Roulette World

1688th Western Union

"Two in One"

"Women's Camp."

The people who heard it were in an uproar.

Everyone felt that Ye Zhongming should let his allies choose Great America.

After all, although the number of bright stars in Great America is far behind that of Yunding Mountain Villa and Mechanical Ghost, it is now ranked third. It is conceivable that there will be a battle between the first and second places in the future. The number of bright stars is very large. It may drop rapidly, and the third-placed Great America will get a chance.

In this case, wouldn't it be better to let your allies eliminate this hidden danger? Why choose a women's camp that basically has no hope?

What's more, the principle of the women's camp along the way is basically very peaceful, especially for Yunding Villa.

Ye Zhongming actually chose the women's camp?

Wu Xiu was also taken aback for a moment. She also thought that Ye Zhongming should let her choose Great America as her opponent.


Xiao Min in the back was a little anxious, she had the same thought as everyone else.

The performance of the ogre chain in the back was beyond many people's expectations. Let everyone know that this is a very powerful magic team, and even Yunding is not fully sure to resist their attack.

Shouldn't it be normal for such a team to let them help them snipe against more valuable opponents?

How can there be any politeness at this time, the ogre chain will indeed lose more because of this, but Yunding also promised to compensate, not to mention, the cooperation between the two parties is like this, how can they pick the weak persimmons?

Ye Zhongming shook his head, reconfirming Wu Xiu's choice.

"Mr. Ye, we have maintained enough respect for you all the way. If you do this, it will make us very sad, and there are many women around you. You should know that our gender determines that we have more than men at certain moments. Crazy mind."

The black leader of the women's battalion had a gloomy face, raised his head slightly, and shouted to Ye Zhong from the air.

They are indeed extremely polite to Yunding, and they will definitely pay tolls when they meet bright stars in Yunding. This is completely opposite to the practice of choosing to occupy Great America and Mechanical Ghosts.

When the main opponent is not the women's battalion, Yunding chooses to provoke them. No matter how you look at it, it is not a wise decision.

No matter how powerful the ogre chain is, it is nothing more than occupying the planet of the women's camp. It has no other effect except to reduce the number of bright stars by one. But it made Yunding have one more enemy from now on, which... the price/performance ratio is very low.

Many people have the above idea.

"I just want to make things easier."

Ye Zhongming replied calmly.

This answer is a bit disappointing.

What does it mean to make things easier? That is, let those forces that have no hope at all withdraw from this competition!

Let a little disappointment about the treasure hunt turn into complete despair!

To put it bluntly, the meaning of the King of Genting is that those who are not qualified leave the field as soon as possible, and don't stand in the way.

These words, for these powerful forces that are respected even if they are not calling the wind and rain, it is like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts and shattering their self-esteem.

"Don't go too far!"

The white female leader said coldly that her fists were already clenched very tightly. When she heard these words, she felt as humiliated as she was when she accompanied Spades to get news of Shanwangpan. those times.

A strong desire rose in her heart, hoping to challenge this man from the East.

"Keep some money, keep some strength, complete ten rounds of beatings, get nothing, but you can still get out alive." Ye Zhongming's words made the entire Liangxing area quiet, "But once you participate, you will be a An endless situation."

"Sometimes, knowing how to choose is also the way to survive in the last days. Too much force, the result is often not good."

This is Ye Zhongming's perception, and it is also the rational decision-making ability he has learned in his two lives when encountering things.

Do what you can, do what you can, and have that tenacious spirit to die.

But if you really feel that you can't do it hard, you have to be cowardly when you have a choice.

In this regard, Ye Zhongming felt that Gyanendra had done a good job.

"Our destiny is up to us."

After a moment of silence, the white female leader replied like this, and then stopped talking.

Seeing that there was nothing lively to watch, Wu Xiu turned her head and thought for a while, walked over and tapped the Soaring Crystal lightly, and arrived at Bright Star No. 4 where the women's camp was located as she wished.

It's just quite surprising that this woman, Wu Xiu, actually chose to do it herself!

Ye Zhongming laughed, feeling that it is really easy to cooperate with smart people.

Choose women's camp, why? In addition to Ye Zhongming's publicly stated reasons for people to withdraw, there are more important reasons.

That is, the women's camp spent too much money buying roads!

It costs money to buy bright stars, it costs money to cross the road, and it costs money to buy guardian beasts... Even if you gain something from bright stars, Ye Zhongming will never believe that such an organization can only occupy a dozen or twenty bright stars , can be rich enough to support them to continue to do so after spending so much money!

They covet the ultimate reward, and their only hope is that the forces ahead of them will lose both sides and withdraw from the battle together, or their vitality will be severely damaged, so that they can take advantage of it.

Either way, they have to wait, wait for the last few rounds, and they will make their choices according to the situation.

Except for Yunding Mountain Villa and Mechanical Ghost, other forces actually have this kind of thinking. The difference is that, such as Great America or Gyanendra, they will try their best, while women's battalion depends entirely on luck.

In this case, Ye Zhongming guessed that they would not spend a lot of money, or in other words, they would not be able to spend a lot of money on guard beasts, let alone upgrade them.

There is another basis for this judgment, that is, the time period when the guardian beasts disappeared on the roulette in the previous stage, so that Ye Zhongming can probably know that some bright stars and certain forces may have chosen which row of guardian beasts.

Naturally, this kind of guess would not be too accurate, but it was enough for the King of Genting to have an approximate range.

Ye Zhongming can do it, so naturally Wu Xiu can do it too.

Obviously, she didn't just muddle through and muddle along because she gave up the fight for the Mountain King Pan, but she had a clear understanding of the situation and the situation of each force.

Of course, Wu Xiu also felt that it would be too easy to be counted on if only two bright stars traveled at a time. Since the guardian beasts left by the women's battalion might not be so powerful, it would be fine to fight them by themselves.

