Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred sixty-six: the giant battle (on)

The palace in the holy city was rebuilt on the basis of the previous palace, but its appearance has actually changed a lot.

In the information collected by Yunding, there is only a brief introduction to this building, perhaps less than a hundred words. It is really that for architecture, its value in the last days is too low.

Who would have thought that it would rise from the ground like a giant.

Evolvers have seen many miraculous or weird things in the last days, but this is the first time that mobile buildings come alive like life and exude a monstrous aura.

"Rock strike!"

The ear-piercing voice was a bit different, but it was still audible. As he spoke, the 'Palace Giant' swung a side hall on the flank, and hit Ye Zhongming who had just given it a blow.

The side hall was originally connected to the main hall, but now only one piece is connected to the main body, and the other parts are thrown out, quite like a thunderbolt.

Even if it is a side hall, it is still a palace. You can think about its huge size. After swiping it like this, it is in front of Ye Zhongming in an instant.

Instinctively, Yangos wanted to use its body to confront this guy, but Ye Zhongming stepped on it from the air.

Even though the evil dragon looked huge, it was still a top life form at the eighth level, but in front of the nine-star Ye Zhongming, it really didn't have much resistance. Its wings flickered, and it was still trampled to a place only a few seconds above the ground.

With a "boom", the evil dragon, who didn't care about stabilizing his body, raised his head and saw Ye Zhongming flying backwards.

It groaned, and breathed out a mouthful of dragon's breath at the palace giant.

"Stinking dragon, get out of here, you can't."

A branch of the Hades tree stretched out from nowhere, wrapped around Yanggos' body, and threw him behind.

Just like Ye Zhongming, when Yan Wangshu reached the ninth level, especially after Liu Zhenghong's "transformation", her strength was no longer comparable to the eighth-level Yangos.

The evil dragon flew to the back, caught the master who was flying out of the air with the same frequency, and asked concerned.

Doesn't it know that Ye Zhongming is okay? Naturally, he knew that if something really happened, how could his body maintain such a smooth retreat.

But Yangos felt more and more that if he flattered his boss well, its evolution to level nine would be much faster.

"Stand back, all of you, I'll come."

Maybe it was because Yan Wangshu was still angry that he didn't break through the city gate before, and urgently needed to find a chance to prove herself. After the palace giant appeared, she was the first to make a move.

In the end, returning without success is really embarrassing for a mutant life like Yan Wangshu who demands himself by human standards.

So I don't know when, the Hades tree has completed the preparations for the battle, and her main body has covered the ground around the palace with her root system without a sound, and its own branches have also extended a lot, facing the enemy. near.

The palace giant attacked Ye Zhongming, and Yan Wangshu launched his own attack at the same time.

The roots on the ground stood up, curved in the middle, and sharp at the top. Under her control, they all nailed towards the palace giant.

The palace of the holy city is a royal palace, majestic and huge, it is not like a hill, but a hill.

The Yan Wang tree surrounded the hill with roots in a very short period of time, which itself shows her strength.

At the same time, the branches and leaves of the Hades tree also became hard and straight at the same time, and began to swing violently, before smashing towards the palace giant.


As if echoing the attack of the monster that turned the building into a stone monster just now, the female face of Yan Wangshu spat out two words, and also started her crazy attack.

Her current body presents a state similar to that of jade, with hard branches and sharp leaves, shining brightly in the morning light.

In peacetime, such a huge jade tree must be a national treasure, and it is priceless.

But now, it's just a changed skill,

The branches that seemed to be the top imperial green were frantically whipping around the palace giant.

boom! boom! boom!

The extremely hard branches left such a crashing sound on the palace giant's body.

The woman's face was full of sternness, as if she was saying, weren't you awesome just now? Bounce off all my leaves, and turn into a giant! You thought you were a Transformer! If I don't smash you to pieces today, I won't mate with Xiao Yezi.

Everyone else stayed far away, even Ye Zhongming.

Two nine-level beings of this level are fighting against each other. If you don't want to fight in groups, it's better to keep a distance, otherwise it will be too dangerous.

Facing the attack of the Hades tree, the palace giants did not show weakness. Those side halls, urns, and even the roofs were all 'turned into' arms, and they fought with the Hades tree.

If their size is reduced to the size of a human being, and their strength is also similar to that of a human being, then their fighting is basically no different from... shrew fighting.

But once they rise to their height and their strength, it will be an almost miraculous battle of gods.

Even the aftermath of the overflowing power caused the entire city to follow their attack.

Evolvers with a slightly lower evolutionary level, as long as they are in the city, can't stand it anymore. Those who are lower than five stars start to flee one after another, but Yunding adheres to the principle that you can't leave after paying, so they must keep all their equipment.

A confrontation with a level nine existence actually made the difficult robbery business smoother, and soon even the six-star evolutionaries began to retreat outside the city.

Ye Zhongming, Mo Ye, and Yupo all got together. They no longer needed to surround the palace. Most of the evolutionaries in the holy city began to evacuate, and no one wanted to stay at this time.

They knew that they could no longer participate in a battle of this level, and [] were far away.

Of course, many people felt that this was an opportunity, and started to resist and attack again. Fights broke out in many places in the holy city, but the scale was not large, and Yunding was enough to deal with it.

The Palace Giant wants to move forward, closer to the Hades tree so it can hit more of the opponent.

But it moved a few times, but its huge body swayed, because the root system of the Hades tree had already fixed its eyes on its lower half.

The palace giant was a little angry, and it was making weird words.

"Stone strike."

The three side halls it was swinging suddenly retracted, and the lower side exploded all at once, turning into pieces of broken stones, and attacked the Hades tree like a shell.

This distance, the attack is still sudden, coupled with Yan Wangshu's huge body, and she fixed the palace giant, so why not fix herself there, facing a large-scale attack, she can't dodge.

Almost all the stones were blasted on his body, and there were countless web-shaped cracks on that jade-like smooth body!

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