Roulette World

1666 The role of bright stars (middle)

"Next, invite the third ogre who has passed the test of the death ladder to strike the flying crystal in a chain."

Everyone wanted to see how the women's battalion fell on the bright star, but the space didn't give them a chance, and directly let the third ogre who passed the test chain to fight.

Wu Xiu and Ruan Xiao were relieved when they saw the results of the women's camp before. Ruan Xiao walked out first, picked up the stone hammer in front of the stone platform, looked back at Ye Zhongming, and then swung it out. .

The soaring crystal flew in the air and soon reached the position of the third star.

One star behind what the black woman hit.

"The hammer is a bit weird, with a strange way of exerting force."

Ruan Xiao suddenly said something, and Ye Zhongming nodded.

This is the ogre chain reminding Ye Zhongming. It doesn't matter if other forces will hear it, it's better than letting Yunding suffer here.

It is also asked whether the ogre chain is a purchase or a challenge, and the ogre chain naturally chooses to buy.

There used to be a popular saying in peacetime—any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. It is best interpreted here in the Ogre Chain, where Ruan Xiao directly digs out various things from the space equipment.

There are no magic crystals, just various things.

Equipment Material Scroll Potion...

It lasted...a full five minutes!

This made the other forces look a bit stupid. Many of them watched Ruan Xiao take something from a space ring, then changed to another, and then a third.

In other words, everything in the first two rings has been taken away.

This gives people only one feeling, rich and powerful.

When all the items in the first space ring were taken away, Ye Zhongming told his subordinates not to remember any more.

Because he already understood that Ruan Xiao was basically dealing with the 'garbage' on that body.

So, of course, it's not that the things he took out are really rubbish, strictly speaking, they are just temporarily unusable. In other words, what is the use of not being determined. For example, some materials and herbs.

There are not many good things that can be discarded, so they can only be made up with quantity, so this scene happened, and it took five minutes to buy this bright star.

The ogre chain's team was moved to the bright star.

Next came the fourth team, the Mottled Crusaders, who also chose to purchase, because they were reminded by the ogre chain and knew that the way the stone hammer exerted force was weird. Remind that you have to make a move, the result is a little better than the women's battalion, reaching the fifth bright star.

Before each entrance enters the middle chaotic zone, the number of bright stars is only ten, and the Mottled Crusaders suddenly reached the fifth bright star.

The fifth team is Gyanendra. He played in person and played a game. He also chose to buy the sixth bright star, but his purchase process was completely opposite to that of the ogre chain. He took out one thing, just Such things were passed.

No one saw clearly what it was, neither did Ye Zhongming. He just felt a flash of black light, which looked like a rhombus.

One thing, I got the ownership of a bright star that should be the most expensive so far. This thing must be very good. Based on the price paid by several other forces in the past few times, it is at least worth a year. A bottle of eight-star evolution potion.

"This old guy is really willing to spend money."

Xiao Min curled her lips and muttered something.

After the saints of West Asia reach the bright stars, they are mechanical ghosts.

Even now, Ye Zhongming has not found the controller of this strange team. The mechanical battle partner that should have been hiding at the other end, and the King of Cloud Top did not find any entrance or anything like that.

Now someone must come out to hit the flying crystal, this is a chance to see the true face of the opponent Lushan.

But what is disappointing is that the space actually allows the mechanical puppet to attack, which makes Ye Zhongming very surprised, and always feels that something unexpected may happen to this team.


After the mechanical battle partner appeared and hit the flying crystal to the eighth star, when asked to buy or challenge in the space, this strange team known as the mechanical ghost chose the latter!


Afterwards, the entire mechanical team appeared on Bright Star together!

"This is impossible!"

Many Genting fighters are fried.

How can something that can only happen after a purchase or everyone guesses that the challenge is successful, appear at the beginning?

The mechanical ghost didn't buy it and chose to challenge, shouldn't he appear there by himself? Just like the black man in Great America.

Before leaving, the puppet that the mechanical ghost was riding on turned its body towards Yunding, as if saying something.

Ye Zhongming sneered, knowing what that guy meant.

He was laughing at other people, and he was also provoking Yunding and Ye Zhongming.

"Normally speaking, this is indeed impossible." Ye Zhongming watched densely packed unknown life forms appear on the bright star, and would soon confront the mechanical ghosts' combat partners.

"But now that it has become a reality, there is only one possibility over there."

Ye Zhongming pointed to all those mechanical puppets and said, "It's these things, all of which are accessories of that evolutionary, and are regarded as his equipment by the space."

Many people were shocked by this statement.

One person owns an entire army of machines, all of which are his equipment? ! Is this ability a profession or a bloodline, or simply some kind of special skill?

If Ye Zhongming insists on comparing numbers with this guy, he can do it, such as his war beast Dihuangwan Ice Bird Yangos, even the red hair, even the wrong corpse, and those thunderbolts such as balls and blood Sand monsters, and things like Rumble Mechanics and Rohan Puppets.

But in terms of overall strength, they are not as good as these mechanical combat partners of mechanical ghosts.

Those puppets with ancient aura are probably not weaker than Yanggos Emperor Maru Hongfa and the others, while the other big metal guys are stronger than corpse puppets.

"He chose to challenge, or the eighth star, why is he still so complacent? He also provoked us?"

"Because he's laughing at other people's stupidity and testing us to see what he means."

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