Roulette World

One thousand six hundred thirty-two light and shadow arena

"It's that person!"

A female soldier of the red makeup guard said something, and everyone recognized it. The person from the opposite force was the big man who came out with his upper body naked and almost pushed the first pathfinder down.

Apart from his huge stature, the people in Yunding really didn't think there was anything outstanding about this man.

"Let me do it."

The red hair said this while looking at Xia Bai.

Xia Bai looked at Ye Zhongming, then hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Having been in contact with the redhead a lot, Xia Bai knew very well that when he was not injured, his combat effectiveness was inferior to that of the redhead.

Of course, if she was seriously injured, then she should be a little better than the redhead. But counting the war beasts, Nine Treasures against the undead fish and dragons, she is not as good as the red hair in terms of overall strength.

This gap is very small. Sometimes it is not fixed, because the two people have never really competed, and it is impossible to prove who can survive to the end in a real life-and-death struggle.

However, Xia Bai knew that her fighting strength would double when she was injured. When facing the enemy, she might be instantly killed in the early stage. From this point of view, she was not as safe as Hongfa. That's why she quit.

"Don't worry, I have changed a little recently."

Hong smiled, as if telling everyone that she had regained a complete life.

The two made a decision, Ye Zhongming didn't say anything anymore, he nodded at the red hair.

The red hair walked between the two sides and stood about ten meters away from the strong man.

The entire space changed suddenly, and the rest of the place became pitch black, only the two people in the middle were surrounded by bright light, some energy lines appeared from the void, and they were quickly intertwined around them, and soon a shape was woven Beautiful arena.

"The first single-player battle begins, and the time is ten minutes. Within ten minutes, one party dies or surrenders. The game ends. The winning party can choose to accept the surrender, or continue fighting until one party dies."

"If the time runs out, if the two sides have not yet decided the winner, then the side with the most remaining physique points will be the winner."

"If the winning individual wins by killing the opponent, the shorter the time spent, the higher the reward. The initial reward is A9 level, and the reward will increase by one level for every minute spent less. If the victory is won within one minute, then the reward is S- Level. The team to which they belong will receive corresponding B9-B1 level rewards, the highest being A9 level rewards."

"If the individual of the losing party is defeated, the affiliated forces will not be rewarded. If the defeated party surrenders and admits defeat and is allowed, then the individual will be rewarded with a D9 level, and the affiliated forces will be rewarded with an E9."

"If the two sides need to judge the victory based on their physical fitness points, then the victorious party will personally receive a B9-level reward, and the faction it belongs to will receive a C9-level reward. The loser will personally receive a C1-level reward, and the faction it belongs to will receive a D1-level reward."

As soon as these rewards were announced, everyone who heard them was at a loss. After all, no one knew what the rewards with letters were, but they could tell that killing the opponent would definitely get the best rewards. The shorter the time, the better. , if you kill it within one minute, you will get an S-level reward.

Thinking about all the magic in this roulette space, everyone thinks that the S-level rewards are probably very good, and may be golden or even purple-level.

The rewards are attractive, but not so easy to get. If you want to get the best level, you need to have completely overwhelming strength.

No one can tell the outcome before the fight. After the light and shadow arena appeared, all the other people who were hidden in the darkness became nervous.

"Ahan killed him!"

Such a sentence suddenly exploded from the team hiding in the darkness opposite, followed by loud cheers, followed by various cheering voices mostly with slang and dirty words.

There are few people in Yunding, and the red makeup guards have not yet made a sound. Only the youth army is not far behind to cheer for the red hair, and the momentum is naturally much smaller.

On the light and shadow arena, the big man named Ahan seemed to be inspired by his own cheering, and entered a state of rage. He opened his arms, showing off his strong muscles, and roared at the red hair from time to time.

"The physique points of both parties are 6789 points for the Yunding Villa side."

The cheers and howls were interrupted by the sound without any effort.

"Hidden Snake Journey, 4780 points."

On the top of the light and shadow screen, the physical point values ​​of the two people appeared.

As a result, the cheers and cheers from that side did not sound again.

Everyone doesn't know what physique points are, but it's not difficult to understand. It's nothing more than something like the blood volume in the game.

But one 6789, one 4780, the gap is a bit big, a full two thousand and nine points more. One is a delicate-looking woman, and the other is a majestic man. The difference in gender and body shape compared to the difference in value makes the two sides look a little dramatic.

"The game is about to start, enter the ten-second countdown, 10, 9,..."

The two people in the light and shadow arena were much calmer than the people below. They stared at each other closely. When they heard the sound of the countdown, they each made some actions.

The red hair pointed at the ground with one hand obliquely, and a red spear appeared in his hand, and the red armor on his body spread to the uncovered areas, changing from a set of simple armor to a full body armor.

The red scales on the armor covered the spear, and the two sides merged into one.

"Physical points of Yunding Villa Fang, 7131 points."

A change that increased the redhead's physique points by hundreds.

Ahan's breathing became heavy, and his already burly figure swelled up a lot. He put his hands into the pockets of his leather pants that were close to his legs, took out two balls of butter-like stuff, and quickly spread them on his bare skin. The skin on his body immediately glowed with oil, and under the light of the light and shadow arena, he could clearly see some tiny substances wriggling on it.

"Hidden Snake Journey Fang, physical points 6660."


Looking at the changes in the above values, the team of Hidden Snake Journey let out a sigh of surprise.

Although there is still a gap between this point and the red-haired one, the gap has narrowed rapidly from more than 2,000 to less than 500 now.

"1, 0...start!"

With an order, the two people in the center of the ring rushed forward at the same time, and the red gun shadow and the strong man's waving hands collided together.

It's hard to imagine how much courage and self-confidence it takes to block weapons with flesh and blood, but this man named Ahan did just that, his hands became incomparably huge, grasping Live the red-haired spear!

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