Roulette World

Chapter 14 Jumping off the building


During the march, Ye Zhongming replaced the May 4th pistol obtained on the roulette with another full magazine, replacing the one that had already fired five bullets.

This is a habit he has developed over the years of his life in the last days.

The long-haired beauty behind her was pale, because the mutated wicker she held in her arms exuded a bloody smell all the time, which stimulated her fragile nerves.

The two corpses at the base of the willow tree, which were used as fertilizer, were dragged to death by the wicker, and some flesh and blood still remained on the wicker.

After the mutation, the willow branches were flexible and firm, and the willow leaves were as sharp as knives. During the running, a few willow leaves even cut open her delicate skin, but she dared not make a sound, she was afraid that the man in front would leave her alone, Then she has no other possibility except to become a delicacy for the zombies behind her.

Ye Zhongming in the front led the way around the cafeteria, and entered an outdoor fitness equipment area from one side, easily getting rid of the siege of zombies.

This is due to the accurate judgment brought by his rich experience and the excellent vision and hearing of the one-star evolutionary. If it were anyone else, they would have been surrounded by zombies who heard the sound at this moment.

Hiding in the dark corner of the building, Ye Zhongming determined the direction. He just saw the secret key falling from the sky in the community, but the light was blocked by some tall buildings after falling to a certain height, so now Ye Zhongming can't Accurately grasp the landing site.

This made him a little anxious. After all, the secret key is not a zombie, and it poses no threat to humans. If someone else gets it first, he will be unwilling anyway.

A burst of noise interrupted Ye Zhongming's contemplation. He found that on the fourth floor of the opposite building, someone was climbing out along the tied curtain ropes, but the length of the curtain rope was a bit short, and it disappeared near the second floor. Those who let these downs have to jump off the second floor.

It should be fine at the beginning, and everything went smoothly, but when a student reached the end of the curtain rope and was about to jump down, the proportion of the window on the second floor was suddenly smashed, and several shriveled zombies protruded from it. The gray-black arm made the student unprepared to fall down, and subconsciously began to yell.

Undoubtedly, such decibels are like a bright light in the dark night for zombies with well-developed sense of hearing and smell. .

In the dark night with a few lights, the zombie's red eyes and the roar representing death formed a huge pressure, which completely broke down those students who were able to maintain their discipline and started to escape just now. Some of the people on the fourth floor wanted to shrink back, while others wanted to hurry down and escape from the Jedi, so they huddled together at the window.

The students who were still on the curtain ropes also lost their positions and jumped directly, but these students were almost between the third and fourth floors. If they fell on the concrete floor below at this height, they would break their bones even if they didn't die. The sound of wailing means that they have almost become the worst people.

Those who had already reached the ground before ran towards Ye Zhongming with exhaustion.

your sister!

Ye Zhongming gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, he didn't understand, everything went smoothly after rebirth, but why did this happen all the time. The long-haired woman was like this just now, and now this group of students is like this. Could it be that after I was reborn, I wore an invisible red cross on my head? Otherwise, why are they all coming towards themselves?

He was very sure that the target of these students was himself, because many people had already started waving and shouting in the direction where he was hiding, saying "help, come and help".

Ye Zhongming wanted to leave instinctively, he didn't have the slightest liking for these people who encountered things that were not relatives but panicked and betrayed their companions.

But he looked at the window from which these students escaped, and then corresponded to the angle at which the light fell just now,

He changed his mind immediately.

If this group of people stayed at the window all the time, someone should have seen the place where the secret key fell!

"Wait here for me."

After giving orders to the long-haired woman, Ye Zhongming greeted her with a knife in hand.

Seeing someone coming, these six or seven students showed joy on their faces, but when they found that there was only one person, the hope on their faces changed to stunned and pained, and even a trace of complaint.

Why is there only one person? ! What can one person do! ?

"Go to the corner of the building over there!"

Ye Zhongming didn't even look at the group of students, and when he passed them sideways, he dropped this sentence and walked towards the zombies.

Relatively speaking, this successive zombies did not pose a great threat to Ye Zhongming. What he was afraid of was the situation where many zombies gathered together at the same time.

Although the machete Ye Zhongming was carrying was a bit damaged, it was very easy to use after these few slashings, although it felt a little light after becoming a one-star evolutionary.

When the zombies found someone running towards them, they became excited and restless, but what greeted them was the light of death's knife.

Ye Zhongming's physique, which is six times stronger than that of ordinary people, has played an extreme role at this moment. His speed is so fast that the sparse zombie group can't even touch his clothes. His strength is huge, and his knife is precise. Every zombie is killed with a single knife. The only difference is the method of their death. Some were stabbed in the eye sockets, some had their necks chopped off, some were pierced through the temples...

When those students ran to the location Ye Zhongming said and saw a somewhat familiar long-haired beauty, they all turned their heads. It's not so much a concern for that person's safety, it's more about looking at the distance between the danger and themselves.

But the scene in front of them stunned them. The man with the knife who should have been eaten by the zombies not only survived, but also rushed into the crowd of zombies, chopping up those monsters that were the most terrifying things in the world to them was like killing chickens It was as easy as killing a dog, and in just such a moment, more than a dozen of them died on his way forward!

"how can that be!?"

A student whose face was sweating from running was startled and murmured, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Although the end of the world has just come for a few hours, for most people, these few hours are as long as centuries. They witnessed and experienced the process of human beings falling from the top of the world. At the same time, the unique adaptability of human beings also made them realize a truth-they themselves became food, and the monsters transformed by these same kind became hunters.

But now, the cognition that had just been formed has been subverted, and it is difficult for them to accept it for a while.

Of course, it is even more difficult to accept that this disruption is someone else's, not their own.

After Ye Zhongming uncovered the head of a zombie, he found that the nearest zombie was still more than ten meters away. He immediately started to run back, and took time to dig out the demon on the forehead of the zombie he killed along the way. crystal.

He quickly ran back to these people, and asked impatiently: "A ray of light just fell from the sky, who saw where it landed?"

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