Roulette World

1645th do not fight back

Yang Gesi's swear words were all on his lips, but after seeing who it was, he lay down on the ground and uttered a series of low-pitched dragon language from his mouth. He didn't know what it meant. A pair of long eyes looked at the ground, as if It looks like a flower there.

Dihuangwan sniffed, looked at Ye Zhongming helplessly, and then sat down, habitually opened his mouth, and panted with his tongue out. In fact, it no longer needs to release heat in this way.

Everyone in Yunding looked at the life that entered the ring, and their faces twitched a little.

Is this guy considered a war beast?

What went in was the undead ichthyosaur.

It is the red-haired mount. For a long time, because the red-haired status is quite special, everyone regards her as a unique existence in Yunding. The undead ichthyosaur is also treated in this way. It and the red-haired are more like companions, comrades-in-arms , rather than war beasts.

In fact, the undead ichthyosaur is indeed not a war beast.

But when this guy walked into the light and shadow arena, the arena was blocked, obviously recognizing his identity as a war beast.

Many people are aiming at the red hair, is this recognized as a human being by the roulette system?

The undead ichthyosaur at this moment is not quite like an undead life, it is more like a... dilapidated doll.

Of course, this 'doll doll' is too big.

Before, the body of the undead ichthyosaur was growing flesh, but it was not so obvious. Now, those blackened bones have been completely wrapped in the newly grown flesh, and the white hole crystal that caused all these changes is completely missing. No trace.

However, because the change or evolution of the undead ichthyosaur has not been completed, it has been lazily following in the team. Everyone believes that this process should continue until the end of this special roulette or even longer.

But now that the undead ichthyosaur directly appeared on the stage and was recognized, everyone in Genting couldn't figure out whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Normally, the undead ichthyosaur has no problem dealing with this big centipede. Although the mercury centipede is a level eight life form and is very fast, this aspect is also the specialty of the undead ichthyosaur. As for the hardness of the carapace, coincidentally, so is the undead ichthyosaurus. There is also toxicity or something, which is useless to the life of the undead.

It can be said that the undead ichthyosaur is the one that conquers the mercury centipede. It played more reliable than Yangos Dihuang Wan.

But at this moment, it is a little uncertain. The big guy is in the process of evolution, his body is tattered, and he is still growing flesh. What should he do if he is injured? What happens once you lose your poison immunity?

Not to mention not being rewarded after losing, wouldn't it be too unfair if he was killed? You must know that the undead ichthyosaur first obtained the inheritance of the nine-winged crow, and then obtained the white hole crystal. This time, the evolution is basically moving towards the ninth level.

This is a ninth-level embryo.

If something really happened here, Yunding would suffer a great loss.

"Please choose whether to increase the reward."

Ye Zhongming naturally would not agree to the sound of the space prompt, but Xiao Zhengtai Adam once again chose the reward with the highest multiplier.

"Hell is the best place for you, kid." The middle-aged man said to him calmly when he saw that the little Zhengtai Adam's finger pointed to the people on his side following the prompt of the roulette space.

"It's okay, you can't see it." Adam replied, and he was the first to choose this middle-aged man. Under his fingers, a complete evolutionary turned into a blood mist that filled the sky.

Then, amidst the curses of the crowd, one evolution after another died following Adam's choice.

When the number reached the requirement, the rest of Xiao Zhengtai's team looked at Xiao Zhengtai with hatred in their eyes.

But Adam didn't notice it, or in other words, he didn't care at all. He just looked at the mercury centipede, hoping that his war beast would win back the game for Hidden Snake Journey.

The battle began as the countdown ended, and the mercury centipede moved first. It turned into a silver light and rushed towards the undead ichthyosaurus, which seemed to be very slow in any movement.




The sharp multiple legs and teeth of the mercury centipede instantly left many wounds on the body of the undead ichthyosaur,

Those newly grown flesh and blood tissues were cut open, but no liquid like blood flowed down.

The undead ichthyosaur still did not fight back, but turned its body seemingly randomly following the attack of the silver centipede.

Everyone in Genting watched anxiously.

For the huge body of the undead ichthyosaur, perhaps the wounds left by each attack of the silver centipede are not too large, but the number of wounds increases sharply in a short period of time, and it is very dangerous to add up.

Why not fight back!

Everyone in Yunding has this doubt. The poisonous mist emitted by the undead fish and dragon, or its own body, are very powerful means of attack. In a limited space like the light and shadow arena, it is these abilities that can be perfectly displayed. place, why let the opponent attack?

Ye Zhongming looked at Hongfa, because the undead ichthyosaur was not his beast of war, and he couldn't have a spiritual connection with it. He wanted to see if Hongfa got the message from her partner.

But seeing the red-haired slightly frowning Ye Zhongming knew that the undead fish and dragons also didn't give her any feedback.

Fighting, no, the attack continued like this. In just over a minute, the mercury centipede had already left no less than a thousand wounds on the body of the undead ichthyosaur. This made the already tattered ichthyosaur body even more tattered, and a lot of newly grown flesh fell to the ground and was cut from the body.

When the time reached the third minute, the mercury centipede stopped for the first time. It was still chewing the pieces of meat it had torn from the undead ichthyosaur. It had swallowed an unknown amount before.

Its body is even brighter, and the silver carapace exudes a seductive halo. As long as it moves and makes a sound, it must be that pleasant sound, like the sound of metal colliding.

Even the color of its magic crystal has changed slightly.

"Haha, what are you idiots doing here by yourself? Are you giving food to my beast? There is still a lot of energy. Look, my beast is evolving! Evolving!"

Xiao Zhengtai is like a gambler whose eyes are red when he loses. When he sees that the situation is favorable, he will yell and laugh to express his emotions.

Ye Zhongming watched calmly, turning a deaf ear to Xiao Zhengtai's clamor.

He saw that although the undead fish dragon was seriously injured because it didn't fight back, its body was as stable as a rock, standing just like that in the center of the ring.

The mercury centipede looked at the opposite side with its compound eyes, suddenly raised its head and hissed, and then spewed out an unknown amount of black venom from its mouth!

In the arena of light and shadow, the stench was incomparable.

However, at the same time, Ye Zhongming caught a very anthropomorphic smile on the face of the undead fish and dragon!

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