Roulette World

1750th night blood (3)

In the west of the city, the two sides were fighting fiercely. Ten thousand people from the third brigade of the second royal guard appeared on the city wall and at the city gate, which gave the defenders great confidence.

There are quite a few of these people, but they are actually not too many when placed on the magnificent city wall.

Running a train on top of the wall is a bit exaggerated, but the width of the four lanes is definitely there, because in this special era, some defense equipment and the need for city wall defense must have such a size.

And on such a 'street', it doesn't take much space for 10,000 people to stand, not to mention that at least half of the people are serving as the reserve team below the city.

At this time, the four fine floating balls have all been concentrated here. The lack of the Holy City Air Force allows these flying guys to fly over the city unscrupulously. They really dare not fly too low. Sometimes no one can touch them.

All kinds of missiles and rockets poured towards the gate of the west city as if they didn't need money. Li Qiang led long-range troops and relied on the cover of his comrades to continuously attack the people on the city wall.

Evolvers with long-range attack capabilities and the ability to block missiles and rockets are the first targets, and the operators of the defense equipment are the second targets. As for the other guards, they will not waste precious green bullets.

Because the west of the city suddenly became the focus of the attack, the people of Yunding Villa had to get closer, which gave the defensive weapons on the city wall a chance to use.

Giant ballistas, huge catapults, and other equipment continued to counterattack, and the two sides began the first offensive and defensive battle between you and me since the outbreak of today's battle.

"See those ghost things that spew out black mist!"

Li Qiang called the chief and deputy captains and several small captains of the sniper team under him.

"I see, that thing is annoying. The black mist will be blown towards us by a strange wind. If you smell it, you will feel dizzy and it will directly affect your accuracy."

A tall and strong man said in a muffled voice, looking at his physique, he doesn't look like a sniper at all, he is more suitable for the image of a close-up fighter with heavy armor, but he has a very high shooting talent, so Li Qiang personally asked Xia Lei to take him under his command .

"We had taken antidote pills beforehand, so we were just dizzy. If we hadn't taken them, we would be light on the ground now."

Among the many core members of Yunding, Li Qiang is famous for being strict with his opponents. This is an inevitable means for him as a latecomer to convince the public, and it has gradually become a habit.

After speaking, he gave orders to his subordinates.

"All spread out freely. We know that you all have your own shooting habits. Now it's up to you to attack those who can intercept our long-range weapons first, and then attack the controllers of the city defense equipment, especially the ones that spray black mist. Remember , this time is only 30 minutes, once the time is up, retreat immediately, don't let the fight, when the time comes, we still have a special task, whoever delays, I will kill him, understand!"

Several people nodded immediately, knowing what Li Qiang said, they would definitely do so, whoever would kill Xing Xing and not come back on time, would be greeted by a bullet.

The leaders of the sniper team dispersed and led their subordinates to attack freely. At the same time, one of the Xicheng siege troops moved.

They are the farthest from the west city, and they are the closest to the outside of all the siege troops. They don't wear any high-level equipment, most of them are just simple silver leather armor, and the weapon on their bodies is at most a short sword. Or a short knife, tied by the leg or carried on the back.

But around them, there were quite a few heavily armed Genting soldiers, vaguely surrounding them.

These people didn't know what they were doing on the ground. Soon, some metal platforms mixed with plants gradually rose up, presenting a certain inclination, and a series of thick metal cannons were pushed onto it. The oblique angle is so thick that it can almost fit two people. The muzzle is aimed in the direction of the holy city.

"Reinforcement complete!"

"The fine-tuning of the angle is completed!"

"The shells are loaded!"

"Target locked!"


time is short

The three giant cannons were erected. After a dozen controllers continued to proofread and shout, they completed the preparations before launching.

The first one made a dull bang, and the whole ground shook. A torpedo-like object whizzed out from the muzzle, across the sky, over the city wall, and fell towards the center of the holy city.

Then came the second, and then the third!

The vibration of the launch was so great that even the defenders on the city wall could feel it, but the dark-colored matte shots flew very high and at a very fast speed. Without any sparks, they were extremely difficult to capture in the dark.

This kind of giant cannon is called "candy siege cannon" by its maker, Le Dayuan.

Obviously, the little girl Candy played a huge role in it.

In other words, this is a combination of magic crystal weapon laboratory and alchemy technology.

"The first type of bomb has been launched, and the second type of bomb is ready!"

"The dismantling and merging of the machine is complete, and the loading of the Type II bomb is complete!"

"Five seconds to prepare for calibration!"


In a short period of time, the three cannons were disassembled and reinstalled, together with spare pieces of arc-shaped metal walls, formed an incomparably huge siege cannon, and the platform below was also integrated into one. And raised a little bit.

At this time, the cannon barrel was almost enough to hold Yangos without spreading his wings.

There was a whirring sound, as if there was an earthquake, and the normal attack stopped for a while, and a series of huge spheres were shot out from the muzzle. Their target was no longer inside the city, but above the city wall.

After these spheres left the barrel, many people saw clearly that there were ten of them. They rose to the sky. When they fell, several metal wings protruded from both sides of the spheres, making their trajectories erratic. People on the city wall It's hard to aim to shoot down.

"Fill up energy, prepare for the second wave of Type 2 bombs!"

This team didn't want to see the results at all, and began to prepare for the third attack.

It was at this time that several huge light clusters flew out from the holy city.

They don't fly high, they just cross the city wall a little bit, and they don't fly fast, which can't be compared with the shells of the 'candy siege cannon' on Yunding.

But as soon as they appeared, the entire Yunding team outside the west city felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

In the center of the team, Guangyao and Liang Chuyin stood side by side. This is the defense area they are in charge of. The commander is Guangyao, and Wanghongmei is the deputy.

This is an arrangement that suits their character.

"It's hard to imagine the powerful power of the undead. It's stronger than the undead fish and dragon."

After Liang Chuyin said something, Guangyao nodded, "It's up to you, stop them."

"Received!" The net red girl snapped her fingers, and immediately a group of people followed her.

"Be careful, or the bell will ring and kill me."

"Uncle, I like you who can joke."

The corners of Guangyao's mouth twitched twice.

big, uncle? !

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