Roulette World

One thousand eight hundred and ten spirit fire heavy rhinoceros

"The first update~~"

Seeing Ye Zhongming lying in ambush beside him, Jiekui swallowed the words "Is it really possible?"

Ye Zhongming's foresight and strength had already been proven when he killed Esbi Beast, so asking now seems useless.

But he still didn't know what to do. After all, what he was facing this time was...a more dangerous life.

What Ye Zhongming took out from the belly of the Esby beast is a structure that can only be produced when the female beast is lactating, and it is called a pregnancy ring by all races in the universe.

The King of Cloud Top doesn't know whether the so-called lactation period of this parasitic beast is the same as the classification method on the earth, and he doesn't care about it too much. He just knows from the records of the star-eyed tribe that the smell emitted by the pregnancy ring , has a strong attraction to some life.

And some kind of life among them happened to be in the misty rainforest.

This time, the two of them didn't have to wait long, and there was a rumbling vibration on the ground. As the vibration got closer, Jiekui's complexion became more and more bad.

This amount is a bit much, right? !

Because he didn't need to make a move right away, he turned his head to look at Ye Zhongming, trying to see something from his face, even if it was just being cautious.

But there was nothing, calm as if he was just looking at Yunjuan Yunshu...


Ye Zhongming suddenly said a number.

Jiekui was stunned for a moment, realizing that Ye Zhongming was talking about the number of monsters rushing over, and he trembled all over.

No shaking.

Their target is a mutated life form with a minimum of eighth level, a kind of powerful impact life form gathered by habitual families.

The leader is basically level nine, and the spouse is basically the same level. Even in some powerful families, one or a few strong male family members will be level nine.

Jiekui originally thought that a family of flexible heavy rhinos with two ninth levels and a total of more than ten heads would be enough for two people to drink a pot, but now this one has thirty-seven heads?

Proportionally speaking, there are at least three of them at the ninth level, and the rest are at the eighth level. courting death, right?

"Four heads are nine levels, thirty-three heads are eight levels."

What Ye Zhongming said next made Jiekui want to die even more.

"How about we withdraw?"

Akuta felt that he had made a very constructive proposal.

But what answered him was the figure of Ye Zhongming rushing out.

The long whistle made the spirit fire heavy rhinoceros who followed the smell to find the target in an instant. They rushed towards this side with red eyes.

"I'll kill the younger ones first, Guerrilla."

Ye Zhongming's voice drifted over, making Jiekui feel helpless.


The sudden sound startled Jiekui, and found that the trap that Ye Zhongming had set up before was triggered, and a spirit fire heavy rhinoceros lost its balance and rolled over while running fast. When he cast his gaze over it, he saw a solid black figure suddenly appear, and the dagger in his hand pierced the life-shattering eye.

A stream of blood spurted out, accompanied by a shrill scream.

Jiekui didn't look to see what was going on behind him, whether the Spirit Fire Heavy Rhino was dead, but quickly detoured to the other side, and lay in ambush at a location designated by Ye Zhongming earlier.

To be honest, he didn't know why it was here, and he didn't know why hiding here was easier to win than rushing out and fighting together?

In fact, Jiekui overlooked one thing, that is, the trap just now tripped an eighth-level life that was in a charging state...

The black shadow was attacked by other spirit fire heavy rhinoceros, and it exploded instantly after completing the task, and the black mist began to spread, with poison and mental shock inside.

Ye Zhongming's figure appeared and flitted across the side of the black mist, leaving a trail of blood behind him and a fallen spirit fire heavy rhinoceros, before disappearing into the rainforest again.

The successive blows made the leader of the largest overlord family in this area angry.

It can feel that the first wounded family member is leaving it,

And the second one also lost a leg. According to the habit of the spirit fire and the rhinoceros, he would be killed by the juniors when they were practicing hunting skills.

But its anger was interrupted by a mental shock, and when it was completely free from this influence, another member had a big gash in his back, and he couldn't move anymore, otherwise he would bleed profusely.

The position of the taste changed, and the leader of the spirit fire and heavy rhinoceros immediately changed direction. Following its roar, it and the other three ninth-level beings in the family stood at the four corners of the formation. No matter where the opponent came from, they would be hit To the attack of two top lives.

After rushing only a few tens of meters, the ground suddenly exploded, and some bits and pieces flew out of it. Together with the black mist that had not dissipated completely, the entire family formation fell into chaos.

Ye Zhongming appeared again, but this time he fell from the sky and landed on the place where the explosion had just occurred. The surrounding ground sank suddenly, and all the spirit fires froze for a moment. Linghuo Zhongxi's body was directly cut open, and the body fell to the ground.

Several black shadows appeared among the rhinos, and the weapons in their hands pierced into the relatively weak eyes or auricles of the heavy rhinos.

When the counterattack started, the black mist filled the air, and Ye Zhongming had disappeared again.

Seeing this series of raids and attacks, Jiekui, who was hiding aside, was stunned.

He didn't have the courage to let him break into an encirclement surrounded by four lives of the same level and dozens of inferior lives.

It's just that this kind of attack didn't end. From the nearby trees, something was shot out, jingling on the thick skin of these spirits.

The whole rhinoceros group was angry, and they began to spit out long flames from their big mouths, and began to attack the surrounding forests indiscriminately. The damp branches and leaves quickly became dry under the high temperature and then burned.

Several ninth-level existences continued to trample on the ground, and with the vibration, the flames spread round and round, attacking indiscriminately.

Since you can't find a slippery opponent, use a range attack.

Looking at the flames that kept flashing not far in front of him, Jiekui was full of doubts. Ye Zhongming had never seen these mutated beings, so how could he grasp their attack range so accurately?

A gigantic mountain shadow appeared and slammed down heavily on the Spirit Fire Chongxi family below. The most powerful head raised its head and screamed, and a phantom that was exactly like it rushed into the sky, facing the bigger one without fear. Many, many mountain phantoms.

With a bang, the shadow of the spirit fire and heavy rhinoceros scattered, and the giant mountain shadow shook for a while, became much dimmer, but still fell down.

The other nine levels shot at the same time, and the same phantoms collided with the shadows falling from the sky.

The three impacts that happened almost at the same time made the giant mountain shadow finally disperse, and the rhino group below escaped unharmed.

But when the ninth-level life regained its senses, it found that two more companions had been killed, and they, this time, caught the trace of the murderer!

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