Roulette World

One hundred and seventy-seventh form 2

"Don't move the rock!"

This is Sheng Yuan's professional skill as a giant shield player.

Ye Zhongming naturally understood.

This is also the biggest source of confidence for him to come here today.

If the Apostle of Light is a profession that tends to be defensive, then the Giant Shielder is a completely defensive profession. All the new skills that can be learned after being promoted in this profession are all used for defense.

In the last days, no one actually wants to learn this kind of profession.

Think about it, how will it evolve in the last days? To spin the wheel. If you turn it, you need a magic crystal. If you get the magic crystal? You need to kill zombies or other mutant life and monsters.

If you learn a defense class and all skills are defensive skills, how do you kill zombies?

Yes, this profession is indeed very important for team combat, and it can also greatly guarantee the safety of the team.

But this also means that those who have learned this profession have given away the initiative to gain.

No one wants to lay the road to becoming stronger on the pity and kindness of others when they are facing life and death crises all the time.

But perhaps because of this, the defensive power of this defensive professional skill is also very strong. After using the strongest defensive skill of the big man of the six-star evolutionary in the previous life - the golden barrier, even the nine-star evolutionary cannot be defeated in one blow. .

Immovable Rock is the first professional skill of the Giant Shielder. Although it is only an initial skill, it is also extremely powerful in defense.

After Ye Zhongming shouted in his life, Sheng Yuan raised his head to the sky and screamed, the blood foam from his mouth sprayed into the air and landed on his face again, but he didn't notice at all that this strong man smashed the huge shield to the ground hard, A wave of mental power was poured into the shield in his hand.

"Don't move... rock!"

Sheng Yuan's eyes opened angrily, his body that had been shaken by these mutated beings stood tall like a mountain, and the shield emitted a huge light.

A phantom identical to the shield appeared beside the shield, followed by a second one. The third, the fourth...

After a while, a row of translucent giant shield phantoms somewhat similar to the empty diamond shield surrounded the team, and this is not over yet. On top of these phantom shields is another row, followed by a third and a fourth and a fifth.

In the blink of an eye, these shield phantoms actually appeared five rows up and down, separating the team from the mutant life.

The shadows of these shields flickered. But tightly together.

The people in the team no longer needed to work hard, and immediately felt relieved. They were also attracted by the professional skills of Sheng Yuan, a strong man. They didn't know they could have such abilities.

In contrast, Park Sooyoung's Kongling Shield is a bit miniature. They have temporarily forgotten that the Kongling Shield is active and is an automatic defense. It can only be said that the two skills have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The attack of this group of monsters will not stop because of the appearance of a skill. They were pushed out by these shield phantoms just now. They have been irritated. In their view, these low-level humans who are completely similar are just some food on the plate. Maybe they will be able to destroy their front lines in the next second and taste the delicious blood.

As for the shield formation, they didn't think there was anything wrong with it. How powerful can a group of low-level humans use skills?

These monsters make all kinds of noises, all wanting to jump on this hard phantom and smash it!

As for the thing that was kicked out just now, one of these monsters was kicked out in a random chapter. After turning to another monster, it fell to the ground, and no one paid attention to it.

All the people in the team were pushed under the devil's gambling table, only Sheng Yuanding was there in front, and Ye Zhongming who pulled out a black spear was behind him.

It was the **** rifle that was obtained at the base in the new district.


Sheng Yuan is bleeding from Qiqiao now.

When the professional skill of Unmoving Rock is activated. Mental strength is not required.

But this is a continuous skill, every second, it consumes mental power, and the stronger the attack, the more mental power it consumes.

Under the berserk attack of these twenty or thirty monsters, Sheng Yuan's mental power dropped every second. The illusion of five rows of shields, which seemed extremely majestic, could not last for a few seconds at all.

If it weren't for Sheng Yuan's strong willpower, and if the profession of giant shield player had a natural advantage in defense, Sheng Yuan might be dead by now.

But in the end, Sheng Yuan was only a one-star evolutionary, and after only holding on for two seconds, Sheng Yuan felt uncomfortable as if his internal organs were burned, and he had to yell out two words hoarsely.

Ye Zhongming naturally knew what the big man meant.

The skill of immovable rock is actually divided into two stages.

The first one is this kind of form that can surround all the objects to be protected. The defense power of each phantom is equal to the shield itself. After using it, it is as if hundreds of thousands of users have been copied.

In addition, this skill is special in that it has a second stage.

This second stage occurs only once, when the first form has resisted.

Once the defense of the first form is not enough to attack from hell, the immovable rock skill will automatically use the second method to protect the previous target, which is to reduce the defense area and strengthen the defense once.

