Roulette World

1638th double race (on)

The two people Xiao Zhengtai pointed at took two steps forward and stood on the edge of the ring, as if they had been waiting there for a long time.

There was no expression on their faces, nor did they respond to Xiao Zhengtai.

It's just that the little Zhengtai Adam didn't care at all, he just looked at Yunding side with a little excitement, as if he was fantasizing about the victory, fantasizing about getting the five-level reward.

For this young lady, Ye Zhongming and everyone in Yunding had doubts in their hearts.

He gave the impression that he was...playing.

Yes, just not seriously.

How can a boss who doesn't even care about sacrificing the lives of his subordinates become the boss?

In essence, as the leader of a team in the last days, it is true that he wants to plunder the interests of his subordinates, but this does not mean that he can dry up the marshes and burn the forests to hunt. Stupid people will leave you too.

Also, the roulette space of Shanwangpan, or all other roulette spaces or even the entire roulette end of the world, is like a game, and every survivor knows this, but as long as the spirit is still normal and has not entered a state of madness Evolutionary will not really treat this as a game, because once you fail, there will be no chance to start again.

This little boy is quite different from Adam. He feels like he is playing a game. As long as he wins, he can ignore everything else.

Ye Zhongming didn't know if it was his own illusion or what, but he really felt this way.

"Please ask Yunding Villa to choose a player."

The space began to prompt the people from Genting to play.

The militant Xia Bai unexpectedly did not move. Think about it carefully and you will understand.

In the remaining single match, Ye Zhongming will definitely play, she has no chance. The Battle Beast Competition is naturally also excluded. The rest are pairs and fives.

Xia Bai's fighting style is not suitable for cooperation. Ye Zhongming is the only person in this world who can make her cooperate willingly, so it is not suitable for her to play in the double competition. The five-player competition is different, Xia Bai can be the strongest point as the arrow, and the other four cooperate with each other to fight.

Xia Bai couldn't join, Ye Zhongming couldn't join, and among the remaining people, the most powerful were Xiao Min and Dai Zhi, the vice-captain of the Red Makeup Guard.

Xiao Min grew up to be the actual commander of the Red Makeup Guard, and Dai Zhi's help was indispensable. The latter was also the third commander when Xia Bai or Xiao Min were no longer there.

The two usually cooperate with each other, and they understand each other very well. They are both eight-star evolutionists with sufficient strength. They are the most suitable players for this round.

Ye Zhongming nodded in agreement, and the two walked into the light and shadow arena with a light door opened, followed by two war beasts behind them.

Regarding the ability of the Beast, it has been temporarily released, after all, there will be a Beast Competition in a while.

After the two sides entered the light and shadow arena, this beautiful energy structure was closed again, the surroundings became dark, and this place became the focus.

"Toilia!" the man from Hidden Snake Tour said indifferently.

"Melfis!" The woman beside him said the same thing.

It's just that their seemingly polite behavior became more like a demonstration or contempt because of their expressions.

Because no one saw a trace of other emotions from their expressions, some just didn't care.

This kind of person is either extremely indifferent to others, or extremely indifferent to himself.

In short, don't care about life.

Although people in the last days are all cruel and ruthless people, but if you really want to say that you don't care about life, there are actually only a few of them.

"The countdown to the double match begins, 10, 9,..."

With the sound of the space prompt, Xiao Min and Dai Zhi's war beasts started to activate their abilities.

Xiao Min's war beast is of the fighting type. It is called Red and White Simba by everyone, and its nickname is the Soul-destroying Two-color Lion. It is now at the seventh level and can be used as a mount at ordinary times. When fighting, it not only has the agility of a mutant cat , strength, sharpness, and all other characteristics,

It can also issue some skills that affect the mental state of the evolutionary, making it a good combat partner.

And Dai Zhi's war beast is a fully auxiliary type, called the three-headed spirit bird, with three small heads facing three directions.

When needed, each small head can emit two different singing voices, producing different effects. At the same time, singing with three heads can also gain another ability.

The three-headed spirit bird, which is also at the seventh level, is one of the few natural full-power existences among the many war beasts in Yunding.

One of the three spirit birds opened its mouth and uttered a melodious cry with an incomparably beautiful melody. As she sang, Dai Zhi's body emitted a faint yellow light. Unobtrusive, visibly gaining a buff state.

The other head also began to chant afterwards, and Xiao Min and her war beast also had light, but it was light blue.

"The Song of Fearlessness and the Song of Lightness."

Ye Zhongming said the names of the two buff states in his mind.

The three-headed spirit bird gave its master Dai Zhi a song of fearlessness. This kind of buff state can allow the evolutionary to increase the physical value. Although the value is not much, it is an overall enhancement, and the spirit will become tough. Mental impact skills, the impact can be reduced or even immune.

At the same time, the pain nerves will become less sensitive, and the body's feedback on the injury will be reduced, so that the combat effectiveness will not be affected by the injury.

The Song of Lightness applied to Xiao Min increases her agility, whether she is fighting by herself or riding a red and white Simba, it is of great help.

Seeing the two vice-captains of the red-makeup guards mobilize, the youth soldiers couldn't help shouting.

The two people from Hidden Snake Journey just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. They held hands together and stood facing each other.

And then... the kissing begins.

This scene silenced the young soldiers who were still cheering and cheering just now.

It's not because of the cigarette (xiangyan) scene, but the other party's behavior is too weird.

In the eyes of everyone, during the countdown of the last few seconds in the space, the two people began to mutate.

Yes, mutation.

I saw the bodies of both sides................................................................................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………

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