Roulette World

1683rd angel card

On the bright star, the ogre-chained people are resting.

For their specially trained magician team, they basically sacrificed at least 50% of their melee ability, which made them either maim their opponents or even instantly kill them, or they had to be beaten themselves.

When fighting against the guardian beast just now, one can imagine what kind of losses will be suffered if the problem cannot be solved immediately.

In fact, before Wu Xiu came here, she never thought that she would encounter such a challenge.

In her imagination, this team that maximized its attack power was enough to deal with all situations and crush all enemies that stood in front of it.

Of course, this 'enemy', she has always thought of as an evolutionary.

Who would have thought that the battle with the evolutionists here is just the beginning stage, and the main content later is to fight the monsters selected by the roulette space. This is to increase their risks invisibly and magnify the team's lack of close combat ability.

The other teams in the space have their own things, and they are all working hard for their own goals. They don't know much about the ogre chain. Even Ye Zhongming is not very clear about how much background this team has. .

Only Wu Xiu knew that his team was not suitable for this type of battle, and they were more afraid of protracted battles than others thought.

This is also one of the main reasons why she voluntarily gave up Shanwang Pan.

The victory just now made her breathe a sigh of relief, and the method of space waiting for everyone to complete the first round before continuing to the next round also gave the ogre chain a rest time, with some cooling potions, It can guarantee the next combat effectiveness.

"It's best to solve the problem within the two spells, otherwise there is still danger."

Standing beside Wu Xiu, Ruan Xiao sighed slightly as he saw his subordinates sitting on the ground and recovering with their eyes closed.

He is really envious of Ye Zhongming now. As a top craftsman, he can allow himself and his subordinates to have extremely luxurious equipment and develop in an all-round way, instead of making other aspects impossible in order to pursue a certain ultimate like the Ogre Chain. Compensation for birth defects.

"Depending on the situation, if it doesn't work, just use the potion Ye Zhongming gave. There are always such good things in every small villa, and you can't be envious."

Wu Xiu said with emotion, "The first two stars belong to Yunding. This is a bit of bad luck. Usually, no one will take the first star."

"And the star in front of us belongs to the women's battalion, and the star in front of us belongs to Yunding. Just hit the flying crystal hard. When you reach the star in Yunding, leave money for him."

Ruan Xiao nodded. From this point of view, the situation is still very good. Anyway, how much money they spent going out to Yunding will be compensated to them. The stars who go to Yunding are the best.

"Then let's see what this reward is."

Wu Xiu opened the small box she got just now, and looked inside.

"This is……"

Ruan Xiao was surprised.

"Atlas?" Wu Xiu opened a tablet computer that was rewarded, and there were about a hundred patterns and introductions of mutated life forms on it.

The leaders of the two ogre chains looked at each other with wry smiles.


The soaring crystal was knocked out by the mountain of fat spades, and the higher the evolution level, the more silent it was. Because they saw several small changes in Spade's technique.

That's a sign of a mastery of power.

It is impressive for a fat man to own such a delicate thing. Compared with Wu Xiu just now, Spade obviously has a better grasp of the special stone hammer.

The cloud and mist that blocked the bright star opened a hole, showing the place where the soaring crystal fell.

"No. 5 Bright Star, the owner, Yunding Villa."

This result not only made the people in Genting a little nervous, but also made all the ogre chains scold their mothers.

If no one made it to that bright star, they'd have to get there next, passing the second round without any loss.

But now,

It’s okay for the people in Great America to leave money to buy roads, so nothing has changed. If you want to challenge, the ogre will face continuous battles.

How would the people of Great America choose? Needless to say, after all, this is a battle based on the final number of bright stars, and Great America lags behind Yunding Villa in this regard.

Sure enough, the Governor of Spades chose the challenge with a smile.

"Haha, your luck is not very good, let me tell you, if it weren't for the joint system adopted by Great America, they would have crushed you long ago!"

Having just lost a bright star, the mechanical ghost who was wailing crazily turned his anger into joy, and mocked the King of Cloud Top frantically.

"Why are there so many psychopaths in this competition for the king of the mountain?"

Ye Zhongming ignored the mechanical ghost, Xiao Min didn't let him, he just opened his mouth to speak sarcasm, and the other Genting people nodded collectively, making the mechanical ghost's ears smoke with anger.

There is no way, he is the only one panting in the whole team, and no one wants to collectively praise the bad feet.

At this time, the light curtain appeared, and the people of Great America collectively went to the bright star occupied by Yunding.

Great America suffered a lot of losses in the previous battles, but they already had a large number of people. The remaining ones are quite strong, and they are quite strong.

"Fifth row? I'm willing to spend money."

The mechanical ghost recognized the guard beast after seeing it, and muttered something.

Guardian beasts are not cheap, especially for evolutionaries who need to buy bright stars, the higher the guardian beasts on the crystal plate, the more outrageous the price.

The strength of the Guardian Beast on No. 3 Bright Star just now was impressive. Everyone knew that the Guardian Beast ranked in front of it was extremely difficult to deal with.

Ye Zhongming also watched intently, this is a good time for him to understand the strength of other teams.

This time Bright Star's battlefield is a swamp full of mist.

Only then did everyone realize that the battlefield seems to be related to the attributes or habitat of the guardian beast. This is a monster that walks like flying on the muddy water. Its body is about the size of a human. It can also get into the puddles of the swamp at any time and reappear. When, it is not necessarily under which piece of silt.

Because of the large number of people in the Great American team, the formation was a little scattered just after being moved, and the attack of the guardian beast was quiet and extremely sudden, and one of them died immediately.

After killing a person, the body was dragged into the swamp, and the guardian beast disappeared. About a few seconds later, a human head flew out from nowhere, and hit an evolutionary in the middle. Everyone moved closer, but the screams continued. There was a sound from another direction, and everyone turned their heads, only to see a picture of an evolutionary being dragged into the water by the guardian beast again.

It will go away with one blow, it will never fight, and it will appear like a ghost... This guardian beast is indeed more difficult to deal with than the behemoth just now.

Everyone is not very optimistic about Great America, thinking that even if they can pass this test, many people will be injured and die.

Just when everyone was thinking about how to deal with this situation, a light suddenly flashed in the Great America team.

At the same time, the voice of space sounded: "Great America uses Angel Card!"

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