Roulette World

1796th joined

In the picture, there is a planet, Ye Zhongming can't describe it, because it is not the earth after all, nor is it blue, but a gray-white existence.

This color, not only in the eyes of people on earth, but also in the eyes of all races in the universe, represents brokenness, ruin, and desolation...

Ye Zhongming didn't understand, he said he was a slave, how could he show him a planet?

Could this be the home planet of the slaves?

Or, is it the base of the slaves?

"This was originally a planet full of vitality, from birth to now, only about 150 million cosmic years."

Ye Zhongming didn't know the conversion ratio between the cosmic year and the earth's year. He guessed that it should be three to four times, because Aslan had revealed some information when he was teaching him.

Even if it is five times the age of the earth, that is, less than one billion years, it is indeed very young. You must know that the earth is already four or five billion years old.

"This is what it used to be."

As soon as the light curtain changed, the planet became full of vitality, even if it was only from the outside, it could be felt that it showed a very active crimson color.

Ye Zhongming nodded. The contrast between the front and back of the star and the huge visual gap made him realize the drastic changes that might occur.

"The reason is... the slaves."

The projected light curtain changed again, it was still this planet, but outside it, a cage appeared.

No, not right.

Ye Zhongming moved his face closer. In fact, he didn't have to do this. Projecting a light curtain can make people see very clearly from any angle. Doing this will only make the feeling clearer.

It wasn't a real cage, but a flesh-colored thing like a cricket cage that enveloped the entire planet.

In other words, birdcages are also fine, after all, they are round.

Through the fence-like structure, the planet can be seen slowly dimming.

"Look at the beginning."

Ji Kesu did this because he wanted Ye Zhongming to leave a deeper impact.

The picture returned to the moment when the planet was full of vitality, and then, in the depths of the universe, a piece of cloth, flesh-colored cloth, seemed to fly slowly, but actually quickly.

This time Ye Zhongming saw clearly that this piece of cloth is not just flesh-colored, it is actually an irregular, soft, thick skin-like life!

It floated from a distance, and soon reached the sky above the planet, and then began to deform.

After a while, it turned into what Ye Zhongming saw before, enclosing the planet in its surroundings, then shrinking, expanding, shrinking, expanding again... as if breathing.

With each breath, the originally vibrant planet began to dim a little bit, and the breath of life became weaker and weaker. Ye Zhongming even saw some bright spots burst out during this process and then disappeared. He felt that it should be a volcano. An outbreak or some aggressive and widespread fire.

"Multiple of a million."

Ye Zhongming was stunned for a moment, then couldn't bear the horror anymore, and closed his eyes on his own initiative.

He understood what Jixue was saying.

The process that he saw just now, from the time when the strange life of the slave race enveloped the planet, to the last time the planet turned gray and left, lasted for about five minutes.

The one million times that Ji Kesu said is the ratio to shorten the process. Ye Zhongming only made a rough calculation and came to an astonishing conclusion.

In reality, this process should have lasted more than nine years.

Of course, this is Earth Year.

A planet, in just over nine years, turned the star of life into the star of death?

Human beings are so harmful to the earth, or are billions of people harming together, and they haven't killed a single planet. It took this slave race nine years to do it?

With this concept, there will be uncontrollable fear in my heart.

Imagine that there is such a kind of life in the universe that will descend on the top of the head at any time, and after a few years of hard work, it will turn the world it is in into hell... The process of life becomes very few... life,

The chaos begins and the countdown begins...

Is this the slave race?

But, what kind of thing is this?

"There are a lot of life in the universe, and no one can tell how many there are. It is not surprising that some powerful and special beings appear." Ji Kesu said slowly: "The universe has light and darkness, and life is the same. If The slave race, that is, the body that is like carbon-based life skin and survives by absorbing the energy of a living planet represents destruction and the dark side, then the god race or the roulette race represents the light side and life."

"But..." Ye Zhongming wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the Chief Technology Officer.

"I know what you're going to ask, yes, the Protoss that controls the roulette is indeed cruel, no matter what kind of problem it wants to solve, it has first cleaned up and eliminated what it thinks should not be. For us , unspeakably kind. But..."

"It's better than this kind of monster that treats the planet and the life on it as food, right?"

This point, Ye Zhongming also had to admit.

He used to hate roulette. He felt that those things were the root of all evil. Without them, maybe the end of the world would not come. Even if it did come, people would not lose their nature and attack each other cruelly, just The last mighty.

But now, from this perspective, perhaps, this thing really exists like a savior.

It may not be an exaggeration to call it a god.

"Our Earth..." Ye Zhongming suddenly realized something, and he asked nervously.

The old man nodded, pressed a few more times on the desktop, and switched to another projection screen.

There, it is the earth!

Outside this human home planet, there is a slave tribe wrapping it in it!

Ye Zhongming's eyes were a little red.

It has been almost seven years since the end of the world. If the earth is about the same size as that star, wouldn't it mean that the planet will be destroyed in two more years? !

No, Ye Zhongming came to his senses, he lived for ten years in his previous life, and he didn't see the earth 'die', did he? I didn't even feel any abnormality in the overall geological environment.

In this case, there should be something that I don't know.

Sure enough, Jixue spoke again.

"Don't worry, your home star won't be drained of energy so quickly, because of two points."

"Before explaining the reason, there is a question I would like to seek your consent."

The old man cut off at a critical moment, and instead talked about the conditions...even though he said it was very polite.

Ye Zhongming nodded to signal him to continue.

"You are a fighter selected by our Star-Eyed Clan, and you have also passed the test. No matter at any time, I hope you can stand by our side, or even become one of us!"

Ye Zhongming lowered his head in thought, but this was not beyond his expectation.

Since the roulette is for selecting fighters, then he is chosen by the Star-Eyed Clan. If he wants to obtain information, benefits and even status, he must become their companion.

In fact, Ye Zhongming was very fortunate that the old man didn't directly ask him to be a thug, or simply a slave.

"On the basis of not harming me and the people and things related to me, I agree."

Jixue showed the happiest smile since the conversation, and stretched out his fist.

"Then, welcome, rookie Ye Zhongming."

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