Roulette World

1668th Xia Bai appears

"Please ask Yunding Mountain Villa to hit the flying crystal."

After the team of mechanical ghosts defeated the life on those planets, clouds and mist appeared on the bright stars, blocking the sight of others, and at the same time the notification sounded.

Ye Zhongming wanted to step out first, but was held back by Xiao Min.

"Boss, for the first game, you don't need to take action."

"I come."

The first sentence was said by Xiao Min's, and the second sentence was said by Xia Bai.

What Xiao Min did was also the voice of the Red Makeup Guards.

Their duty is to protect Ye Zhongming, but because of the difference in individual strength, in many cases, their protection seems a bit 'different'.

This is the status quo that many female fighters are very unwilling and helpless.

But once they have the opportunity, they will try their best to fulfill their duties, otherwise Ye Zhongming will be in danger.

In the current situation, in the view of the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards, Ye Zhongming's action is completely unnecessary, and they can replace it.

Isn't it just exchanging money for a reduction in the difficulty of the challenge? They are also rich, and they are some of the wealthiest people in Yunding, because their equipment, evolution potions and even various scrolls are provided by Yunding. Their professional characteristic of protecting Ye Zhongming is doomed that they cannot be like other main battle teams. Go hunting often.

Similarly, as long as they fight, some trophies that Ye Zhongming doesn't fancy are their gains. Sometimes when resting, these female warriors will also go out to hunt together, or practice and cooperate with actual combat exercises, and the gains are their own.

And when he comes out to perform missions beside Ye Zhongming, the King of Cloud Top is very good to these female fighters who are born and died for him. A top craftsman, you can know what you can get if you think about it. Many female fighters already have too much piecemeal equipment. I can't let go of it.

Putting these here is all money. With this money, the female soldiers of the red makeup guards have information to relieve Ye Zhongming's pressure as much as possible.

After all, even if Ye Zhongming can pass the test, who can guarantee that he will not be injured? Or encountered a strong challenge, used some tricks or something, but after taking it, there will be nothing. Even skills and so on have cooling time, if you can save it, you can save it!

With such a mentality, Xiao Min boldly pulled Ye Zhongming back.

And Xia Bai's words directly expressed his attitude.

If anyone in the red makeup guards could make Ye Zhongming more at ease, it would undoubtedly be Xia Bai.

As if afraid of Ye Zhongming's refusal, the soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards immediately handed over their magic crystals, unused equipment and other things to Xia Bai, apparently to let her be the representative to complete this time instead of Ye Zhongming. challenge.

"According to the rules here, after I go out to fight, Nine Treasures should also be moved over." In order to be able to go into battle, Xia Bai also worked hard, talking a lot more.

Ye Zhongming shook his head: "Nine Treasures have not entered the space, and there is a high probability that they will not appear."

"That's okay, I already have these." Xia Bai shook his finger and the space equipment on his body. These were given to her by the female soldiers of the Red Makeup Guards, and they were filled with ten space rings. .

Seeing that the King of Cloud Top hesitated, the young soldiers in the back also "generously donated" and gave Xia Bai all their few family fortunes, but compared with the female warriors like little rich women, they were a bit poor Yes, but the attitude is commendable.

Ye Zhongming smiled bitterly, and after thinking about it, he agreed to Xia Bai's request to play, but just told him that if he hit the flying crystal and surpassed the fifth bright star, then let her buy more things to reduce the difficulty as much as possible.

Xia Bai stepped out of the huge energy shield and walked in front of the stone platform.

Now in this field, apart from Yunding Villa, there is only Great America that failed the first challenge. They looked at Yunding Villa, although they couldn’t hear what they said, but after watching it for a long time, they also captured it from a few words. A lot of information. After thinking about it for a while, I understood what Ye Zhongming and others did.

They all followed suit.

It's just that the speed at which they accumulate wealth is not so good. There is no way. In peacetime, the phrase "people will not be destroyed for themselves" has a considerable market, let alone now.

Many people, no, it should be said that almost everyone is reluctant to contribute their own things. The Governor of Spades cannot force everyone. It is also indispensable. I have collected some things in this way, but I don’t know how far it is from Yunding.

Xia Bai also tested the stone hammer, and then knocked out the flying crystal. This little thing flew in from the seventh entrance, passed bright stars one after another, and finally landed on the seventh one.

It could be seen from the expression that Xia Bai was not very satisfied.

Soon, the space let Xia Bai choose, whether to challenge or buy. Xia Bai first chose to buy, and handed over everything in the space ring. According to the previous estimate, he weighed the difficulty in his heart.

Xia Bai didn't challenge the high difficulty on his own initiative, but honestly calculated that when the difficulty was reduced by half, he didn't want to diplomacy. The space immediately judged that the purchase failed, and sent Xia Bai directly into the bright star.


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