Roulette World

1748th night blood (1)

It was a burst of intensive gunfire.

Crisp and deadly.

With the sound of gunfire, these miscellaneous air forces in the holy city began to fall continuously.

They knew that this was an enemy's attack, and even what kind of weapon it was, but they just couldn't defend against it.

Because it was too fast and the power was too great, before they could react, the bullet had already penetrated the deadly part of the mount.

Yes, the bullets fired by these unknown firearms rarely focused on the knights, and basically aimed at those flying beings.

The first gunshot, many Air Force fighters in the Holy City thought it was just an accident, or, as an example, because based on their experience in the last days, the requirements for the kind of firearms that can attack them are too high, and they will not be scaled at all. Appear!

It's a pity that their tragedy is that they met Yunding, and what's even more tragic is that they don't know what kind of person the King of Yunding is.

If it is in the national area, especially those people and forces who know Yunding well, they will never do such a stupid thing.

The air force in the holy city actually understands nothing wrong with them. To be able to shoot them at such a height, and the guns are deadly weapons, the grade must be very high, and the bullets must be very good. If there must be something wrong, it is Yunding The firearms used do not require gun skills.

Because the grade of these guns is higher than expected by the Holy City Air Force, and the bullets are better than they expected!

These firearms are all at the blue level, and the bullets are at the green level. This team is a separate and special existence in Yunding, and their leader is called Li Qiang.

After Ye Zhongming evolved into Nine Stars, his improvement in strength was reflected in many aspects, and the same was true for manufacturing professions.

As I said before, Ye Zhongming's craftsman profession has been upgraded to the top level, and if he wants to improve, only his own evolution can do it.

Now that he has become a nine-star evolutionary, the Glory Craftsman has been completely promoted to the top.

This is not to say that there will be no chance to improve this profession in the future, but it will be very, very difficult, unless you encounter that kind of extremely rare special item.

In the days after becoming Nine Stars, Ye Zhongming and Yunding made a west attack plan, but they didn't implement it immediately, in order to have sufficient preparations.

Strictly speaking, this is Yunding's large-scale attack on the strong camp of human beings. If the king of Yunding wants to win, he must also reduce losses.

These firearms and bullets are one of the many items prepared.

In the words of Sister Hong who watched Ye Zhongming's manufacturing process for a while, Xiao Yezi is a doll-making machine.

Not only is the speed fast, but the success rate is also frighteningly high. With this blue-level equipment, his failure rate does not exceed 10%.

This is a horrifying statistic.

Therefore, Li Qiang and his long-range attack troops became one of the biggest beneficiaries.

The Air Force of the Holy City randomly chose the west as the main direction of attack, and their luck was actually not very good.

On this side, because Li Qiang is here, his current 3,000 subordinates are divided into four city gates, and there are only more than 300 people here. However, because of the small number of people, there are no professional bowmen and long-range weapons here, and all of them are gunmen with excellent shooting skills.

What they held in their hands were all blue-grade sniper rifles made by Ye Zhongming himself.

The design concept comes from Ye Zhongming's favorite gun, and the bullets are either made by Ye Zhongming, or micro-carved bullets made by Le Dayuan Laboratory after he processed them.

These people, holding more than 300 blue guns, used green bullets to attack these targets in the sky, how could they miss it!

When Yunding's air force has not yet completed its large-scale formation, these hundreds of people are the most intermediate mobile air defense force.

Everyone only fired a few shots, and the air force in the holy city completely collapsed.

They cried and drove their mounts to turn, or raised their heights, and some even jumped off directly, using some abilities to get out of the battlefield as soon as possible.

There is only one goal, and it is not with these flying beings.

Such a disorderly attack has no threat in front of Yunding, and can only become a living target. The same is true when retreating. All other troops did not make a move, only Li Qiang and his hundreds of men, in just a few minutes Inside, the most famous air combat teams in these holy cities were defeated.

Some did escape back, but not many, but when they landed at the base that just took off not long ago, those who survived by chance knew that the air force in the Holy City was over.

Even if this urban offensive and defensive battle is finally won, it will take at least two or three years for the Air Force to return to its previous size.

After receiving the news, the city lord Ahmed's face was so gloomy that he could wring out the water. He really didn't expect that his attack, which was originally a surefire attack, would suffer a devastating blow.

"Your Majesty, they are attacking again!"

The sound of missiles and rockets attacking again sounded outside. While shouting, the defender turned the square barrel in his hand, constantly releasing that kind of fireworks to intercept. At this time, some fine beads of sweat had appeared on his forehead.

"Prepare mental and physical potions and use them for him later."

Even though Ahmed was angry now, he did not give up his attention to Wanfu's defense professional. He found that he was consuming a lot, so he immediately asked people to prepare potions.

"Your Majesty of the West City Gate, they focused their attack on the West City Gate!"

Many people here were suddenly shocked.

They all thought about why Yunding Villa focused on attacking the west gate, because the air force had just suffered a defeat there. Not only was the situation chaotic, but the morale of the soldiers defending the city was also very low.

"Send the third brigade of the second royal guard there to support."

Ahmed calmly gave the order.

"Your Majesty, isn't it too early to use the Royal Guard at this time?" One of the subordinates was worried.

Now the holy city has made great progress compared to the previous time when it was deflated against Shangyunding Mountain Villa. Although there are still only two royal guards, the first royal guard is responsible for defending the royal family, with a number of about 10,000 people. The guards were even bigger, second only to the City Defense Army and the Nu Army, with a number of more than 50,000. Among them, there were five brigades, each with 10,000 people.

In other words, the city lord actually wanted to reinforce 10,000 people at once for an enemy attack!

This will give many people in the holy city a sense that the situation is serious.

And is it serious now? No, far from that.

Ahmed smiled: "It's nothing, every morning, we have 150,000 slaves to use, and Said can use it, so tonight, let alone the Royal Second Guard, we will use the Royal First Guard." so what?"

His gaze passed over the various buildings in the holy city, and fell outside the high wall.

"However, they will probably be very happy now, which makes me uncomfortable."

Ahmed looked away as he spoke, and landed on Suhail.

"Suhaile, go there yourself and tell my child to go to the West City to join in the fun!"

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