Naturally, this must also be based on Wu Xiu's great confidence in her own strength.

Ye Zhongming is actually very curious, how powerful will this ogre chain's second in command be? What he said before, maybe it was just a glimpse.

Wu Xiu stood in front of a guard beast. As they had expected, the women's battalion didn't spend too much money on the guard beast. It was a monster in the bottom row with the weakest strength.

The ogre's deputy general manager activated the bloodline, and throughout the battle, three bloodlines changed!

This made it hard for everyone who saw this scene to believe it.

"Actually, it's just a kind of bloodline." According to his memory, Ye Zhongming remembered a kind of bloodline he had heard about in his previous life. He didn't know what it was called, but he heard that this kind of bloodline would have several manifestations, each of which was at least From the outside, it is completely different.

This kind of bloodline is naturally extremely precious, and Wu Xiu did not expect to have it.

Among the three situations shown, one has excellent defensive power, one has very fast speed, and the other has the ability of translucency and teleportation.

Choose a certain form of expression according to the combat situation to achieve the most effective combat. This bloodline is indeed enviable.

Another point is that the ogre chain is a commercial organization, and Wu Xiu is very rich personally, really rich.

When she bought the Bright Star Guardian Beast before, she spent a lot of money. Now in the battle, Wu Xiu used various potions and one-time scrolls six times.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that she has completed the battle without showing her full strength.

Occupying Bright Star No. 4, the ogre chain completed the second round of operations.

It's the turn of Great America.

The Governor of Spades did not act immediately, but stood there waiting, and suddenly spoke to the women's battalion.


Ella, the white female leader of the women's battalion.


For the Governor of Spades, the boredom in Ella's eyes was far more than that of Ye Zhongming who had just stimulated her.

"If elimination is inevitable, it is the wisest choice to choose a way to obtain other benefits."

Hearing what Governor of Spades said, Ella smiled sarcastically: "You don't need to say it's so gorgeous and noble."

Spade smiled and stopped talking nonsense.

"We join forces, and I get the mountain crown. After returning, the women's battalion gets a piece of golden equipment, five bottles of seven-star evolution potions, ten eight-level magic crystals, plus a batch of silver-level equipment, weapons and defense equipment. Five hundred each."

"Too little. And I don't believe you either." Ella said this without thinking much about it.

Spade smiled, "A lot, because you have little hope. It's actually very good to be able to help us and get these things. As for the issue of trust... Hehe, everyone here can hear what we're talking about , although my spade is not a good person, I still need face."

The women's camp was visibly silent.

Ye Zhongming frowned. He thought that other forces would try to join forces, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. He thought it would only appear in the next few rounds. After all, only when there is no hope and hope is greatly increased will there be stability. basis for cooperation.

Now, it's too early, the situation is not very clear yet.

"Ghost, how about we join forces?"

Spade didn't wait for the female battalion's answer at all, and instead sent an alliance invitation to the mechanical ghost.

"You see, these guys from the east have cooperated early, but we are fighting on our own, which makes them keep three teams alive. In our territory, this is a shame. matter."

"How about we kill them all, and then we can compete on our own merits?"

As if he was afraid of the weird mechanical ghosts who would refuse, Governor Spade's speech speed was obviously faster, and his attitude was much more serious than when he invited the women's battalion to join forces.

"This is an advantage for you, because you are one of the people with the most bright stars. Once you wipe out all these Orientals, you will have the most, right?"

Obviously, the mechanical ghost was moved by Spade's words, and he, who had an unruly personality, unexpectedly didn't immediately reject it.

"The method will be very fair. We just need to fight against the Easterners. Whether it's the ogre chain, or Yunding Villa, or even the old man with only a few stars, I will kill them by one star." , you just need to occupy them for one star. That's fair, right?"

"Only the women's battalion, you only need to play a supporting role. If you can also occupy their bright stars, then I will give corresponding rewards."

Spade has a smile on his chubby face, although no one else can see it.

"Bright stars are our own. We go to each other's bright stars and spend money to buy them."

"Card sharing is not unlimited, but equivalent. You can go to each other's bright stars and use cards as equivalents to complete the exchange in this way."

"When we kill this group of Easterners, even if we lose in the competition, we can admit defeat. We can't kill them all, and try our best to protect the interests of those who admit defeat."

The Governor of Spades stated a lot of conditions, some for the mechanical ghosts, some for the women's battalion, and all of them made them take extreme actions.

The women's battalion had little hope of getting the final reward. If they could help Spades win, not only would they not die here, but they would also get the promised benefits. It had to be said that it was a very safe choice.

The mechanical ghost also has a reason to cooperate. He is the number one owner of bright stars. After killing Yunding Villa, he is the only one. It is much easier to deal with Great America than Yunding Villa.

"Add two more bottles of seven-star evolution medicine, and we will cooperate." Ai said.

"Ninth-level magic crystal, a ninth-level magic crystal, we will cooperate." The mechanical ghost said.

The Governor of Spades paused, then laughed.

"You are all greedy, but...a deal!"

The situation changed drastically at this moment. Yunding, which had the upper hand, will become the target of public criticism, and even the ogre chain will be affected!

The combination of the two parties, also under the combination of the three Western organizations, has lost its advantage.

Now, it's people's turn to take the initiative.

Ye Zhongming quickly scanned the order and owners of the bright stars on the road now. He knew that the decisive battle was ahead of schedule!

The outcome is very likely to be determined in the next few rounds! No more ten rounds!

At this time, a sentence floated out from the bright star, which made the situation of Yunding and the ogre chain, which were already at a disadvantage, even worse.

Gyanendra, who had been silent until eight bright stars remained, spoke his own voice.

"I also join your alliance."

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