Roulette World

One thousand eight hundred and three blocked the door

The spaceship hovered in the sky for a while, and slowly entered a descending passage. Through the porthole, Ye Zhongming saw that it was a ray of light.

The feeling of waking up in the dimension tunnel is not pleasant. At first, Ye Zhongming thought that this place was located in a small space, but the surrounding scenery proved that this place is actually a corner of the universe, but I don’t know how far it is from the former Survivor Fortress No. 5 .

He closed his eyes and adjusted, feeling the recovery of various functions, Ye Zhongming was still very satisfied with his body.

"Drink it, we will have more than an hour to enter the base camp."

Aslan took out a few bottles of potions and handed them to Ye Zhongming and the other four, presumably to restore their physical condition, and the others took them and drank them down. in the space backpack.

"Dimensional tunnels are not friendly to life, you'd better not trust your body's recovery ability too much." Seeing that Ye Zhongming didn't drink but kept it, Aslan kindly persuaded him.

She is much more experienced in this area than Ye Zhongming who doesn't understand anything.

But she didn't know about Ye Zhongming's situation, and the latter just waved his hand, saying that it was okay. The female birdman could only shake her head helplessly.

Now she has no restraint on this person at all. Among the other three people, Jiekui hesitated to speak. It seemed that she wanted to persuade Ye Zhongming, but she didn't say anything after discovering Ye Zhongming's attitude. With a sneer on his face, he felt that this guy was pretending to be fart.

"Why does it take so long? The planet in the novice battlefield is not far from us, right?" Burano said, frowning and looking outside.

Both he and Shi Kangbo are tall and thin beings with long tails behind them, but they are usually wrapped around their waists in the clothes, which are not very conspicuous. In addition, what attracts people's attention is their eyes. The pupils seem to change at any time, showing a state of constant cycle between erect and perfect circle.

Aslan's expression moved, because he didn't know whether Burano's words were intentional or not, and his tone was a little impatient and... complaining.

"Our star-eyed tribe has a low status and will enter behind. There are very powerful beings on this planet. If you get too close, you will be attacked in the outer sky. It is difficult to dodge. You can only pass through the light-proof passage of the Lena star .”

Burano didn't say anything, and went directly back to his cabin to rest. Shi Kangbu didn't go back, but found a place to sit down, and closed his eyes in silence.

Ye Zhongming shrugged, not surprised by this situation.

In the final analysis, people like myself are not native-born members of the Star-eyed tribe. Perhaps in the future, through some magical means, they can be injected with magical powers such as blood, and be recognized and passed on, but it is obviously impossible now.

A low sense of identity cannot be compensated by a little favor and good-natured entreaties.

In the final analysis, people like myself are their thugs after all, the difference is that those big clans shout and shout at the thugs, while the small clans treat them enthusiastically.

However, many of the Star-eyed people obviously still don't understand the plight of the race, which can be seen from the garbage that the masked people who were introduced before killed and cultivated at will. They discriminated against these fighters in their hearts.

Now that people's sense of identity is low, it seems that there is not much to criticize.

Let’s talk about Ye Zhongming himself, even though Ji Kesu showed great sincerity, deep down in his heart, the king of Yunding thinks that he is still the king of Yunding, and Ye Zhongming is still an earthling.

Probably, no matter how weak one of the myriad races in the universe is, they don't want new races to join their ranks to get a share of the pie.

While waiting, Ye Zhongming stood in front of the porthole. After standing with him for a while, Aslan began to tell him which spaceship belonged to which race, and what the situation of this race was like. Later Jiekui also came to listen, these things are also very useful, even Shi Kangbu on the side opened his eyes and listened to study.

Soon, the spaceship of the Star-Eye Race received the order to enter the port, and the aircraft slowly entered the light-discharging passage from the entrance, and landed towards the novice planet.

After entering the planet, even if you are prepared in your heart,

Ye Zhongming was still stunned by the scene here.

The turbid air, like a medium-level smog, is pale pink, and I don't know if it is poisonous. There are some bright lights flashing in the distance, and I don't know what it is. After getting closer to the ground, you can see a huge pentagonal city with towering walls and all kinds of weapons on it. A large number of guards are constantly patrolling. Several of them are shining brightly, as if a battle broke out.

"This is the base camp, your base for some time to come."

After Aslan finished speaking, he asked everyone to wait a moment, and then took people out, probably to go through some formalities. After a while, he came back with a bad face, but motioned for a few people to follow her.

After getting out of the aircraft and going outside, I immediately smelled a faint pungent smell, which is not strong, but living in such an environment for a long time, it will be short-lived for a few years.

Aslan led the way and entered the camp in the north of the city. After leveling four people in a room, Ye Zhongming and others received a small box.

"Before the start of the novice battlefield tomorrow, the bell will ring three times. You must put on the equipment in the box, and then bring the supplies inside to assemble at Jude Square. Those who arrive late will have their heads cut off."

A life similar to a lion-headed man stood there and yelled at Ye Zhongming and the others.

Although this is no longer the Dark Stripe City, the Dark Stripe language is still used. Compared with a city that combines beauty and technology, this place is rough and crude, like a dilapidated village in the Middle Ages.

Ye Zhongming looked at the lion-headed man, and felt a strong murderous aura from him.

The evolution of the last days of the earth has reached the edge of seven years now, and there are countless people with obvious murderous aura. For example, Ye Zhongming himself, if he is really in an angry fighting state, the murderous aura is unbearable for ordinary people.

But compared with this person, he really pales in comparison. How many people have to be killed before his body can be filled with such a strong murderous aura.

Holding the novice items they received, the Star-Eyed Clan turned and walked out, but they met a team of twelve people head-on.

Perhaps because of the different responsibilities of the base camp, the architectural style here pursues the ultimate simplicity and practicality, and I safely gave up the beauty.

Every building is built according to the requirements of the fortress.

The same is true for this room. Anyone who sees it can only use one word to describe it, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

But the result of this is that the door of the room is not very wide, and the two sides are still occupied by unclosed metal doors, leaving only a width of about three meters.

With the body shape of people on earth, it is no problem to have a few people side by side, but not all the bodies of all races in the universe are so slender.

For example, those who are walking towards each other now, they are like hills, two people side by side, blocking the door so there is no gap.

The two sides happened to meet at the door, and one of them must avoid it. Aslan was at the front when he entered, but he was at the end when he left. It was too late when he realized this scene. She told everyone to move out of her mouth. A life outside the door punched the person in front without warning!

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