Roulette World

1734th true love

Ye Zhongming nodded simply.

He has passed the admission ticket for three days, and he is not sure whether his war beasts can go up with him, such as Dihuangwan Yangos.

Once it cannot be brought up, there is no doubt that the overall strength will decline. But Ye Zhongming felt that the items on his body should be able to be taken with him.

Then... the little white mouse that can get into the pocket at will has a high probability of being able to go to heaven with him. With it, everything will be much more convenient.

Ke Moye quickly discovered the problem.

"It, no magic crystal?"

Liu Zhenghong smiled, very proud.

"Yes, there is no magic crystal. Strictly speaking, it is not a mutated life, but a genetic life." Liu Zhenghong let the mouse fly up, pointed at it and said, "Its specialness began from birth, probably the mouse king My son also realized its specialness and sent it to Yunding, where I raised it for a period of time while observing and researching it, and then came up with an idea.”

"I first tried to integrate the special life genes you brought back with it, and the result was unexpected. The two are almost perfectly combined, which means that its evolution is no longer limited by the traditional way. , but through the way of that special life.”

"The characteristics of physical toughness are also inherited. This little guy has high defense and strength. While losing other skills, he is completely the best of his kind here. It is equivalent to the strength of a six-star mutated life."

Ye Zhongming was surprised when he heard it, and asked, "Then what do you mean by life brain?"

Liu Zhenghong smiled mysteriously, "Spirituality and emotion."

The two Nine Stars didn't quite understand.

"Look, why is the Hades Tree able to stand out from so many Roselle firs? Although it was an accident that she made the life brain, it is also a kind of, how to put it, the essence of high-level life."

"Yan Wangshu relied on himself before, why was he able to put a woman's face on himself? Why did he have such a high IQ, and why did he express various high-level emotions that are difficult for mutated plants? These are all because of the life brain. It's just that she didn't know how to use it before."

Liu Zhenghong probably thought of getting along with Yan Wangshu, and a smile appeared on his face, "I have studied that thing for a long time, and finally found that it is a very strange life glue. In order to maintain its activity, I used There are many methods, such as... Forget it, you don’t understand it, in a word, the mouse can absorb a little bit of life brain, and has a very high level, as well as that kind of very anthropomorphic emotion.”

Mo Ye seemed to understand, frowned and said, "Yangos Dihuang Wan Jiubao and even the Shu King all have high intelligence and rich emotions. There is no big difference from human beings in this respect."

Liu Zhenghong shook his head quickly.

"That's different. Their intelligence and emotions have been gradually improved through evolution. Only at the current level can they use... brains that match them."

"But this little white mouse is different. It has reached the peak of IQ and emotion since I fused the life brain with it not long after it was born. All it needs is some cognition and experience."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhongming and Mo Ye probably understood.

The evolution of the little white mouse is roughly similar to the evolution of monsters and the like. It is a very enviable way. Natural growth will increase its strength, and absorb energy to speed up. And the high-level wisdom allows it to almost completely follow the best and simplest way in this process, and can use the fastest speed to achieve the highest strength.

And high-level emotions are an important sign of whether a life is a top-level life.

What Mo Ye said, Yangos and Dihuang Wan undoubtedly belonged to this category, and Jiubao was actually a little bit worse. In layman's terms, the dragon and the rhubarb don't look at their appearance, especially the former, which is basically the same as a human being. But Nine Treasures can't do it.

"Does it mean that at some point in the future, this little guy may speak?"

Ye Zhongming looked at the little white mouse and said.

"Of course, it's the same as Yanggos." Liu Zhenghong laughed, "Tell me, when that stinky dragon knows that the little mouse is as advanced as its dragon clan, how will it feel?"

The three of them chatted and laughed, and the little white mouse landed on Ye Zhongming's body, showing various cute looks, which made Mo Ye very envious.

"Next, I will show you two things. One is prepared for Zhong Ming's departure, a brand new genetic life, and the other is for Zhong Ming to take to the sky. I will talk about it later."

When he came to the largest experimental chamber, Ye Zhongming knew that it was the main experimental chamber and also the most advanced laboratory, responsible for the main research topic of the Gene Life Laboratory.

When Ye Zhongming came, most people were still busy with the things in hand, they didn't even know that the King of Cloud Top was behind him, only a small part came to say hello.

"Yani and Yatian."

Liu Zhenghong's voice when she said this was not as relaxed as when she said the little white mouse. There was a trace of sadness, pity, and regret in it.

Ye Zhongming and Mo Ye also completely lacked the demeanor of a nine-star evolutionary, with shocked expressions on their faces.

"Brother, you are here."

The little girl with tubes all over her body smiled brightly at Ye Zhongming, but her pale face and the unconcealable pain in her eyes betrayed the state she was enduring at the moment.

"You, is it worth it?"

Ye Zhongming reached out and held Yatian's immobile hand, which was as cold as polar snow crystals.


Ya Tian probably wanted to move, echoing Ye Zhongming, but the discomfort in her body made her frown.

"Because her sister Yani is just a silver corpse. As Yatian's evolution level increases, the energy in her body becomes stronger, and the asymmetry of strength between each other becomes more obvious. We used to think that they were twins with special physiques, and Nuonuo With equipment as strong as your wild travel companion connecting the two, it shouldn't be a big problem, but we were all wrong."

"Actually..." Mo Ye wanted to say something, but was held back by Liu Zhenghong, who said in a low voice, "Perhaps in our opinion, it doesn't matter if there is a difference in their strength, but Yatian doesn't want to do that."

Ye Zhongming, Mo Ye and some experimenters around were silent.

Everyone knows about the twin sisters, and knowing their feelings, making such a choice for Ya Tian is no exception.

Liu Zhenghong took a deep breath, and her spirits lifted a lot.

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