Roulette World

1816th Chasing and Killing (Part 1)

Ye Zhongming didn't feel aggrieved at all.

It's not that he hasn't been attacked by someone before, but it's almost never before he was able to discover this situation when others launched an attack.

He really didn't notice it at all.

Since entering the novice battlefield, Ye Zhongming has been on high alert all the time, and Jiekui is also like this, but with such caution and care, it is still unknown to be touched behind by others, that is your ability problem.

Skills are not as good as others, and there is nothing to be wronged.

If you don't feel aggrieved, you won't be aggrieved, but this kind of life can quietly come behind him, and Ye Zhongming knows immediately that he and Jiekui should be calculated.

Being tricked by people he just wanted to see who was following.

Ye Zhongming didn't care about the physical pain. He knew it was just a slight injury. When he was hit, the star-eyed armor and the black soil armor he put on hastily offset most of the attack power, and he dodged again. All of a sudden, a little strength was removed, and the injury he suffered was far from being as serious as vomiting blood.

After his body floated sideways in the air, the King of Cloud Top saw clearly the life of the sneak attack.

Those were two beings with bent waists and extremely long arms. At this moment, they were barefoot, and there was no sound at all because of their special structure.

And when they move, the pores on the skin of their exposed limbs will suddenly enlarge, sucking everything around them like a black hole. Whether it's the sound or the smell, it's all in it.

No wonder being able to get close to Ye Zhongming and the two had such a special ability.

When Ye Zhongming fell to about two meters from the ground, his body leaned a little on the big tree, and he changed from descending to ascending. The weapon in his hand was aimed at the life that was going to kill him from top to bottom, and released two black shadows at the same time. , each holding a weapon, attacked the other.

Jiekui was seriously injured, which can be seen from his almost straight fall, Ye Zhongming had to help him, and let him slow down.

With a puff, the mimetic weapon knife smoothly cut into the enemy's palm, but Ye Zhongming was not at all happy, because the enemy grabbed it deliberately.

Quick action, quick action, this is the first impression of this kind of life.

In the next second, this impression increased again - the defense was excellent and the healing was extremely fast.

The mimetic weapon cut open the life's palm, but no matter how hard it was to penetrate, the muscles inside contracted strongly, directly covering the energy blade, and the blood that started to flow out stopped after a few seconds. Ye Zhongming felt that if it wasn't for him The weapon is still stuck in his palm, the wound may have been sealed directly

Ye Zhongming simply gave up the mimetic weapon that could no longer change its shape and was caught by someone. He knew that if he didn't give up, the person would grab his weapon and push him directly to the ground.

Another black shadow appeared behind this life, and the dagger stabbed at the back of his neck.

The attacker tilted his head, and the dagger slashed across the side, bringing out a bloodstain. With one arm thrown back, the shadow was blown up, and the mental shock immediately affected him. Pounced on Ye Zhongming who was also falling.

It was not far from the ground, and at this moment, the two of them hit the ground directly.

Everything happened so fast, it was dizzying.

Everyone knows the danger of close combat, especially at the level of nine stars, if you are not careful, you will be killed by one blow.

The moment the two of them collided, they began to fight in a small space, using all kinds of insidious moves.

To be honest, this person's strength is not as good as Ye Zhongming's, especially in this kind of fighting. He only relies on his super fast reaction and abnormal healing ability to compete with the King of Cloud Top.

As long as it takes a little time, Ye Zhongming will have no problem killing him.

But, the King of Genting is running out of time!

These two beings with excellent stealth ability and seemingly invincible Xiaoqiang are here to entangle him.

The purpose was to let the companions who had attracted the attention of Ye Zhongming and Jiekui rush to harvest the battlefield quickly.

When Ye Zhongming observed before, the seven people were indeed far away, but at the speed of Nine Star Life, it didn't take long to get here.

"Ye, run!"

On the other side, Jiekui, who had created a little chance for him just now with two black shadows, suddenly shouted, and it seemed that he also guessed the purpose of these two beings.

Just when he yelled such a sentence, his opponent jumped in front of him, and countless fist shadows covered him, so that Jiekui, who could only move one arm, let alone run, might lose his life.

So, the companion shouted again honestly, "Ye, help me."

Ye Zhongming's eyes turned red.

He was really a little angry.

These guys, after all their troubles, chased me for almost a whole day, just to kill me? What enmity with us, so that they can give up the opportunity to increase points? You must know that the last one will be eliminated in a cycle of three days. God knows how many will be eliminated? Ten, or fifty? If they don't have enough points, don't they all die?

Gravity control, the shadow reappeared, and at the same time, one hand began to charge.

After obtaining the mountain crown, the cooperation between the elemental elves and it has become better and better.

The power reserve provided by the power of feeding back allows Ye Zhongming to throw heavy punches that are many times higher than his own strength from time to time.

The King of Cloud Top, who is already outstanding in strength and has been blessed by the mountain crown, releases the punch of the power of feeding back, which will change the color of the mountain.

That life is indeed very difficult and hard to deal with, like a dog's skin plaster. Ye Zhongming has been hit many times and will never let him go.

But this guy obviously has a keen sense of danger. Just as Ye Zhongming raised his fist, he who was originally entangled suddenly bounced up and jumped back.

Ye Zhongming sneered and activated another ability of the mountain crown with a very short cooling time, shrinking the ground to an inch, the body suddenly disappeared and then suddenly appeared, and the punch that had gained momentum hit the head of this creature heavily.

Even the ninth-level spirit fire heavy rhinoceros king can't hold this punch, and neither can this life.

The head was violently thrown to one side, a large amount of blood gushed out from the organs, and the body fell in an arc as if broken.

Ye Zhongming didn't care whether he was dead or alive. With this punch, he had already rushed to Jiekui, first raised his hand and shot out the sharp teeth collected from the monster today, and then transformed another mimic weapon In the form of a growth gun, it sent a sharp blow to the life entwined with mustard.

Facing such an attack, that life roared unwillingly, and stepped back.

Although Jiekui was at a disadvantage, as the best raider himself, he knew how to cooperate with his companions, and Ye Zhongming's attack successfully pushed his opponent away.


Landing next to Jiekui, Ye Zhongming held Jiekui's shoulder with one hand, and was about to run to the side.

But the sound of howling wind and a cold light immediately approaching his eyes forced him to stop.

"You can't go, man!" An immature but full of banter came from far and near along with the booming sound of fast moving!

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