Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-two nine-star sentient beings (below)

"why me?"

On the top of a tree, Mo Ye hung there, watching a special fight in the distance.

It was a fierce battle between two groups of mutated beings. The small plain between the two peaks was almost completely occupied by them. Even though they were far away, the smell of blood was still strong here.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are a large number of people on the east side, and they are attacking those on the west side. Among the high-level beings that can be seen, there is a nine-level and several eight-level beings, and the rest are seven-level variations. Life also accounts for at least one-tenth of the total number, which is a rather terrifying ratio.

And in terms of types, there are all those that fly in the sky and run on the ground.

The mutated beings on the other side are a bit special. They seem to be at a disadvantage, and they are even retreating a little bit, but the formation is very thick and condescending. It can be seen that they are not instinctively charging, but are steadily defending. One by one, these beings are constantly interspersed and detoured in the formation, to replace those companions who have suffered casualties and exhausted.

At the same time, their fighting methods are also very strange. Compared with the other side with flying skills and energy, this side is so simple and shocking that they rely entirely on their bodies to fight. Even the flying monsters in the sky are fighting Skill combat.

Ye Zhongming also stood on the top of the tree, with his arms folded, steady, even though there was a lot of wind blowing all the time, it didn't make him move a bit.

After becoming a nine-star, his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds.

In the past, he didn't understand what a nine-star evolutionary was. Even though he was a human being in two lifetimes, he had heard many legends about this level of evolutionary, but he didn't have any real empathy.

In the past three or four days after the successful evolution, he was extremely uncomfortable with the surging energy in his body, but now he is much better and basically completed all the fusion.

Ye Zhongming knew that strictly speaking, after taking the nine-star evolution potion, the evolution was truly completed now.

No wonder it was rumored in the previous life that it took a long time to evolve to the Nine Stars. It turned out that they divided this evolution process into two stages, one is the sleeping stage, and the other is the adaptation stage after waking up.

You must know that when Ye Zhongming just woke up from evolution, Ye Zhongming felt that his strength had not improved, but had regressed a lot. At that time, he was actually very weak.

However, this weakness was quickly replaced by the feeling of rapid increase in strength.

Every day, the strength is increasing, and soon surpassed the original level, and it didn't stop until today.

Ye Zhongming felt that if he hit with all his strength with the cooperation of various equipment, he might really be able to destroy a giant mountain!

Hearing Yunding's second nine-star evolutionary ask himself, he knew that some things needed to be explained clearly.

"Do you know why we came to the Great Northwest?"

Ye Zhongming and Mo Ye came here after evolution. Their speed and Yangos' flight made the journey that was originally a long distance arrived in just two days.

"Is it because of... those monsters?"

Mo Ye's eyes fell on the lives in the defensive position on the west side, and she had already noticed the difference between them.

The body is strong to a formidable level.

Among the opponents, there is a ninth-level life. Even if the strength is not strong among the same level, it is still a top-level life. Using it as an arrow, it has not defeated the defense formation within nearly fifteen minutes after the start of the battle.

"En." Ye Zhongming watched the battle with a solemn expression.

"Remember monsters, those green-skinned monsters, I used to think they were strange beings created by nuclear leaks or other radioactive substances. You also remember what I encountered in the Cold Bay Rainforest? I also encountered them in the villa. An unusually weird life without magic crystals."

Mo Ye naturally remembered, hearing what Ye Zhongming said, is there any connection between the three?

"I'm going to go up..." Ye Zhongming pointed to the sky, "Among all the preparations I need to make,

I came here in the first place just to see for myself if there is a connection between them. "

Mo Ye heard Ye Zhongming say this, and thought for a while: "There is no magic crystal? All fights rely on the body, even if there is some ability, it is also physical skills?"

Ye Zhongming nodded, "Although they have all kinds of strange appearances, these are common features. I don't know what they are, but I think the answer may be found in the sky. These disgusting guys, what are they? What is it?"

" still haven't answered why you gave me the second bottle of nine-star potion you transferred? I think many people are more qualified than me."

Ye Zhongming smiled, and looked at Mo Ye, who was short-haired and heroic.

"When I leave, Genting will inevitably enter defensive time."

Just this sentence, Mo Ye didn't quite agree.

After Ye Zhongming left, Yunding's real strength would drop a lot, but the strength of the villa itself is very strong, and the remaining people can fully support it.

Mo Ye understood Ye Zhongming's decision not to let another Jiuxing accompany him to the sky. After all, he needed to make up for the lack of Yunding's strength caused by his departure, but she didn't understand why he had to defend.

"There will be more and more nine-star evolutionists in the country. I don't know how many there are when I come back, and what is their attitude towards Yunding. After all, just two laboratories are enough to make other people It is undoubtedly the best opportunity to take risks when I am not around."

Ye Zhongming exhaled softly, "But I have to go. The sky is dangerous, but to a certain extent, it represents the future. If Yunding wants to continue to lead, I have to explore the way. What's more, the universe is full of people. The slaves and the like are like mountains pressing on the heads of you and me on earth, and the shadows will never go away."

"So we have to wait for a while, and when I come back, I will set the next goal."

Although Mo Ye still didn't understand, he nodded.

"Xia Lei can't, she has too many things to worry about, and once it involves my affairs, she will... be disobedient."

Ye Zhongming smiled embarrassedly when he mentioned these.

"The key Xia Lei has become a nine-star, she will definitely go up with me, even if she has to grab another admission ticket."

There have been some changes on the battlefield, those strange beings have started to fight back, the two wings of the mutated life on the earth have been pierced, and these guys want to surround the opponent who is still slightly occupied!

"Teacher Park is an auxiliary profession, and the priority of evolution is not high. The same is true for Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan."

"Xiaohu and Hatsune...they are too aggressive. If they become nine stars, the villa will definitely attack everywhere instead of defending."

"What about Xia Bai, she obeys you, as long as you tell him to stay and let her only protect the villa, she will definitely listen."

Ye Zhongming nodded unexpectedly.

"Xia Bai is actually suitable. As you said, as long as I give her orders, she will definitely obey them. However, her evolution is different from ours. It's too weird. There are too many things we can't guarantee. Let me wait Come back, discuss with Sister Hong before letting her evolve."

"I won't talk about the others, they are just a little bit less qualified."

"As for you, steady, calm, well-balanced, prestigious, and convincing, it's perfect to be the patron saint of Genting when I'm not around."

After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, his body floated forward strangely.

"Let's go, let's mess things up, or that idiot at level nine will be torn to shreds. That's all good material."

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