not receive rewards. "

"Method 6, luck match. If both parties choose this method, they will conduct some tests of luck. The winner will get excellent equipment and enter the next level. The loser will be sent out of the space and suffer random punishment."

The voice uttered six ways of playing in one breath, which made everyone present feel a little dizzy.

This is different from writing the conditional data on paper for people to read and study before making a decision. It is completely listening to it and letting you make a decision. This is a test in itself.

Evolvers have very good memory, they can remember these words, but they have to remember and analyze the pros and cons, which will definitely cause some troubles.

The voice immediately rang out, the voice from Yunding's side was very low, it was some members of the Boys' Army who were communicating in low voices, and the expressions on the faces of the soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards did not change.

The other party was a bit confused, they had everything to say, and the voice was loud, as if all the members were discussing.

"To shut up!"

A voice suddenly sounded, making everyone in this newly emerged force silent. Yunding also heard it, but many people showed strange expressions, because the voice...was a little immature.

Sure enough, a figure with a height of only one meter came out from the crowd, with a sound of golden armor, holding a halberd of the same golden level in his hand.

The blond hair, white tenderness, childish voice, and the long halberd, which is only two meters long but much taller than its height, form a rather strange picture.

"Please choose the method, the remaining time is five minutes."

A reminder came from the space, causing everyone's expressions to tense up suddenly.

"Who is the boss on the other side, come out and talk to me."

The child who looked at most seven or eight years old walked to the edge of the energy shield, looked at Yunding and shouted.

Ye Zhongming touched his chin and walked over with a half-smile.

The two looked at each other through the energy shield.

As he got closer, Ye Zhongming felt more and more, this...let's count him as a child for the time being... This child is really beautiful, and it is not too much to describe it as powder carved jade. Take a picture and put it on the Internet, there should be many big girls and young wives who are crazy about this exquisite Zhengtai.

"Give you a chance, choose method one, you quit, so you can still live."

If it were an adult who said this, Ye Zhongming wouldn't feel anything, but when a gentleman who was not as tall as his waist said it to him seriously, he wanted to laugh for no reason, and laughed, silently, with the corner of his mouth The warped kind.

Who knew that this kind of inconspicuous smile aroused the fury of the child's thunder, pointed the halberd in his hand at Ye Zhongming, and shouted in his immature voice: "You ignorant and stupid person, your contempt has angered me!" Me, now I won't give you a chance to choose method one, I want to compete with you in method four, and I will kill you!"

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