Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-four hand in hand

Yupo stopped moving, not only because the black cat was hit by a mountain peak that didn't know where it came from, but also because the sniper rifle in Ye Zhongming's hand was pressing against her forehead at the moment.

There was a dangerous feeling in it that made the blood in her whole body feel like it was about to freeze!

No matter when, as a special being, Yupo is extremely calm.

But now, in her eyes, everything is panic.

This is indeed not the way she is good at fighting.

As the top spiritual mutant life, her most powerful means are interference and control. Under the protection of endless zombies and mutant animals, she should submerge the enemy with a large number of men instead of fighting alone.

When there are not enough subordinates who can ensure their own safety, Yupo can be regarded as half a perfect body at most.

It's just that Yupo always thought that with the help of the black cat, she would not be afraid of any enemy, even if she was half a perfect body, even Ye Zhongming, who had suppressed her so hard.

The result came out, she was still suppressed, and it was still the kind of suppression that was almost impossible to fight back.

Why? why? !

The language mother does not understand. But she is a mutated being, fearful of the strong, and cruel to the weak is her instinct. She was terrified, terrified of the bullet that would shoot her out of this gun and face her death.

Before, she felt that the living self was more valuable than the dead self, but now it seems that the two magic crystals of her and the black cat may be more attractive to Ye Zhongming, who is eager to evolve to nine stars.

Thinking of this, Yupo felt an emotion called trembling for the first time.

At the same time, her knees were a little weak.

Don't think Yupo is so tall.

It is undeniable that Yupo's intelligence is very high, even among the mutated beings that generally become spiritual, she is still outstanding, and many evolutionaries are not as intelligent as her.

It can be said that she is a mutated life, a... a level nine zombie.

A very high IQ, let her know what is good and what is bad, and naturally let her know fear and submission.

Ye Zhongming's strength made Yupo feel this way.

Naturally, she would not crawl under Ye Zhongming's feet like a war beast, but she could lower her head. Yu Po believes that Ye Zhongming can understand.

Sure enough, but when she lowered her head, Ye Zhongming's gun was lowered.

"Follow me to hunt. After you get ten ninth-level magic crystals, you can go wherever you want. Of course, your promise to help me that time must still be valid."

Yupo nodded immediately.

Ye Zhongming looked at Yama Wangshu again.

"I'm different from her. I'll stay here. Hong is mine. Well, it's called a good friend. You are my mating partner."

Ye Zhongming resisted the urge to roll his eyes, waved his hand, and the mountain disappeared. The black cat inside was not dead, but he was smashed badly, his body was dented in several places, and he didn't know how many bones were broken. Even Yupo was inferior, she was full of fear and submission, and she didn't dare to move while she was being smashed.

"Miss Hong, have you seen enough fun?"

The King of Cloud Top yelled to one side angrily, in exchange for Liu Zhenghong's signature laughter.

"Little Yezi, you are doing well."

Following these words, Liu Zhenghong rushed quickly from one direction, followed by a team of about a hundred people beside her.

Ye Zhongming took a glance. In addition to the people he had arranged to protect Sister Hong, there were also the core members of the team that followed her out of the city, a seven-member escape team, and twenty genetic soldiers.

Seeing Ye Zhongming here, the escape team wearing masks saluted Ye Zhongming and retreated silently.

"Sister Hong..." Ye Zhongming frowned, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Liu Zhenghong with a smile.

She knew what Ye Zhongming was going to say.

Yan Wangshu is indeed powerful, but in order to protect her and Le Dayuan, Ye Zhongming, even if the defense force around him can't compete with the ninth-level life, can hold it for a while and send out a distress signal.

Want to kill or even take these two scientists inside Yunding Mountain Villa,

It's almost impossible.

The fact is obviously that Liu Zhenghong wanted to go out with Yan Wangshu for a 'walk', and it was normal for Ye Zhongming to complain about her.

"Look at what kind of little leaf this is." Liu Zhenghong spread out his palm slightly flatteringly, and there were two ninth-level magic crystals inside.

Ye Zhongming wanted to say something, but Liu Zhenghong didn't let him say it.

"I also brought you some old friends."

After Liu Zhenghong finished speaking, she yelled at the place where she appeared. Soon, everyone including Ye Zhongming could feel many huge energy fluctuations.

It was sent out on purpose, showing that there was no malice.

Soon, some evolutionaries riding on war beasts slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Deacon Tong, Deacon Shui, Deacon Bai, Deacon Ouyang, Brother Daqian, Commander Mu, General Manager Wu Xiu, Manager Ruan Xiao, and... Boss Wang Outrageous?"

Seeing these people appearing in front of him, Ye Zhongming's heart couldn't be more shocked.

The top two of the country's most famous business organizations have all gathered here at this moment!

Of course, people from Wanshou Manor and the resistance area followed, including Li Daqian and Li Zhizhong's father and son, as well as Commander Mu and Concubine Mu Xin's father and daughter.

With this posture, almost all the speakers of the friendly forces outside Yunding Villa are concentrated here.

It goes without saying that something big must have happened.

The way these people looked at Ye Zhongming was complicated.

They met Yan Wangshu and Liu Zhenghong before, and witnessed a level nine hunting show with Yan Wangshu as the main attack point and the Genting team as the support.

The giants saw their throats dry.

Without him, too powerful.

The help of a ninth-level life like Yan Wangshu is enough to make them extremely jealous, but they clearly saw that these teams in Yunding did not exert their strength at all, basically just beating the side drums. You know, in the news they got, These teams are not the main force of Genting.

Beside Liu Zhenghong, there is also a team of genetic warriors who have not moved at all, and a team of magic crystal weapons carrying strange boxes...

A Yan Wangshu with a few ordinary teams can hunt and kill nine-level life forms, so how strong is Yunding's overall strength?

But who would have thought that the shock was far from over. When they came to the foot of Yunding Mountain, they saw another scene where Ye Zhongming fought two, no, three nine-level beings alone.

In the end, they still won, which made them sigh in horror. They are all people living in the country, so why is the gap so big.

After repeated shocks, these people were all very respectful when they saw Ye Zhongming.

No way, this is hard power.

The arrival of these distinguished guests is a major event for the entire Genting. They represent half the sky in the country. Ye Zhongming hurriedly ordered people to prepare, and he personally accompanied them back to the villa.

In the evening, a sumptuous banquet was set up to entertain them. After drinking and eating, they brought Xia Lei and others, and entered a room with the high-level officials of these various forces.

Outside the villa where the room was located, the area within 500 meters was cleared. I don't know how many Yunding guards surrounded the place layer by layer.

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