Roulette World

1844 points cannot be wasted

Ye Zhongming's shot was much earlier than Husky expected.

He thought that that guy might make a move at the moment when the winner was about to be decided.

But this is a good thing for him.

Husky didn't want to work hard, and more people in his team survived, which would be a kind of capital to bargain with Ye Zhongming at that time.

The situation of 9 to 5, after the three of Ye Zhongming joined, became 9 to 8, oh, no, it was 9 to 9, if you do not take the ball seriously, you will be hit.

Ye Zhongming adopted a completely different fighting style from Husky's. After all, he didn't really care whether the team members died or not.

In addition, he is already famous anyway, and he doesn't care about killing people.

Jiekui and Shi Kangbu also don't care.

It's true that they don't have a red name yet, but they've been with Ye Zhongming all the time, and it doesn't seem to make any difference whether they are famous or not.

At the same time, the two of them fought with Ye Zhongming in the same way, sneak attacking, and picking soft persimmons.

The target Ye Zhongming chose was an evil armor star who was injured by the holy talisman attack. Because of the natural enemy, the hit part was on the side of its head, so he didn't stand up for a while. His companions guarded him.

But Ye Zhongming was not the first to shoot, but the last.

The target of Jiekui is also an injured Xiejia star. Because of the superiority in numbers, the Xiejia star has begun to besiege Hesky and others. Jiekui has a good angle to attack from behind. He is not a raider like Ye Zhongming who became a monk halfway, but a real assassin.

Liaoguang was startled.

He rushed forward, swung the two-section dagger, and crossed a short distance from the darkness. Ling Lie's cold light successfully pierced the injured Xiejia star's neck.

Strictly speaking, it is very risky to choose this part, because of the length of the dagger, it needs to be very close to the target to penetrate here accurately.

That means he's basically going deep into the enemy lines.

Liao Guang was startled, but there was such a period of freezing.

But for some reason, Jiekui felt that the role of him, or Shi Kangbu, was actually just to make a hole, and Ye Zhongming would take care of the rest.

The touch from the dagger let Kukui know that he had succeeded.

The person Shi Kangbu chose was rather special. It was the Evil Armor Star who got into the beach. That guy had already appeared once before, successfully seriously injured a member of the Husky team, and then got into the ground again.

Even if the opponent knew that he might come out at any time, there was nothing he could do, the pressure on the ground was too great.

Shi Kangbu's fighting method is also weird and secretive. Unlike Jiekui who jumped out of the beach and delivered a fatal blow, he sank his body directly into the sand, and disappeared into the ground just like the evil armor star. When he reappeared At this time, it was with his opponent, the two of them jumped into the air, and after falling together, Shi Kangbu flew back, as if he was afraid of being chased, but his opponent struggled twice and fell to the ground without moving. .

It was at this time that Ye Zhongming made a move.

He followed Jiekui closely, not the kind of follow that let others take the lead and take advantage of him, but a kind of cover.

Even for a nine-star evolutionary, without the addition of equipment ability, they will instinctively respond with all their strength to the fierce attack of Jiekui, and there will be such a short moment behind Jiekui that it will become a blind spot.

But this time is enough, Ye Zhongming rushed forward, and launched a teleport when Jiekui stabbed his own skills, and also launched Double Poison Shadow.

A big black shadow descended from the sky, landed in the very center of the battlefield, and then exploded, a strong mental shock instantly swept across the audience.

At the same time, Ye Zhongming handed out his weapon to the target.

Blood was spilled into the sky almost at the same time.

From Jiekui's first attack, to Shi Kangbu's catching up, and then to Ye Zhongming's entry, the three of the Star-Eyed Clan completed a successful surprise attack in an instant, and all of them were successful, making the strength of the two sides from nine to nine.

It became six to nine.

Also, don't forget the balls.

At the moment when everyone was shocked by the sudden burst of mental power, the ball entered the field from a distance, using the reef on one side as the foundation, and ejected with a whimper, hitting the captain's body of the evil armored star forcefully and accurately superior.

Choosing him, Qiuqiu just thinks that hitting a big target is obviously enjoyable.

The mental shock only affected the captain of the evil-armored star who became sober in an instant, and was knocked to the ground by Qiuqiu.

Ye Zhongming saw the opportunity, and it was a knife to go up.

It’s just that at this time, the other Xiejia Star people have already woken up, and one of them didn’t know what to shout. One of them who was closest to Ye Zhongming rushed over and blocked the captain’s body with his body. walk backwards.

Ye Zhongming's weapon got close to the body of the evil armor star, but the evil armor was too thick, and he didn't cut the armored life to death all at once, but it was deeply embedded in the body, and a lot of blood flowed out from the wound .

This is because Ye Zhongming's strength is too great. It may be difficult for other people to break through the armor.

Opportunities are always fleeting. Ye Zhongming knew that he had lost the best chance to kill the captain of the evil armor star.

A ray of light came from behind and hit the head of the evil armor star injured by Ye Zhongming. He didn't even scream, the most vulnerable place was hit by the natural enemy's attack, so there was no life left.


He yelled immediately after sending out this blow, Ye Zhongming didn't even think about it, he pulled Jiekui and backed away.

No one can understand each other better than Shi Qiu. Since they agreed to quit under such an advantageous situation, something must have happened.

Sure enough, the retreating Xiejia Star raised their upper limbs in unison, and a black light flew out from nowhere, and landed on the place where Ye Zhongming and others were standing just now.

The speed is fast, and when it hits the beach, it makes a squeaking sound and a strong smell. It is obviously a very vicious ability. The two Husky team members screamed after not noticing the hit body for a while. They were injured in the previous battle, and they are basically hopeless. Although they will not die immediately, there is still more than a day before the next intermission, and they will definitely not be able to go back to the camp for treatment.

The Xiejia Star used this time to quickly retreat and hide in the darkness. Ye Zhongming and the others did not dare to chase them, otherwise they would be attacked by surprise.

"Evil poison, I could have cured it, but there is no medicine." He told everyone what it was.

Ye Zhongming walked over quickly, raised the knife in his hand, and killed the two novices.

"what are you doing!"

In addition to Ye Zhongming and Qiuqiu and Hehe, there were originally four people in Husky's team, but now there are only two left, talking about another life besides Husky.

"Points cannot be wasted."

Ye Zhongming replied lightly.

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