Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and fifty-five, just kill it

"Two in one~~~"

"Boss Ye, go grab a passage first."

Wu Xiu's complexion was not very good, and it would not feel good for anyone to be stared at by this invisible. Just now, when no one was competing for five minutes, and we will see you soon, such a missile with little power and no real effect flew again.

Regardless of whether you care about it, its attack is effective and will be recognized by the roulette space, so the calculation of the occupation time will start again.

The people in the ogre chain can't send people to find them, otherwise this channel will be handed over to others, and it's very aggrieved to stay here.

Wu Xiu knew that it would be useless for Yunding to stay by the side in this situation, so she told Ye Zhongming to let Yunding find his own channel, so as not to waste other people's time, and promised that the previous agreement would count.

Ye Zhongming thought about it and agreed.

It has been a while since the start of the competition, and Ye Zhongming is not sure if anyone has already occupied the passage. He must prevent accidents from happening.

Take the fact that he asked Xia Bai to harass the passage next to him, if it wasn't for the fact that the organization occupying it wasn't particularly strong, the occupants had changed hands several times, and Xia Bai was still down there helping this one to fight that one, it might have been was completely occupied.

Ye Zhongming feels that putting himself in an invincible position is the top priority at the moment.

After saying hello to Wu Xiuruan Xiao, Ye Zhongming led people to Xia Bai's place. As for this side, the ogre chain strength is relatively strong anyway. If there is an irresistible attack, send someone to notify Yunding to come over Also in time.

Soon, the large army joined Xia Bai's team.

Ye Zhongming glanced at the current situation, frowning slightly.

There's clearly some confusion here.

Because the main task of Xia Bai's team is to disrupt the situation here so that no force can occupy the passage.

It can be said that Xia Bai's mission was completed very well, and he successfully turned this passage into a chaotic one.

Counting Yunding, there are actually six factions gathered here!

Compared with the theoretical value of an average of three factions per channel, there are obviously too many teams here.

It's not that there are really several forces fighting desperately here, but that three of them, like Genting, only sent a small team to look for opportunities.

Obviously, many people did not put Bao on a channel.

This is also understandable. When everyone is very strong, keep an eye on the situation in other places to see if there is an opportunity to take advantage of.

It is the most scientific way to obtain the right of passage at a relatively low cost and accumulate enough strength for subsequent battles.

After living in the last days for so long, no one is a fool.

"The people here are very cunning. They will count the number of attacks. Once the force occupying the channel has defeated four attacks, the fifth time, they will definitely swarm up and drive that force down. They will not let a force Stay quietly on the aisle for five minutes."

Dai Zhi came here with Xia Bai just now, knowing that the captain would not say this, so he took the initiative to report the situation to Ye Zhongming.

"The force occupying the channel now is said to be called Hurricane Corona, which is more prominent among all the forces here, but it has already occupied the channel once, and was collectively kicked out at a key point. Now it is the second time to occupy it. This time it seems very With a confident appearance, he has now repelled three attacks."

Ye Zhongming listened, but his eyes did not fall on the passage, but looked at other forces under the passage.

"We were very cautious and didn't want to occupy the passage, so there were no casualties, only a few minor injuries."

Dai Zhi's report ended here, and the whole team fell into silence, waiting for Ye Zhongming's order to attack the channel.

Ye Zhongming remained silent for a long time.

Everyone could not help but cast doubtful eyes on him.

"You said, if we occupy this channel, will there be that kind of missile appearing here, so that we can never lock the ownership?"

Xia Bai, red hair, Xiao Min, Dai Zhi and others didn't speak.

I don't know what Ye Zhongming's purpose is for saying this.

"Let's go, let's get started."

Ye Zhongming waved his hand, and everyone couldn't help but look in the direction of the wave.

It's...under the tunnel.

That is, the ring mountain road where other forces are located.

Many people were slightly taken aback, but subconsciously launched an attack.

How easy is it for Yunding's team to attack, and what happened suddenly, even though the forces on the ring mountain road were wary of the new arrival of Yunding, they did not expect that they would all attack themselves fiercely.

This is also human nature, because in terms of numbers, no matter how you look at it, Yunding does not have the strength to launch such an indiscriminate attack.

It is not easy to withstand Yunding's attack when you are fully prepared, let alone the current situation.

The few fighters from the Red Makeup Guards and the Youth Army rushed into this group of evolutionists from the foreign area.

Blood or life, at this moment, is as cheap as rotten cabbages after the autumn harvest.

At this scene, the team that was still on the passage was stunned. They didn't understand that their side should be the target of the attack, right? Why would this new team help him?

Soon, they understood that this team was not helping themselves.

It took only two minutes for Yunding to defeat the evolutionists on the ring-shaped mountain road in front of this passage, some standing behind fled, and Yunding did not go after them.

Afterwards, Yunding had a very tacit understanding that the youth army cleaned the battlefield, and the rest of the people all turned to face the team on the passage.

After a few seconds of silence, the team made a decision. They voluntarily gave way to the passage and retreated in the opposite direction.

Around this channel, only the top of the cloud is left.

After occupying the passage, Ye Zhongming looked at the time, and everyone else knew what he was waiting for. When the time came to four minutes and forty seconds, the black shadow that everyone was waiting for appeared in the sky.

Some bad-tempered fighters have already cursed out their voices.

After easily destroying the missile, the occupation time will be recalculated naturally, which makes Ye Zhongming's expression very bad.

It cannot be said that it is wrong for those who carried out the attack, but this behavior is extremely disgusting and abhorrent.

"Red hair, go to other channels to see if any team has successfully occupied a certain channel."

Ye Zhongming ordered, and then waited quietly. With Hongfa's strength, he should be able to complete this task under the premise of ensuring his own safety.

