Roulette World

1763rd sudden

Some people say that fire and blood are the eternal themes of war.

The same is true of the holy city at this moment.

When there is no restraint, Yangos' nature for destruction is fully brought into play.

Not only because Ye Zhongming gave it the order to play freely, but also because it couldn't touch a single enemy. After the Quds Air Force was defeated head-on by Li Qiang's team, there was no one who could harass Yangos.

So the evil dragon turned into a demon, breathed a mouthful of dragon's breath here, ignited a fire around it, summoned a rain of meteorites there, made a fire pile, saw a beautiful building, and jumped down with his almost invincible body Smash it to pieces.

Icebirds are the opposite of Yangos. When they see which buildings are uglier, they spray ice fog and turn them into ice sculptures, which will look better.

Of course, if anyone dares to attack them, no matter if it is the dragon Yanggos or the ice bird, they will never be polite, and they will be burned to ashes or frozen into ice.

There is no way, the holy city can pose too little threat to them, and most of them are dealing with high-level zombies or gene legions.

The other air forces were a bit scattered, but they fought happily even without any obstruction. Even the commander continued to practice formations, looking for some enemies that were easy to deal with, so that these flying creatures and riders could 'see blood'.

The Beast Battalion is different, they have already begun to take shape. Although the number that came this time is only half of the total, they are also the ones with the most combat effectiveness. The number has reached 7,000. A rampant posture entered the battlefield.

Their task is to cooperate with the Gene Legion and be responsible for the security of the side, preventing the people from the Holy City from hindering the Gene Legion from the side.

Shouts, whistles and all kinds of strange sounds are driving this group of war beasts. They cannot have a single knight like a cavalry team. They only have a breeder. When fighting, the breeder is the commander. Follow the commander's orders.

A sign of the maturity of the Beast Battalion is the degree of control the commander has over the Beasts under him. In this regard, Yunding has done a very good job.

This aspect benefited from the full support of Wanshou Manor. It was their experience and technology that laid a good foundation for the Yunding Beast Camp. Some small biological objects, etc., let the Beast Camp explore a path with Yunding characteristics.

Silently, the Yunding Beast Battalion grew up, and just like many Yunding units this time, it officially entered the battlefield for the first time.

Originally, under the oppression of the zombies, the mutated rat army, and the gene army, the scattered holy city was already in chaos. When Yunding Air Force and the Beast Battalion joined, their chaos turned into a complete collapse.

Some locations that were still resistant were crushed and smashed by the red-haired Xia Bai with the undead fish dragon and Jiubao couple. They even killed a core team of the Holy City. It was only later that they found out that it was a great noble named Feisa .

The army was defeated like a mountain, which is the case for organized and disciplined professional troops, not to mention the mob in the holy city without a unified command.

The entire holy city failed completely without holding on for one night. The residents and nobles were driven by Yunding's team to the location of the imperial palace, which is also the center of the holy city.


Ahmed was still standing there, but there were no more zombies coming out of the big hole below, and the nine-star evolutionary who was holding the cat didn't know where he went. His eyes, from near to far, saw many things.

He saw the huge dragon figure in the sky, the roaring and galloping war beasts, the mutated rats on the red ground where the darkness passed, and the zombies that seemed to be everywhere.

He also saw the faint figure on the top of the city in the distance, and he knew that no matter which direction it was, there were already Orientals there, and there would be no more guards of the holy city.

More are the panicked and chaotic residents of the holy city who fled here.

The huge holy city, its solid walls and gates were all destroyed within a few hours.

Ahmed hadn't thought of that at all.

The hand holding the wand did not tremble under strong pressure.

Behind him were Walid, Nayef, Suhail, the little prince, and other qualified nobles who had just arrived.

Most of the people's bodies at this moment are traces of embarrassing war.

Su Haile's words just now are still in his ears, he is persuading himself to leave.

What to leave is to escape!

Ahmed felt that the pleasure of driving Gyanendra away was just yesterday, but today, it was his turn to run away.

Why don't you go?

At least from the news, there are at least three, or even four, of the opponent's ninth-level existence!

In addition to the woman holding the cat he saw, there is also a confirmed mutant tree, and a spell professional who is only guessing but at least 70% likely!

I don't even have the courage to challenge the cat-holding woman, will I have the courage to deal with four ninth-levels?

Yes, it will be daylight, and Sayyid will be finishing his preparations to deliver a devastating blow, but!

Can you make it?

Maybe it's too late, but can I survive?

One's own life is always the most important thing, and Ahmed's obsession with this point is deeper than other evolutionists.

"Aba..." Taking a deep breath, the king of the holy city is about to leave, passing through the secret passages of the holy city, it is futile to stay here, "our arrogance has harmed us, the oriental people are like peacetime and history As strong as before, since I can't fight against it, then I decided..."


The poor reason was interrupted by the sound of the weapon piercing into the body. Ahmed still maintained the posture of looking out, but his eyeballs were already bulging, covered with bloodshot eyes, his body began to tremble, and some blood flowed from the heart behind him .

A dagger glowing with purple light was inserted there.

"Your Majesty!" Suhail didn't expect such an accident to happen, and was about to rush over with a roar, but Walid and Ayefzizi, who were standing beside him, shot and instantly controlled him who was defenseless.

Everyone's evolution level is the same, such a short distance, one left and one right, it is impossible for Suhaile to escape.


Why didn't Suhail understand that these two, and Aba, the shadow with the king's knife on it, had already reached some kind of despicable agreement!

"If you choose to remain silent, we are still best friends and companions."

Walid on the side said in a deep voice.

Their families have been friendly with each other for many years.

"Fart! Do you know what you are doing? You are betraying the Lord! Your family will be ashamed!"

Walid looked at his old friend, making the last effort.

"Only the victor has the right to define everything that has happened. Suhail, it is the end of the world, and the Lord has come, just outside the earth. All this is His will. Give up your feelings for this cowardly old man Be loyal, otherwise, you and your family will be purged!"

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