The original five rows of phantom shields exploded with a bang, forcing some monsters to retreat, and then the phantom fragments fell like rain, instantly turning into a semicircle of light, covering everyone inside.

Just when the two forms were switched, the gun rang!

The huge roar of the sniper rifle shook everyone's ears.

"Add shield, nectar technique!"

Almost at the same time as the loud noise, Ye Zhongming began to shout crazily.

Park Xiuying faced Sheng Yuan as if she was dying, and then began to add shields and release nectar, as if spiritual power didn't require money.


The sudden huge explosion drowned out everything.

The transformation of the immovable rock, Ye Zhongming's shooting, shouting, Park Xiuying's shield, and the explosion, these things happened almost at the same time.

The immobile rock mask of the second form shook violently amidst the sound of the explosion, and Sheng Yuan's body was also moving together. If someone stood in front of him at this moment, he would find that his eyes had lost his figure, and his His body squatted halfway, his shoulders resting on the shield, almost using his whole body to support the shield so that he could not fall down.

If the shield falls, the reticle will shatter with it.

A series of rays of light were applied to Sheng Yuan's body, pulling him back after half of his foot had entered the gate of hell, but on the other side, ghosts and snakes were also dragging this big man with strong willpower. The physical confrontation continued.

The surrounding area was already covered by dust, and the woods, sun, roulette, and monsters were all gone. Everyone could only feel the ground shaking violently under their feet, and all sensations disappeared in an instant. The most primitive desire for life.

Suddenly, a huge shock appeared around them, and everyone was caught off guard. They were pushed back by this momentum, rolling and crawling on the ground, and the big trees were broken by them one by one. With the physique of an evolutionary, such an impact is enough to kill them.

After the shock wave passed, the entire battlefield became silent, only a few trees surrounded by fire and some unknown objects were burning, emitting a pungent smell.

Ye Zhongming's dazed mind gradually came to his senses. He wanted to do it, but found that his left arm was in severe pain. He touched it with his hands, but fortunately, it was dislocated. He pressed, and then his shoulder and right hand worked hard together, and the dislocated place was connected with a click.

He took out Feng Zhiyue and began to look around.

Next to them were Xia Lei and Liang Chuyin. After the violent explosion just now, the three collided with each other. Ye Zhongming protected them, which caused the dislocation.

He checked and found that Liang Chuyin had passed out and had a few wounds on her body, but there was nothing serious about it. The bloody hole on her leg pierced by the monster was the most serious.

A large amount of blood was left on Xia Lei's forehead, which almost covered half of her face. Although her eyes were opened, she was a little dazed. She must have not recovered from the shock. Ye Zhongming pushed her hair aside and looked. A cut was made by the stone, which looked scary, but it was not a serious injury, and it would be fine after a while of consciousness.

He stood up and looked for the members of the team while guarding. Mo Ye and Xiaohu were quickly found. Xiaohu is really a cockroach. He didn't have any obvious injuries on his body and he woke up quickly. He was already checking on Mo Ye who was unconscious. .

The woman had been injured before, had difficulty moving, and was hit by the explosion, so she didn't look very well at the moment.

Turning his gaze again, Ye Zhongming saw Sheng Yuan, Pu Xiuying, and Emperor Wan with a front paw hanging miserably.

Ye Zhongming rushed over quickly, first touched Sheng Yuan who looked the worst, he was relieved, this guy is still alive, it should be due to his mental exhaustion and his body being shaken, he has suffered serious internal injuries.

Pu Xiuying was not unconscious, but one hand was drooping, probably a broken bone, and she was crawling on the ground with red eyes at the moment, and she kept saying, "Where is the red hair, what is the red hair, she blocked it for me just now." A big rock."

Ye Zhongming did order Pu Xiuying to work hard to rescue Sheng Yuan at the critical moment just now, while Hongfa was sent to protect the saint of light.

"Here!" Park Xiuying cried happily, and ran over staggeringly, and found the red-haired iron corpse whose whole body was distorted behind a tree.

"Zhong Ming, hurry up..."

I wanted to call Ye Zhongming to save Hongfa, but just in time I saw his figure disappear into the dust that hadn't completely dissipated.

Then, Pu Xiuying heard the monster's roar and the unwilling scream before dying.

When the team members who were still awake, with the help of Le Dayuan and others who rushed over, gathered the comatose and seriously injured companions together, Ye Zhongming walked slowly from a distance, his face was splashed with blood of various colors, his forehead and chin were stripped. With burn marks, his left arm hangs weakly, and he walks with a limp.

In his right hand, there is no Feng Zhiyue, but instead it is a magic crystal.

A handful of black magic crystals! (To be continued.)

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