Roulette World

One thousand seven hundred and ninety is still not the limit

Ye Zhongming endured the blood churning in his chest, turned around and rushed towards the orc.

Over there, two of the three shadows have been blown up.

Although Aslan, who was watching this scene not far away, had been persuaded by the man of color, his teeth still itch when he saw this scene.

At that time, I was very patient and painstakingly taught this trash, wanting him to condense the second poisonous shadow as soon as possible, but this guy looked stupid, no matter what he failed, he was so angry that he exhausted his patience and left disappointed.

But now, looking at his current appearance, there is no way he can't figure out the situation of the second clone, and he can release four clones together!

This is something that he and the man of color didn't say anything and directly concealed it!

This guy can not only solidify the shadows enough to use weapons, but also has a mental impact, and can also increase the number!

Aslan doesn't know how many shadows this guy can create at most, but obviously, there are definitely not only two. In the future, this ability can no longer be called double poisonous shadows with him.

The man of color on one side saw the colorful eyes shining again and again. He realized that this was no longer an improvement on the ability of Double Poison Shadow, but an innovation.

He couldn't help but think of a sentence his teacher once said to him many, many years ago.

The teacher said that the people who can bring the most surprises to people in this universe will always be those low-level races that you look down upon.

Now, the term "inferior race", which contains obvious discrimination and insult, is no longer used by convention, but in fact, every race in the universe still thinks so.

But it is precisely these low-level races that have the innovative ability that all races in the universe are gradually losing, as well as their own unique self-abilities.

It's one thing for a half-orc to face three shadows alone, he can kill two in a row. But facing a black shadow and Ye Zhongming, that's another matter.

For him who was also not very outstanding in mental strength, the mental shock after the black shadow exploded made him a little dizzy now.

When Ye Zhongming came over, he took the initiative to explode the last black shadow, trying to take advantage of the stiffness caused by the mental shock and kill this guy directly.

But to his surprise, when he thought the last chance appeared, the half-orc suddenly turned red and swollen, transforming into a real beast.

As for mental attacks, they are also immune in this process.

Ye Zhongming instinctively took a few steps back, and with a bang, a sharp horny tail-like object stabbed out from where he was standing just now.

After a miss, the drill-like tail swished back, and when it reappeared, it was at Ye Zhongming's feet again.

Ye Zhongming dodged seven attacks in succession before he had a brief pause.

At this time, he was already some distance away from the half-orc who had turned into a monster. In other words, the advantage he had created with the double poisonous shadows before was gone now.

In front of the light curtain, many people were sighing.

Different from the two golden mask fighters, among the people watching the battle today, such as Yashinan, the logistics chief, he likes Ye Zhongming very much. There is no way, in the experience, Ye Zhongming performed the best. Be optimistic about this rubbish, and he is like this, one is a master of technology, and the other is a master of training, can they still get it wrong?

So when Ye Zhongming returned without any success, the chief executive of the Star-Eyed Clan, who knew the ability of Double Poison Shadow quite well, was a little disappointed.

There is no way, even if this ability can be improved, there are still some things that cannot be changed. Every time a black shadow is released, it is restricted in various aspects. Otherwise, the entire Star-Eyed Clan will not be able to release only two for so many years.

How much has Ye Zhongming released in this battle? It should have reached the limit.

Without the double poisonous shadows, facing this half-orc who is in a state of transformation, this surprising piece of garbage can't do much.

Yashinan's judgment is also based on the half-orc race - the Xingsi tribe. Even if one does nothing after birth,

After reaching adulthood, there is also a powerful race with strength around level 7. Of course, to become a top life like level 9, this race will be more difficult than other races, but it will be stronger after success.

Not only Yashinan, but even Ji Kesu and the others frowned.

Using two-to-one to artificially create the difficulty of the trial, the original intention was to select excellent trash that could take on the entire Star-Eyed Clan, but when this trash completed half of the trial but was on the verge of failure, these people didn't care It was so ruthless as I said before, but there was still hesitation in my heart.

Even if he didn't complete this trial, he was still the best novice garbage in many years of the universe. Isn't it a pity to die like this? Even if you don't go to the rookie battlefield, it would be good to give Jikesu a shot and study various abilities in the future.

Ji Kesu opened his mouth, he was going to keep this kid and not let him die in this trial, he turned his head sideways, and was going to let the colored men near the scene stop fighting through Bashilu.

But what he saw was a face of joy after being shocked. Elder Jixu turned his head suddenly, and saw the novice garbage he thought would be defeated, waving at the half-orc of the Xingsi tribe, and on top of the target, A huge black mountain fell from the sky!

That is an energy body, but visually, it is almost real, it is a real majestic mountain with grass, trees and streams!

With a bang, the mountain fell, and the orc, who couldn't dodge no matter how he tried to dodge, fell to the bottom.

The entire trial ground trembled accordingly!

Before the light curtain, there was a sound of suction.

The battle is over like this?

What kind of ability is this?

At least none of these people have seen it.

Ji Kesu recovered from the shock, and suddenly smiled, making everyone look at the old man.

"We said before that this guy probably has the exclusive equipment of his planet. What he used just now should be this kind of ability."

The old man rubbed his hands excitedly. He had a premonition that this garbage would bring great surprises to him and to the entire Star-Eyed Clan.

"We were still worried about his defeat just now, but everyone's lights were dark, so we ignored it." The old man waved his arm, obviously feeling a little excited at the moment, everyone looked at him and felt the same emotion.

"He didn't use the bloodline! That's an ability that will inevitably be brought here, but he is still useless. What does this mean? It means that even now, facing two opponents of the same level, he has not fully utilized his potential. Force it out!"

After clapping his hands, Ji Kesu said, "Bring him, I want to meet this exciting little guy."

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