Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and eighty-one capacity chain

Aslan stared blankly at the simulated sky in the space, and felt that his life was in darkness from now on.

She has never been treated like this since she was a child!


After the great resentment, it was a numbness of accepting fate.

Aslan believed that someone must have seen his situation now, even if no one was monitoring it inside, the man of color must be watching.

Although the practice of rubbish is cruel, it must be controlled. All the forces in the dark strip city need fresh blood, and it is extremely urgent, especially for the star-eyed tribe. So it is impossible to let all these new garbage die in the experience.

Monitoring was a must, and Aslan had done it a few times before.

But now, no one came out to get rid of this garbage, no one came to save himself.

She knows why.

It's nothing more than two points. The first point is that someone wants her to die! At least, some people hope that she will be taught and made a fool of herself. The second point is that the strength shown by this garbage has been recognized. The head of the special training camp, the man of color, or the higher-ups, saw a little hope in this garbage.

Then as long as this garbage doesn't kill itself, no one will intervene.

If I'm not... then maybe no one will show up for what this trash does to me.

"What did you say before? Repeat it slowly, standard, without an accent."

Aslan hasn't said anything yet, crows are flying on the foreheads of the men of color and the people in front of the light curtain who have been paying attention to this place.

Darkstripe is only the lingua franca here, and it is not everyone's mother tongue. It is learned and taught in a unified way. What accent can it have? Do you think that your home planet cannot understand each other across the river?

What's more, the star-eyed people are famous for their good voice, how could they have an accent? !

The corners of Aslan's mouth were bleeding in anger.

Ye Zhongming shook his head, moved the bottle under Aslan's nose again, and let her take a sip.

While using it, I muttered.

"Birdman just can't resist beating..."

Aslan listened, he almost died of anger.

You are like a monster, no one can handle it! Even if you can't bear it, can you use your mother tongue instead of code words when you complain!

Also, your dark note has an accent, and your whole family has it!

"I said, I'm your special training instructor..." Aslan endured a sense of shame comparable to the heat of the sun, repeating what he said before being beaten violently for the second time.

Ye Zhongming touched his chin, looked at the sky, and felt that he seemed to have done something wrong...

"What can you teach me?"

But this sense of apology lasted only a second before it was replaced by curiosity.

Aslan got better after the second treatment. The thing was Al gas, the secret healing medicine of the Al clan. Although the broken bones in the body can't be restored immediately, they are definitely healing rapidly, and the shock to the internal organs is even more intact.

"You can choose one of the abilities I used when I attacked you before."

May I? Ye Zhongming's eyes lit up.

Although Aslan is not his opponent, this bird man has good abilities. Whether it is the ability to automatically track the target, or the ability to explode the clone that turns into poisonous smoke, or even poison the water, it is all good. Skills that are extremely useful in battle, and being able to learn one of them will greatly improve one's strength.

"Can you teach me everything?"

Ye Zhongming's attitude improved a lot, which made Aslan extremely contemptuous, but he didn't show it, after all, this trash has a criminal record, and if she was beaten again, she would die of shame and anger.

"It's not what you imagined." Aslan's expression became serious.

No matter how she is treated by this rubbish, the issue involved now is her own job, and even more seriously, it will concern the survival of the entire Star-Eyed Clan.

Even though she didn't think this rubbish could change anything, the concept that had been built up in her heart since she was a child made Aslan let go of the beam she had just made.

Carefully explain to Ye Zhongming.

"The more abilities, the better, because this is not the kind of direct input skill you had when you were on the home planet."

Ye Zhongming also became serious, listening carefully, not letting go of a single word.

"On your home planet, the ability is instilled in you by the roulette. It's amazing, isn't it? You don't need to learn anything, just shred the skill scroll." Aslan sneered, Ye Zhongming felt that this is not Not for him, but for roulette.

"But it's different here. Your abilities on the home planet will be lost for some reasons. Although you won't lose all of them, most of them will disappear. How much and what is left depends on you. Your talent depends on your understanding of ability and many factors.”

"Also, the ability can still be brought out a little bit, but the equipment can't be brought out at all."

Ye Zhongming was stunned when he heard this, no wonder the equipment was gone, it turned out that he hadn't brought it out of the earth at all. At the same time, I am even more confused about the relationship between the roulette wheel and the myriad races in the universe, and I am more in awe of all kinds of magic.

"By the way, the bloodline will not disappear, it will still be preserved." Aslan said here, looking at Ye Zhongming, he finally felt cautious about this trash in his heart.

She was sure that when this trash fought him just now, he didn't use blood!

Once used, the gap between each other...

"Now you are in the universe, not in the outer space of your motherhood, but in the real universe. Most of your abilities have been lost, and you need to relearn to fight against... the slaves."

Seeing Ye Zhongming opened his mouth when he heard this, Aslan interrupted: "Listen to me, your questions about goals and tasks will be answered by other people."

"The learning here is real learning and mastery, so it can't be done overnight. You need to remember, then understand, then apply, and finally become proficient and even become instinctive. So, yes, this requires a lot of time and energy, It is impossible to learn all the abilities you want."

Ye Zhongming understands Aslan's words. In fact, this is normal. It is not normal on earth to rely on roulette to learn and master it instantly.

"And our rule is that you can only learn one skill from a special training instructor. I am not stingy with teaching you, but I hope that you can use your limited energy to form your own ability chain as quickly and effectively as possible... …a chain of abilities that fits your own fighting style and habits."

Ye Zhongming nodded. He also understood this point. He was too greedy to chew. He had learned a lot of abilities that were not suitable for him. It was better to learn and master only a few of them. In a battle, there were actually only a few of them. Ability can be used.

"Okay, tell me the ability you want to learn, or tell me about your fighting style and habits, and I will give you my advice."

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