After another missile strike, the redhead is back.

"It's weird."

These were the redhead's first words.

"No passage was occupied, but I found that there was no one in one passage, only spies from other teams went to check it from time to time." The red-haired voice said in surprise: "That passage is full of corpses in different shapes."

"In addition to the current situation where we and the ogre chain have encountered, there are two other passages that have encountered similar situations. The remaining three passages, one is the one that is not occupied, and the remaining two are all in a melee."

The red hair explained the situation of the investigation one by one, and finally tilted his head and said suspiciously: "I found a very strange team in a place on the ring mountain road. They didn't go to fight, but just stopped there quietly. They... are an all-mechanical team, and I haven't seen a single evolutionary."

"Oh?" Ye Zhongming was very interested in this news. For some reason, he always felt that this team, who seemed to be out of it, was the key to the problem.

Because even the Yunding Mountain Villa or the Ogre Chain, as well as other major forces, are working hard and fighting to occupy the passage.

This team also came here to compete for the king of the mountain, so there is no reason to act so out of it.

There are many things in Ye Zhongming's mind now, such as missiles, such as not a single passage being occupied, such as the team that stayed there silently and didn't even respond to the red-haired passing by.

After a while, Ye Zhongming let out a long breath.

"What's wrong?"

The redhead who had been staying by the side asked.

Among the people present, the only one who can talk to Ye Zhongming like this is this woman who has transformed from a puppet into a human.

"I've been ignoring one thing."

Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes and looked at the winding mountain road.


Everyone looked at Ye Zhongming, waiting for him to continue.

"According to the regulations of the roulette space, one of the four conditions must be met to obtain the right to possess the channel. The first one is to occupy a channel and no one comes to fight for it within five minutes. The second is to defeat five snatches from other forces. Three, the number of planners killed exceeds 5,000. The fourth, only seven forces remain."

Everyone knows these things. After Ye Zhongming repeated one side, everyone listened carefully, knowing that the following is the important point.

"Our focus is on the first and second conditions." Ye Zhongming walked down the steps and stood on the crater road.

"This is actually not surprising, because the first and second conditions are easier to achieve... No, it should be said that it seems easier to achieve."

When this was said, no one understood it at the beginning, but soon everyone understood it.

In order to fulfill the first condition, basically all the forces that come to compete must be wiped out, at least subdued and feared, so that no one dares to provoke them within five minutes.

The powers that can get here are not weak, even if they are different in strength, the gap will never be huge. If you want to eliminate or scare the average of two such powers, your own losses will never be small.

Now that everyone has learned to behave well and starts to exclude scouts from observing every passage, who can guarantee that other forces will not see the great loss of strength here and rush over to take advantage of it?

And the second one is to defeat five attacks in a row. In the chaotic situation, it seems to be easy to reach, but the situation of the passage down to the top of the cloud just now has shown that unless it is a very strong organization, they will join forces at the fourth time, fearing that you will be chased down!

Therefore, the first and second items seem to be easy, but they are difficult to complete.

Don't forget, apart from these conditions, there are no restrictions here. Everyone can join forces, cooperate or attack, turn against each other, fight side by side, and then fight each other again. This situation is happening at any time now.

"But the third one is also difficult."

Xiaoxuan tapped his head and expressed his thoughts.

Ye Zhongming nodded, "That's right, the third one is very difficult. Although this value is for the team as a whole, how much is your own loss if you want to kill five thousand evolutionaries? We are fighting with that little pervert During the competition, I tried to avoid five-person team battles, let alone now. Unless you are crazy, you will choose this method to win, because even if you use this method successfully, after passing here, the follow-up test will be difficult. will fail because the losses are too great."

"The fourth, the easiest, is actually the fourth! As long as we unite some forces, such as the ogre chain, or find Gyanendra, kill some teams together, and fix the final number of teams at seven, then we will Completed the mission, there is no need to wait five minutes or defeat five attacks!"

Xiao Min's eyes lit up, and felt that after listening to the boss' analysis, the situation became clearer.

As long as the number of forces here is reduced to seven, then not only can they pass the test here, but they can also completely ignore the missiles that fly over when the time comes. The bad things done by this wicked guy will be completely meaningless.

The others also nodded in agreement. With the power of Yunding and the ogre chain, it is completely possible to destroy some forces.

But Ye Zhongming shook his head unexpectedly, and said something that everyone thought was contradictory.

"We choose the third way."

"Kill five thousand people?" Xiao Min said in a daze, "But boss, didn't you just say..."

"Did I say that the loss is too great?"

Everyone nodded in unison.

"Yes, from the perspective of passing this level, it is really unwise to choose the third method, and it will cause us to suffer a lot of losses."

As Ye Zhongming said it himself, he also felt a sense of enlightenment.

"But have you ever thought about it, if we look farther and longer, and focus on the final battle, can we think like this... Every time we eliminate an evolutionary, then after passing the test of this level , in the next level, the resistance encountered will be less?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that the boss's idea was very advanced, but it was indeed very reasonable. After hearing this, many people already understood most of it.

Ye Zhongming continued: "The most ideal situation is that we take advantage of this opportunity to kill each other and kill all the forces here. Then even if we don't reach the final test, the Mountain King Pan is still in our pocket."

"But this kind of situation is unlikely to happen, because it is impossible for us to really eliminate all the forces. Even if we do, we will definitely die a lot of people. I don't want to."

"But if we join hands with the ogre chain that we have an agreement with and wipe out as many other forces as possible, then our road ahead will be much easier. Even if six teams compete for the mountain crown, it is better than seven teams." Teams are fighting for the top, right!"

Ye Zhongming said to everyone in Yunding: "Let's go, don't stand on it anymore, it's meaningless, let's go to Wu Xiu, then head in one direction, just kill him!"

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