Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and sixteen good things (middle)

The house is a little quiet.

They were all shocked by Xia Lei's thoughts.

Nine stars, this level is a bit out of reach for many people, even a bit illusory.

Even when the core members became eight-star evolutionists, because of the difficulty of hunting nine-level life forms, they didn't feel that they could obtain enough nine-level magic crystals to turn into nine-star evolution potions in a short period of time.

In private, everyone felt that they wanted to collect the magic crystals that could turn out the nine-star evolution potion. Even if it was their own boss, it would take about two years. With bad luck, there may be hope in one year.

But now that Xia Lei has said such words, it is obvious that this heroine of the female school did not intend to use it for as long as a year.

Everyone is happy to see this matter, but it is very difficult to do it, right?

Or did Yan Wangshu send the corpses of two ninth-level beings in succession, giving Xia Lei such confidence? But that guy is not very reliable?

If you want to quickly become a nine-star evolutionary, you naturally have to hunt and kill more and more ninth-level life forms faster. Although the number of nine-level life forms is currently in a growth stage, it is too difficult to kill. Even if Yunding attacks with all his strength, one It would be good if Yue could kill one. After all, nine-level beings all have their own territory, and the journey from one territory to another is not short. With various preparations, this time is already very short, and it is already very difficult for others. The power is envious.

Xia Lei smiled, "I'm not bragging, but the result of rational analysis. It may be a bit crazy, but it's absolutely feasible."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for others to continue to think or judge, he said directly: "Second, internal reasons."

As soon as these words were uttered, the atmosphere here suddenly froze a lot.

Internal issues...these words are a bit scary.

"Perhaps it's Yunding's leading strength that has raised the confidence of many people to a dangerous situation. Perhaps it's the ease of obtaining all kinds of equipment, so that everyone has much more evolutionary skills than other teams in their pockets." The magic crystal, perhaps because of our protection for every soldier, makes them feel that the danger is moving away."

Xia Lei stood up, looking around at everyone in the room, there were very few people who could look at her, which showed her power.

Everyone knows that Ye Zhongming is actually very good to his opponents. No matter how many people he killed outside or how "cruel" orders he gave, he is more like a friend to the soldiers who are loyal to him and Genting.

But Xia Lei is not.

She loves to laugh more than Ye Zhongming, and her relationship with other people seems to be more intimate than Ye Zhongming, but everyone knows that the reason why she is willing to laugh and be gentle with you is because you have not offended her or offended Ye Zhongming. The interests of Zhong Ming and Yun Ding, otherwise, she would still laugh, but she just stabbed the knife into your heart with a smile.

The reason why most of the evasion's energy is external is because internally, there is someone like Xia Lei who is willing to do the dirty work and do it well.

When it was streamlined, none of them objected, but they were more or less reluctant, and some even expressed their dissatisfaction slightly with some inaction.

But I really didn't hear that there was any internal reason for Xia Lei to do this, otherwise they wouldn't dare not cooperate even if they had the guts.

Everyone is nervous, but it doesn't mean that they are afraid. They are just very strange. Yunding has always been very united. They are close comrades in arms and brothers who have died. Even the competition is full of passion and warmth.

What's wrong with such a team?

"One, lack of aggressiveness." Xia Lei said with a serious expression on these issues.

"Confidence is good, and it is also good to maintain the unique pride of Genting. But many people lose their aggressiveness in this kind of self-confidence and pride. They will not be afraid of fighting, but they are negligent in fighting. They enjoy the equipment and equipment distributed by Genting. Scroll, but no motivation to create value for Genting! Look at the number of people queuing up at the training platform now, I think you should be clear."

A lot of things are too easy to get,

I won't cherish it too much.

This situation also appeared among the soldiers of Yunding, but it was not so serious. They were still elite, and they still had the determination to die for Yunding and Ye Zhongming, but at other times, they did not have the motivation to rush forward like before.

What did Xia Lei say before? He said that he wanted to push Ye Zhongming to the position of the number one person in the Nine Stars. In this case, this kind of reluctance to make progress seemed very contradictory, and it became natural for Xia Lei to rectify it.

"Second, domineering."

Xia Lei is ruthless, and she is strong to the outside world, but there is one thing, she is reasonable and keeps her word. On this point, Ye Zhongming and others are also the same.

This is about the reputation of a faction.

Although Yunding is not a commercial organization like the Ogre Chain or Wuhuanqian, it still has a lot of business in hand. If it loses its credibility, then this aspect will definitely be affected, and it will affect the speed of Yunding's profit.

You must know that Yunding maintains a high-speed development. In addition to Ye Zhongming, a top craftsman, is an important reason, there is another point that they can turn all the advantages at hand into magic crystals, a large number of magic crystals, and these magic crystals are fed back to them. Yunding has become a large number of evolution potions, various scrolls, bloodline occupations and so on.

This is a virtuous cycle, and Xia Lei naturally does not allow anyone to destroy it.

"Some of our fighters feel that they are stronger, so they relax their demands on themselves, and their temper gradually grows. It seems that except for their comrades, everyone else is indifferent. ...which became evident after we became No. 1 in the country and after the last expansion."

"Obviously, some people are 'floating'! Forget that this world has friends as well as enemies. I need to do something to make them sober."

"This also includes some 'mountain top' mentality. I won't say much, you can understand it yourself."

These words made many people look a little unnatural.

Ye Zhongming didn't say anything, very calm, but this kind of calm made people feel uneasy.

"Third, two!"

Xiaohu blinked, not knowing what "two" is.

"The equipment and weapons of our Genting are all distributed. Every once in a while, there will be a replacement. The weapons are okay. When the replacement can be postponed to the next level of fighters or forces, but many of the equipment are restricted. , there are certain requirements for users, and we did not take them back when we changed clothes."

"As time goes by, many fighters have several pieces of this equipment in their hands. I am not against them taking these items in exchange for the items they need, but how do they do it? Selling this kind of equipment that disrupts the market at a low price Let’s not talk about behavior, our family has a big business, and we don’t care about the market price being lowered by them unintentionally, but some people just want to get rid of it, and don’t even carefully identify the object of purchase, causing a large amount of our equipment to flow to our opponents. .”

"Once there is a battle, is it good to be attacked by this kind of equipment that once belonged to you?"

"Also, how did I ask for it? The magic crystal weapons, genetic fighters, etc., were damaged during the battle. They must be cleaned up and destroyed thoroughly. However, some people still didn't take it seriously, and many forces got fragments or limbs. As the captain, how do you view this matter?!"

Xia Lei explained the meaning of "two" after talking about a few small things. She was very dissatisfied with the slackness and carelessness of many soldiers.

The streamlining this time is not only about personnel, but also about the allocation of various resources, and the target is directed at this kind of behavior.

After giving everyone a little time to digest what she said, Xia Lei clapped her hands and said: "I will talk to Zhong Ming about the specific results of the streamlining later, and now I will talk about my goal, which is how to push Zhong Ming to the level of a nine-star evolutionary superior."

"Yan Wangshu was an accident. My real confidence mainly comes from the following aspects." Xia Lei changed from being serious just now to smiling now, and she looked at Le Dayuan.

"Musician, let's talk about the first aspect."

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