Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight snakes

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Many swordthorn grass stalks were fused together to form a short sword that was a little over one meter long. At this moment, it no longer showed any signs of plants, and it was completely similar to metal.

Ye Zhongming swung it, then slashed and stabbed it on the ground, and he had an evaluation of this dagger.

Roughly equivalent to a green level.

It's strange that here, Ye Zhongming's craftsman and gardener professions are not lost, and the skills are all there, but the guy made by himself does not have the light representing the level, nor does it have specific attributes.

The material is too ordinary.

Sword thorn grass is actually good as a material, but if there are only them, it will be too simple. If Ye Zhongming has ghost gold or diamond sea gold on hand, plus some other materials, then the short sword he made will be the same. Gold level weapons.

But having such a guy is better than nothing, Ye Zhongming carried the dagger and continued to explore.

The person before said that this was an experience, and since it was like this, he didn't worry that if he didn't know what to do, there would be 'trouble' who would come to him on his own initiative.

Sure enough, before Ye Zhongming could find materials suitable for making defensive equipment, 'Trouble' came to his door.

Those were two huge boa constrictors, or in other words, flood snakes.

It had a single horn on its head and four claws on its torso. If it hadn't been for the dragon beard and tail, and the dragon scale dragon head, Ye Zhongming really thought that they were the prototype of the oriental dragon.

Ye Zhongming was very excited, not because they looked like dragons, but because they had something that Ye Zhongming was very familiar with.

Magic Crystal!

In such a place where he doesn't know what to know, encountering familiar things, even enemies, gave Ye Zhongming a different kind of kindness.

It's just that these two are not very friendly, and their level is still high, a full eighth level.

On Earth, let alone two eighth-level beings, even ten eighth-level beings, Ye Zhongming also has more than a dozen methods to defeat them, but now, he only has a green-level dagger in his hand.

Swinging his right hand, Wanzhong Body Saber Slash wanted to send out, but the result made Ye Zhongming stunned for a moment.



A flood snake hissed angrily, and with its tail, Ye Zhongming, who had failed to attack, was sent flying.

The huge impact force made Ye Zhongming grin, but he stood up quickly, his body flashed to the side, and leaned towards the two opponents in a detour.

The eighth-level snake thought it was time to eat. After all, in this jungle, there are not many life forms that can withstand their attack. This tiny existence should be the same.

They turned in Ye Zhongming's direction at the same time, their huge bodies were extremely flexible, their hind paws grabbed the ground, and their bodies swung over in a big way.

It's just that when they turned sideways, they suddenly found that the human had already reached a place very close to them. This speed surprised them, and when they instinctively wanted to stretch out their heads to bite, their bodies became heavy .


There was blood splashing out, and the part under the head of a flood snake was cut open, and the smell of blood began to disperse in the air.

Another snake found that its partner was injured, and its angry body rose into the air under the force of its four claws, and its horn hit Ye Zhongming who had just swung the dagger.

Lightly pressed his fingers on the body of the injured snake, and with this strength, Ye Zhongming dodged to the side.

But Ye Zhongming didn't have the equipment on his body after all, he was a little uncomfortable in the first battle, he didn't grasp his strength well, and he hid a little later, the horn of the snake brushed against Ye Zhongming's body.

The King of Cloud Top flew out again.

But just like the first time, Ye Zhongming stood up immediately, and his body once again took advantage of the cover of the dense vegetation here to move in other directions.

As for the injured snake, it could only lower its head at this moment, trying to keep the wound from bleeding as little as possible, but the look in its eyes was already extremely fierce, and it was obvious that it hated Ye Zhongming.

At this time, a layer of black armor appeared on Ye Zhongming's body. The moment before the snake's horn touched him just now,

He let the elf of the earth activate the black earth armor, the normal type.

It just looks like there are cracks on it, and it will be broken at any time.

Ordinary black soil armor can only last for an hour at most, and the duration will be reduced with the attack. Just now, it has almost reached the limit of the armor.

If it was hit head-on, it is probably broken.

Ye Zhongming also discovered that here, the energy consumed by the elemental elves has also increased. Such an ordinary black soil armor can definitely withstand two to three frontal attacks by eighth-level beings on earth, but now, it will be shattered if it is rubbed. up.

After repainting himself with a piece of black earth armor, Ye Zhongming rushed forward again, letting the earth elves continue to use gravity to affect the two snakes.

When the dagger was hit again, it was still the wounded end. Because it wanted to stop the bleeding, it lowered its head as much as possible, trying to squeeze the wound. This made it inconvenient to move. Ye Zhongming's strange speed change and the influence of gravity caused one of its front paws to be cut open!

Ye Zhongming learned his lesson this time. After cutting the snake's claws with all his strength, he didn't pull out the short sword that could only be effective because of the lack of level, but let the body change slightly. Arriving behind the Jiao Snake from an angle, aiming at its spine is a punch.

There was a bang in the air first, followed by a crisp bone cracking sound.

Flood Snake's body swayed suddenly, and without screaming, it lay down on the ground, its body limp.

Ye Zhongming's punch directly broke its spine!

The other snake's eyes were red. Taking this opportunity, it entangled Ye Zhongming's body at once, and began to exert force continuously, trying to squeeze this guy into pieces.

Ye Zhongming didn't panic, he deliberately raised both hands, one hand held against the head of the snake that wanted to bite off his head, and the other hand punched the body of the snake one after another.

The standoff lasted almost a minute.

The black soil armor on Ye Zhongming's body was broken, his bones creaked, and his face turned red. It was obvious that the snake's death entanglement made him feel uncomfortable.

But the King of Cloud Top was not in a hurry at all, and continued to hit. Soon, the snake let go of Ye Zhongming little by little, and fell to the ground just like his companion just now.

Ye Zhongming jumped down, picked up the dagger, went up and stabbed the first snake that was still alive, and then began to cramp and peel.

The current King of Genting is a poor kid who started from scratch, everything is good, he plans to make leather armor from the dragon snake skin, keep the bones and sinews for spare, and bring some snake meat, in case you can't find better ones here food source.

After doing all this, he quickly left the scene. From the time he met the two snakes to finishing the finishing work, he stayed here for at least seven or eight minutes, which was already very unsafe.

When his shadow disappeared, two figures came from one direction, one of them was wearing a bronze mask and a black robe like the leader, and the other was the one who sent Ye Zhongming and others in.

"Xiuli Celestial Body, it's really good! But what happened to the armor that suddenly appeared on him?" the masked man asked suspiciously.

The instructor with colorful hair and pupils frowned and thought for a while, "It's a bit like the gray pigeon family's earth closure technique, but I'm not sure."

The masked man nodded, looked at the direction where Ye Zhongming disappeared and said, "This rubbish seems to be okay."

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