Roulette World

1806 First experience (middle)

Ye Zhongming frowned, looking at the bed in front of him, a little depressed.

In his previous life, he had slept in all kinds of places. Once he was trapped, he slept in the ruins full of carrion and feces for two days and two nights.

But that was the previous life, and in this life, he really hasn't suffered any grievances in this regard. Although it can't be called a cleanliness obsession, but food, clothing, housing and transportation have never been seen as being in the end of the world.

But now, not to mention the filthy beds, the quilts on them look more like they were fished out of mud. Are all the races in the universe so wicked?

"I heard that every novice planet is replaced every once in a while, and because of the novice camp, from the beginning to the end, it never changes anything. Except... the novice himself."

Shi Kangbu was better than Burano, and he also felt helpless about such a resting place. Seeing Ye Zhongming standing there, he opened his mouth to talk about what he knew.

Although neither he nor Burano had any gratitude towards the Star-Eyed Clan, and had strange thoughts in their hearts, at least at this time, they had the same hatred and hatred.

The foul air, filthy beds, and imaginable poor diet almost meant the end of their rookie battle.

Think about it, how can you fight if you can't eat well, sleep well and be in a bad mood?

"When, when, when!"

There was a bell ringing outside the camp, and then there was a sound directly into the tent, which was coming from metal poles in every area of ​​the novice camp.

This reminded Ye Zhongming of the rural areas in the country in the 1960s and 1970s. Probably the only thing that was more advanced than then was that it did not hang a speaker but sounded through the sound hole.

"Put on the distributed equipment and gather in the central open space within ten minutes. Those who are late will die."

A majestic voice made all the novices tremble, and Ye Zhongming was no exception. This voice actually used mental power, and it was very strong.

Caught off guard, Ye Zhongming was also shocked. Even if he recovered instantly, his vigilance was infinitely increased.

How dilapidated the Wulu novice camp is and how harsh the surrounding environment is, but these are just appearances. The real situation is that there are too many masters among the myriad races in the universe, and his strength is only from the lower classes.

Several people dressed quickly and rushed out of the tent, where they didn't want to stay for a second.

There are already many races in the universe. Ye Zhongming thinks that each race sends a few fighters, so why not have 100,000 people, but the number of people here is at most 30,000, which is less than he guessed Two-thirds out.

It seems that not every race has sent fighters.

Thirty thousand lives are actually quite a lot. After all, the lives here are not earthlings. There are all kinds of beings, big and small. Ye Zhongming even saw three...Let's put it this way...a life in the form of a dragon.

Huge wings, slender body, dense scales...

It can't be the same family as Yangos, right? Ye Zhongming looked at them occupying a large area and thought, the appearance is almost the same, but there is no magic crystal.

In addition to these dragons, other lives also have their own characteristics, making Ye Zhongming feel that he has entered... a zoo.

The novice camp is not an army, and naturally there are no formations or rules. Everyone is not late, but when they arrive here, they just stand or sit casually, some are quiet, some whisper, and there are more noisy ones.

But all of these disappeared after a figure slowly rose into the air.

Ye Zhongming is a nine-star evolutionary. When he was on Earth, he could also use some tricks and equipment to stay in the air for a short time. But that's not flying, and it can't even float for a long time.

But this life can.

He rose to a height of about 100 meters, looking down at all the novices.

"Welcome to the night before death."

In a word, the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly dropped a bit.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Zizikaba, a member of the Ken Ren Cuo tribe, and I am the general manager of the novice battlefield this time."

As he spoke, he turned his body sideways.

It is a monster with three upper bodies standing on a pair of legs (in Ye Zhongming's eyes,

Those who are not of my race are all monsters. )

This time it was this side of the body that spoke.

"Your clansmen should have talked about the rules here, so I won't say any more. I just add a few points."

"First, private fighting is strictly prohibited here, offenders will be punished with death. Second, there are no rules on the battlefield, everything is allowed. Third, cancel the daily rewards and change to three-day rewards. Fourth, the last ones are eliminated, also three days Fifth, cancel the daily return to camp, and also change it to three days. Sixth, extend the time and change it to seven cycles, that is, twenty-one on Sunday.”

Say these rules one by one, and the people below will firmly remember them one by one.

Their chance...or fate lies in these rules.

Zizikaba turned around again, revealing his third upper body.

"In this novice battlefield, I decided to add something interesting." This sentence made many people excited, but also made many people shudder.

"First, open more areas and give you more choices. Second, you will receive a list of life or parasites on it. After hunting, you can get more reward points. Third, hit Killing other novices, you are no longer just able to get his items, but now you can also get one-third of his points."

The first two were fine, but when they heard the third, almost everyone's expressions changed.

There are no rules in the novice battlefield, but the main body has always been hunting parasites and mutant life, which is consistent with the main body of all races in the universe.

But the third point added, isn't this encouraging everyone to kill each other? Will this make the novice battlefield lose its original meaning?

At the same time, everyone knew that once this rule came out, everyone's situation became more dangerous.

"Of course, if you have benefits, you have to take risks." The man continued, with a playful expression on his face, "Once you kill three novices, your position will be sent to all novices every hour." In the recorder, therefore, the action is risky, and the hunting needs to be cautious."

Ye Zhongming squeezed his chin, and a word came out of his heart when he heard these words.


I am a group of novices, no matter how I look at it, they are all playthings of these guys.

"Fourth, joint hunting is encouraged. For those parasites or mutants on the list, if more than two races or more than ten people join forces to kill them, the points will be increased by 10% in the case of equal points. Each additional one Race, or if there are no more than ten people, the points will be increased by another 5%, and the maximum limit will be double the original points."

Everyone is a little confused, this encourages killing each other, and encourages mutual cooperation, what is the situation? For a while, everyone was considering the pros and cons.

Zizikaba had three legs, three arms and three bodies, and patted two of his arms, making everyone focus on him again.

"This will be the most complicated and chaotic novice battlefield. The purpose is to cultivate stronger and more intelligent fighters. There are also some new gadgets, and you will slowly discover them in the process."

"Finally, let me tell you something..."

"Twenty seconds later, the novice camp will be attacked. This is your appetizer. Are you ready?"

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