Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-one three days without slapping the roof tiles (Part 1)

The battlefield was quiet, only various energies and lights flickering silently.

But everyone knows that no matter which side makes any overreaction, it will inevitably lead to a big battle.

Why is Ye Zhongming acting so strong? Doesn't match his original style of acting?

Because he was afraid of these two ninth-level beings now.

They are not enemies to each other, and even before Yan Wangshu and Yupo have not evolved to level nine, they are still friends. To a certain extent, they are Yunding's thugs and test subjects.

All this changed completely when they evolved to the ninth level. Whether it was Yu Po or Yan Wang Shu, they did not turn against Yunding, but they also showed a certain degree of unruliness, which is a kind of dignity and character belonging to top-level beings.

There is nothing wrong with this, this is an instinctive aura that any life will naturally emit when it reaches the highest end of its planet.


they didn't think about it

That is the highest end of the planet, which only represents the position, not invincibility.

This kind of life that seems like a friend but not an enemy, but doesn't listen to greetings, and doesn't know when it will be happy or turn its face, was too dangerous in Yunding Villa.

Ye Zhongming hated this feeling very much.

But what if we just alienate them or even kill them? Obviously, this is something that will never be done unless it is just in case.

From the bottom of his heart, Ye Zhongming still wants them to belong to Genting. If not, he must maintain a good relationship and be able to help at critical moments.

To achieve this, the most important thing is to make them afraid. Worst of all, it made them afraid.

What Ye Zhongming has to do now is the above.

Of course, this is not an empty plan. If you make people afraid, you must have the ability to make people afraid. Does Ye Zhongming have it? Does Genting have it?

It is not clear how others think, but everyone in Genting, including Ye Zhongming, firmly believes that they have!

Not to mention that he has just evolved to level nine now, even if it is because of the mature Yan Wangshu and Yu Po because of their special physical strength, even if the holy father is brought back to life now, Yunding is sure to kill him.

It's just a price to pay.

But when Ye Zhongming yelled this sentence, he must have been threatening mostly in his heart, but he didn't mind it very much when it came to fighting.

The nine-level beings killed by Yunding are not one or two, they have the confidence.

Even if it is Yan Wangshu and Yupo plus her black cat, it is the same.

If you can't get two friends, then it's good to get the ninth-level magic crystal.

"Hey, Ye..." Yan Wangshu smiled indifferently, and wanted to say something, but in exchange, Ye Zhongming suddenly charged forward, leaped into the sky from a long distance, and waved his hand like a freehand punch.

Yan Wangshu and Yupo were very surprised by the sudden attack of the King of Cloud Top.

Although they are essentially evolutionary beings, they are extremely intelligent, they know how to judge, and they are very clear about their own value.

Although Yunding is the most powerful force in the country, they are not without enemies. On the contrary, their enemies are very powerful. Also, Ye Zhongming is in the stage of becoming a nine-star evolutionary. He needs to kill other nine-level beings, and they are the ones who can help him accomplish this goal the most.

So when Ye Zhongming said threatening words, they were very cautious, but they were not afraid. So Yan Wangshu jumped a little bit, while Yu Po frowned tightly, and the black cat even bared its teeth.

The King of Cloud Top's attack was too sudden, and he did it at the slightest disagreement. Yan Wangshu was a little unprepared.

Sometimes it is said that nine-level life and nine-level life are simple four words. It is easy to say when you say it, but when you really face it, you will know how powerful it is.

Yan Wangshu was attacked suddenly, which was beyond her expectation. She didn't think Ye Zhongming had a reason to do it.

Now that someone made a move, she immediately launched a counterattack.

Instead of hiding, she greeted him instead.

The body of Yan Wangshu is no different from that of normal human women.

In front of melee robots, it looks a bit small. From the fist, the big machine driven by Ye Zhongming is almost as big as half of Yan Wangshu's body. In addition, it is falling from the sky with inertia. From the visual point of view, Yan Wangshu is no matter what. Can't stop it.

But the newly promoted ninth-level life has no fear at all. She chose not to use skills, but also waved her hand, wanting to have a head-on confrontation with Ye Zhongming.

Originally, it was nothing, Yan Wangshu didn't look small, but in fact her body was very strong, far from being comparable to a spiritual life like Yu Po, who was also very 'tough' after reaching level nine, but after all, she did not rely on her body The lives that eat.

Just when Yan Wangshu was about to teach the weird guy Ye Zhongming was driving a lesson, the fist that seemed to be coming soon burst open, and a series of round darts flew out of it instantly, covering the space in front of her .

Each one is very thin, with extremely sharp edges, but the area is large, with a diameter of seventy centimeters.

Ten pieces, basically makes the duck king tree impossible to hide.

Le Dayuan, who was under the protection of the Shengyuan team, also came to the battlefield and nodded after seeing this scene. Sure enough, he is a candidate with almost perfect fusion. Even if it is the first battle, the control of the machine is as proficient as it has been practiced dozens of times.

Hell King Tree really couldn't dodge it, she didn't panic, the fist she swung exploded without any struggle, a dozen soft branches and leaves bounced out, and hit the whistling round dart, immediately smashing these Things were scattered to other places.

But before she could do so, a shadow flew from under her body, Yan Wangshu was startled suddenly, and the fine tentacles that had destroyed the cloud top defense formation stretched out, forming a seemingly fragile net.

The shadow kicked it in the next second.

He didn't break through the net, but Yan Wangshu felt great power, and his body rose a little in the air.

Shadow is a foot of a melee robot. I don't know what the mechanical principle is, just now the front half of the fist shot out those round darts separately, and the body turned over at the next moment, using the huge advantage of the body, kicked out this "pull that foot" from below.

At the moment of the battle, Yan Wangshu was at a disadvantage.

There was anger in her heart, and she wanted to fight back, but she felt the cold air below again, and her instinctive body rose a certain distance.

After entering the ninth level, she can already violate many principles and rules.

A ray of cold light pierced through the holes in the net, inserting the foot of the Hades tree to the end.

The second paragraph of "Pull those feet" was empty, and Ye Zhongming controlled the robot to put the metal thorns protruding from the toes on the net woven by the roots of the Yama tree, exerting force on the waist and abdomen, and the body directly sat upside down, and at the same time , Four beams of light shot out from the edge of the chest, and instantly hit Yan Wangshu's upper body!

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