Roulette World

One thousand six hundred and ninety-two draw card

Even though Great America has just been tricked by Ye Zhongming, the combat power they have now can still allow them to complete challenges that are not too high in intensity.

The guardian beasts of the ogre chain are not high in level, and they haven't been upgraded much. After fighting, they can still see the solid background of Great America.

After the victory, Spades re-selected the guardian beasts here, and he knew with his toes that he would definitely choose the strongest ones as much as possible, and he would upgrade them, maybe even to the highest level!

In this way, once Yunding arrives here, whether it is a challenge or paying tolls, the effect of the difficulty surge card can be maximized.

After Great America, there is Gyanendra.

In fact, people don't pay much attention to the latter now. The saint in West Asia has the fewest stars and has rushed to the front. Basically, he has withdrawn from the competition. From everyone's point of view, he just needs to wait for a safe exit.

But in fact, every force that has come here does not want to and is not willing to quit.

This is especially true for Gyanendra who came here from far away West Asia.

"Everyone is so interested, let me join in."

Before the blow, Gyanendra said with a smile, making everyone's hearts sink.

Sometimes, the more you don't care about the person, at some moment, the more you will be the one who controls the situation.

Everyone has experienced this kind of thing in the last six years, so when Gyanendra spoke, all their eyes were on him.

The saint of West Asia took out a card.

"Gyanendra uses the rake card!"

"The designated area is the tenth to nineteenth bright stars."

"Teams passing through this area will need to increase their demand for equivalent items by one-fifth, which will belong to card users."

As soon as this card came out, many people lamented, thinking it was a coincidence, and it matched perfectly with the soaring attribute difficulty of the Little King of America card.

Just imagine that Ye Zhongming is in the nebula, walking on other people's bright stars, and the money spent has to be doubled, and now it has to be increased by one-fifth again, which is simply fatal.

Great America is walking ahead, and will definitely increase the difficulty at all costs and buy powerful guardian beasts. If Yunding Villa does not want to lose people, it will have to pay, but that is an astronomical amount of money, which will make any force All dragged down!

"Old guy, get out and we'll kill you!"

Many people in Genting, especially the young soldiers, expressed their determination to kill Gyanendra regardless of whether they could be heard or not.

In the past, if they encountered this kind of thing, they didn't want to and didn't dare to shout like that, but now, as members of Genting, many young people have strong confidence. Maybe after a year, they can use only a few people to make a fuss. Get rid of this saint of West Asia.

Before, they didn't think the challenge method of Shanwang Pan, and most of them even thought it was 'very fun'.

But now, they feel a deep crisis.

They don't doubt the boss's financial resources, but no one knows better than them how much they have spent along the way. In their view, the boss's money has bottomed out. , should be enough.

If you don't pay the money, you will have to fight, and if you keep fighting, you will definitely die!

Who can die? It is most likely that they, the young army, and the sisters of the red makeup guards, whether it is their own death or the death of their partners, are the young army's unwillingness to accept.

Gyanendra added fuel to the fire, igniting the anger and hatred of the gang of teenagers.

But... it didn't work.

The fact is already, it is like this, and they cannot change it. I can only watch Gyanendra hit the flying crystal and reach the twenty-fourth star.

There is the top of the cloud.

"Gyanendra should have a total of four special cards that no one else has, but now I have used two of them."

Compared to the anger of the youngsters, the top executives of Genting were not very excited.

at such moments,

If you set up obstacles for others, others will naturally set up obstacles for you. This is a very normal thing. If you are angry about this, you will be angry to death long ago.

Based on the previous situation, Xiao Min expressed his own judgment.

Ye Zhongming nodded, agreeing with this guess. Gyanendra felt that the hope of winning the final victory should be based on these four cards, and there were still two cards that were not shot, which made him a little worried.

Just look at this draw card and you will know that it is very likely to drag down the team in it.

And there is one more thing to note, there is no time limit for this raffle card, which means that it will always exist there, and no matter who passes by in the future, it will benefit Gyanendra.

Cloud top, ogre chain, women's battalion, mechanical ghosts and even Great America are unavoidable.

The bright star on the 24th belongs to Yunding. Because of the previous spending on the 7th star, Gyanendra has no money at the moment, so he can only choose to challenge at this time.

At the same time, he also used an angel card.

After winning the victory, Gyanendra was very grateful for his choice, because his battle on Bright Star 24 was very difficult. This was due to the decline in the strength of his team and the stronger guardian beasts. His team lost a few more men.

He didn't have many men with him, and most of the previous battles relied on those mechanical equipment, but with repeated consumption, Gyanendra has become the weakest team in terms of overall strength among all the surviving teams.

The only good news is probably that the angel did not die, and was raised by a level.

When they came to Yunding to attack the Soaring Crystal, the targets of Great America and Gyanendra made them the target of public criticism. Now, people from every other force are watching to see which bright star they will go to.

Yunding is now on the eleventh bright star, from the twelfth bright star to the twentieth bright star, covered by nebula.

Because of the rules, even if Yunding does not have a Nebula card, it can only advance two steps at most, and reach Bright Star No. 13 at most.

It now belongs to Great America, and on it, Spade has prepared a 'big gift' for Genting.

Everyone knows that Genting will not go there.

Then there is only one choice left - to go to Bright Star No. 12, which belongs to the ogre chain, an ally of Yunding.

Ye Zhongming also chose the same way.

He paid the toll, double and a fifth.

After receiving the money, Gyanendra smiled and said thank you. He counted and knew that the guard beasts placed by the ogre chain on the 12th star were not bad.

It was the turn of the women's battalion again, and they who were still on the bright star No. 6 beat it hard. The flying crystal flew over the dead place of No. 7 star in the nebula, and landed on No. 9 star.

This is already the limit distance that can be hit in the nebula.

The women's battalion cheered, because not only did they avoid the No. 7 bright star, but this time the No. 9 bright star was their own.

There are good luck and bad luck, such as mechanical ghosts.

He hit the Flying Crystal on Bright Star No. 7 impartially!

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