Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and sixty people who surrendered

Perhaps everyone living here would never have imagined that one day, the holy city that was impregnable in their consciousness would be breached.

But the cruel reality dealt them the heaviest blow.

The news that all the four city gates were lost swept through the city like a gust of wind, shocking everyone who heard it.

Many people didn't believe it at first, but when they saw zombies, genetic life and many other lives that didn't belong here, they believed it. At least, this proved that they really entered the city.

Being able to dominate the West Asia region has given the people of the Holy City a blind invincible mentality, which is one of the reasons for their failure, but at the same time, the people here are somewhat similar to Yunding in some respects, that is, they are not willing to yield.

Especially for Orientals, for some reason, they look down on them in their hearts. Of course, in certain times of peacetime, they look down on the whole world with their resources.

Yunding never thought of letting these people kneel at his feet. After breaking down the four city gates, there was no movement in the other directions. They just occupied the city walls. Only the west city, the genetic warrior troops and the long-range attack troops rushed into the city gate.

Guangyao and Liang Chuyin stood at the head of the city where the corpses were all over the ground, watching the genetic soldiers pouring in from below, they lost the tension and excitement they had just now.

"So, is it really all right?"

Guangyao thought of something, turned his head and asked the net red girl.

This time to attack the holy city, Ye Zhongming ordered all the genetic soldiers to be dispatched. Even if Guangyao and the others never got too close to the people from the two laboratories in order to avoid suspicion, they knew that this number was all of Yunding.

Even if you add the zombies temporarily summoned by Yu Po Nao Boy, the number will not reach 200,000.

And in the holy city, there is a population of more than seven figures.

Now is not a time of peace, the army has collapsed, and the civilians have little resistance. Now is the era when all the people are soldiers. How many people there basically means how many soldiers there are.

Breaking through the city gate is only the first step, and the next step is the key point.

Use these 200,000 to collide with other people's millions? Even if a miracle happens and you win in the end, what about the loss? Is it not worth the candle? I don't know when I want to gather such a large number of genetic soldiers again.

Don't think that Yunding can do whatever it wants with the gene life pipeline. No matter what it is, there is a cost. The two laboratories provide Ye Zhongming and Yunding with results that others envy, and at the same time, they need it all the time. A large number are 'blood supply', what is blood supply? All kinds of materials, all kinds of equipment, all kinds of medicines... In a word, money, or magic crystals, two laboratories, are two gold-swallowing monsters, or the ones beyond the ninth level.

Once Ye Zhongming goes to the sky, Genting's income will inevitably drop a lot, and it will enter a period of financial tightening. Under such circumstances, it seems a bit powerless to manufacture these genetic fighters.

The net red girl smiled, "I don't know either, but since Zhong Ming said so, he must have his own thoughts."

"Actually, I think it's a process of removing the chaff and saving the chaff."

More than six years after the end of the world, Liang Chuyin has changed from a little girl to a strong woman in her own right. Her appearance has not changed, but her thoughts have matured a lot.

"You see, the army of genetic warriors now has a unified command. It stands to reason that it is beyond our reach, but after all, they have not cooperated before. The specific effect will only be known after the actual battle. This time is obviously a suitable one." Opportunities. Although there will be losses, the combat power will increase exponentially afterwards, and the reduction in the number can also reduce the burden on the commander."

Guangyao nodded understandingly when he heard what Liang Chuyin said.

"It's about the same with the zombies. Yupo is not interested in having so many men around her now. She just wants to have a few high-quality guards. After this time, the zombies controlled by it will be released by it. They are all magic crystals." , What a pity to let it go, why not take this opportunity to consume it, we can still get some magic crystals. The remaining part, the mind can't control so much, how can I say..."

Liang Chuyin sorted out her words and said: "Spiritual life is very strange.

Just like when the words and minds reach an advanced level, their abilities tend to be more 'fine' than 'multiple'. Quantity gradually becomes a burden. "

What he said was not very clear, but Guangyao understood.

The net red girl suddenly smiled again: "In addition to them, those stinky mice have also come. Zhong Ming said that we can let some of them stay here in the future. The second generation of the mouse king is very excited."

"Spreading branches and leaves is your man's dream, right? This thing is also attractive to mice?"

Guangyao decided to go to the front to supervise the battle, because he found out, chatting with the Internet celebrity girl, you have a big brain, but he was still a little bit close.

The holy city is in flames.

Only when the long-range attack troops enter the city, they are still protected by the genetic troops. They will take action when they encounter difficult targets, or command the exquisite floating ball to clear the target at a time, or conduct a precise sniper attack, long-range shooting kill.

The rest of the people stayed on the city wall in their respective directions. As for the broken city gate, they had already blocked it with various weapons.

In the current holy city, it is completely a fight between human beings and mutated life forms.

The slave army did not play the role of reinforcements. Before they arrived, the gate of the city was broken. Instead, they gathered together became the most obvious targets of the loss and the genetic warriors.

Ye Zhongming, who observed the battlefield through various means, felt sad from the bottom of his heart for such guys who were fighting with their own team.

They are all disabled.

Limb disabilities will affect combat effectiveness, so in order to prevent these slaves from rebelling, the Holy City made them drink a potion that damages their intelligence, turning these people into stupid people who only obey orders .

To be on the safe side, poisonous water was applied to their eyes, so that their eyesight was impaired and they completely lost their vision in the dark.

Also, when they need to fight, they will be injected with booster drugs. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to say that such a large dose of such drugs has no side effects, and it will definitely cause damage to the body in one way or another.

The slave army will certainly not live long.

Under the order of their leader, the slave army stormed the city walls for a while, and found that Yunding was in an absolute advantage, and the condescension caused them great losses. This situation was not only in the East City, but also in several other areas.

Soon, the order to retreat was issued, and the slave army retreated, but Yunding did not pursue them.

"Send a notice to the whole city and ask them to surrender."

An hour after the city gate was broken, Ye Zhongming gave orders to his troops in all directions.

Soon, through various means, the news of the surrender of the people in the holy city spread quickly.

About ten minutes later, Ye Zhongming received notifications one after another that someone really came to surrender.

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