Roulette World

1808th: Foggy Rainforest (Part 1)

A rumbling sound came from outside, and soldiers in mechanical armor poured in from outside. Seeing this scene, the novices immediately stopped and avoided a safe place.

These fighters are not necessarily powerful, at least in Ye Zhongming's view, they are at most nine-level evolution, and they are relatively ordinary among them.

But with the help of the mechanical armor on his body, and maintaining a well-founded battle formation, those mutated life forms and parasites that were originally difficult were killed without any power to fight back.

Soon, the novice camp settled down, and all the corpses were dragged away.

The recorder placed above the eyes displayed a value, 30143. After a few seconds, the value rotated and quickly stopped at 30098.

Everyone quickly understood that this should be the number of people, the number of novices.

In other words, in the chaos of just a short period of time, forty-five novices died.

Ye Zhongming looked at the messy camp, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

These fighters are probably the best on their respective planets, or fighters carefully trained by various races to compete for places. Among other things, they must have strength and status. Wait, just die like this.

This is their sorrow? Or is it the sorrow of the universe?

Zizikaba, who had already disappeared, flew back into the sky after the gate of the camp was closed, and looked at the novices below who collectively looked up at him and said: "On the recorder, the rewards for this raid will be announced. At the same time, the official store will open. Exchange points for things, materials and magic crystals are also fine.”

After speaking, the person left, completely different from the contemptuous aura when the rules were announced just now.

The novices turned their attention to the most "luxurious" tall building in the entire camp, and some of them rushed in after more than ten seconds.

They have just been rewarded with points.

"Shall we go and see [Gucheng Reading]?" Jie Kui felt a little itchy, and at the same time he sighed slightly.

Just now he agreed 100% with Ye Zhongming's approach and thought it was the best choice.

But now, who would have thought that the reward would be issued later, but I don’t know how much was issued, and I felt itchy, thinking that he and Ye Zhongming still have materials anyway, it’s not worth much, but the quantity is quite a lot, can they be exchanged if sold something?

Ye Zhongming guessed that these materials could not be exchanged for anything. The birdman said that the things there are extremely expensive, and they are killing people.

But it’s okay to take a look, see what’s for sale inside, and know what’s in mind.

The two stood there for a while, because there are too many people in the store now, and they can't squeeze in.

Those Yanggos clansmen stuck their big heads in, and screams of being crushed came from inside.

Of course, it was also because they really didn't want to go back to the resting area of ​​the Star-Eyed Clan. That place was simply uninhabited. Now even the tent has collapsed.

After waiting for about an hour, Ye Zhongming and Jiekui walked in when there were many fewer people inside.

The space inside is very large, divided into two floors, separated by an energy shield. There is only one entrance on the upper and lower floors, which is a teleportation light door. When the recorder looks at it, the mark shows that only 300 points or more can go up.

The first floor actually looks a bit empty, with a total of ten machines placed around it. The left side of the machine is a physical screen, and the other side is a low platform. In the middle of the platform is a metal door in the shape of a fan blade. The former should be the operating screen, the latter is a shelf.

Although there were fewer people inside, there were still people in front of the ten machines, and Ye Zhongming and Jiekui could only wait inside.

Coincidentally, before the machine was vacated, people from the Mianmao tribe came in from the outside.

Meeting each other is naturally tense.

It's just that private fighting is not allowed here, but it doesn't prevent a few people from the Mianmao tribe from ridiculing Ye Zhongming and the others.

Obviously, they paid attention to the performance of Ye Zhongming and others before, saying that they were greedy for life, fear of death, fear of death, difficulty and cowardice, but Ye Zhongming was immune to these,

With a face of ignorance, Jiekui was even more powerful, and he scolded back without fear. The king of Yunding admired this companion very much. How did he master many female relative vocabulary and verbs in the dark strip in such a short time? Thousands of connections?

In the end, the Mianmao people were defeated one by one, so they could only threaten to leave the camp to make them look good. They didn't even look at anything in the store, and left angrily.

Jiekui, who should have been proud of his victory, smiled wryly, looked at Ye Zhongming and said, "Why do I feel like I did something wrong?"

Ye Zhongming shrugged, "There is a saying in my hometown, if you are addicted, you will die."

Mustard: "..."

One machine was empty, and Ye Zhongming and the other two went to operate it. The method was actually very simple. The list above was very clear, and there were many items, ranging from food and clothing to weapons and equipment to various miscellaneous items. As Aslan said, they are very expensive.

Sighing silently in his heart, Ye Zhongming looked at the dazzling array of commodities, and realized that this novice battlefield seemed fair, but in fact, the big clan still had incomparable advantages, for example, they could bring their own advanced equipment and weapons, and the space equipment they carried Although there are strict regulations that do not allow many things to be brought, there are no restrictions on supplies. For example, high-level potions are scarce in the universe, and the Star-Eyed Clan is doing their best, but the quantity and quality are comparable. The big clan is still incomparable.

Think about it, if I participated in the novice battlefield as a Talos red dwarf warrior, I would probably be fully armed to the teeth, and it would not be like now, where the space is filled with the style equipment of the big clan many universes ago.

The two looked at the list carefully. Jiekui focused on the finished equipment, while Ye Zhongming paid more attention to the materials and some things he hadn't seen before. Then I looked at the material exchange list and made an estimate. The materials I saw just now can be exchanged for... one point, which is only enough to buy some food and drink, and it is the worst kind.

The two left disappointed, and Jiekui even had a feeling that in the past 21 days, he had no chance to go up to the second floor.

Back at the camp, Shi Kangbu and Burano were not there. They propped up the dilapidated tent, tidied it up, and fell asleep.

No way, although they can go many days without rest, they must not be in a good state and die faster.

After a night of nothing, the next day, the door of the camp opened on time, and the novices filed out. In front of them, there were thirty teleportation platforms leading to thirty different areas.

These are all recorded in the recorder, and there is even a brief introduction to these areas.

Soon, the races that had been chosen long ago kept leaving.

Jiekui turned to look at Ye Zhongming, with a look of despair, and asked one last time: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." After Ye Zhongming finished speaking, he walked into the No. 27 transmission platform first.

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