Roulette World

1847th 3 turns and 4 turns

Ye Zhongming and others watched with relish.

Even if this is already the second medicine made by Helian.

When on Earth, Yunding did not have professional alchemists, alchemists, etc., but none of them could have such a magical manufacturing process.

The manufacture of professionals created by roulette technology requires a certain carrier, even for special professionals with prefixes, such as Ye Zhongming's own Glory Craftsman, which seems to be empty-handed, but also requires materials as a blueprint.

The process... some light, some form changes, that's all.

But it's really different, although she also needs a carrier, but her carrier is the holy talisman on her body!

"Because of the sacred talisman of our tribe, after the exploration of people who don't know how many years ago, we already have a fairly complete form of ability. The ability of the holy talisman is actually far more than simple for attacking. It can even be said that attacking It is the most low-end and a way to waste energy, and their real capabilities are not like this."

I explained this to Ye Zhongming and others before the cooperation. It can be seen that as long as you let go of the grudges and shadows in your heart, the Changxu Shui people are very gentle and don't have too many other thoughts. To put it mildly, it is very simple .

This also just explains from another aspect why this race cannot survive in the universe. One is that they have coveted things but have no ability to protect themselves, and the other is that their minds are simple and uncomplicated, so they will be eliminated if they are not eliminated.

"The main ability of the holy talisman is to refine medicine. Each holy talisman has its own special ability. It will also inject the corresponding ability or energy. The more you inject, the higher the effect and level of the medicine. Of course , each medicine will only be made by one clansman, that is to say, the number of sacred symbols of the maker will directly affect the quality of the medicine."

"The two most powerful ancestors in our clan possessed eleven holy talismans. The most advanced medicine they refined was refined by eleven holy talismans. The effect is simply... How should I put it, four Drugs, all kinds of drugs have magical effects."

He said these times, his eyes were full of nostalgia and admiration.

She owns ten holy talismans, and the highest level of medicine that can be made is ten times of refining. Because Ye Zhongming has read some novels on the earth, he uses ten revolutions to describe it.

According to what He said, there are ten kinds of ten-turn medicines, and more than seven kinds of materials are quite rare and hard to find, and ordinary materials cannot withstand the ten refining of the holy talisman, and will just be destroyed.

For the remaining three, the materials are relatively easier to find, and it is also very difficult to get them together. Ye Zhongming focused on the spinning fish because isinglass is also needed for this ten-turn drug. Material.

"Today, only two drugs can be made, one is a three-turn drug, and the other is a little more difficult, a four-turn drug."

After He finished speaking, she entered the refining state.

The place I chose this time was halfway up a mountain peak on an island, where there was a depression that was smashed out by something, forming a deep pit with a depth of no more than 10 meters and a diameter of about 50 meters. There are some trees on the edge of the pit, which can well cover up the situation inside. In addition, this mountain is already densely packed with paper cups, so it will not be easy to be noticed if there is any light or movement inside.

Including Ye Zhongming, everyone except He was distributed around the deep pit to protect her safety.

At the same time, you can also see the refining process at any time.

After all, He was sitting in the center of the bottom of the pit, and from the perspective of Ye Zhongming and others, there was no obstacle, and their eyesight was very good, so they could see the process clearly.

The required materials were automatically suspended beside her at the moment of co-activation, and then the holy talisman began to emit light slowly from her body, turning into something like a light curtain, sucking in the materials one by one, Turned into liquid, a little fusion.

After a period of time, the medicine will basically take shape, whether it is a pill or a potion, it will be packed in a container.

Next is the second holy talisman, the difference is that the refining is the finished product of the first talisman.

Then comes the third and the required fourth.

The pills were continuously refined under this kind of light, and finally they were divided into ten parts and fell into the porcelain bottle.

He just rested for a while, and started to refine another one. Since the refining of the fourth-rank medicine had already been completed, this time it only needed to refine the third-rank medicine. Both the difficulty and the time required were correspondingly reduced, and he succeeded soon. The transferred medicines are in liquid form, and they are contained together in another bottle.

Even if He is a nine-star evolutionary, he is still a little tired after refining two medicines in a row. After all, not everyone's mental power is as scary as Ye Zhongming.

Only Shi Kangbu and Yangtuo Realm were left behind, Ye Zhongming, Hesky and Jiekui had already arrived at He's side, looking at the refined potion, the King of Genting asked with anticipation: "Now can you tell me what effects these have? Alright."

I didn't say anything about buying together before, so it naturally made others feel itchy.

Smiling together, he gently picked up the three-turn bottle and said, "This is extracorporeal water, which is specially used to treat trauma. How should I put it? Let's use an analogy. For example, if someone's neck was cut open, if this medicine is used immediately If you fall down, the wound will heal within a few seconds, and you won’t die naturally, but it only works on this kind of hard damage, if it’s internal or poisonous, it won’t have any effect.”

The three of Ye Zhongming looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Indeed, this potion is only for trauma, but this kind of anti-heavenly curative effect is simply a miracle medicine for evolutionists. Is this just a third-rank medicine? What kind of drug is the tenth turn?

"Well, let me ask, the ones you sold in the novice camp before..."

Husky knew whether he wanted to talk to him, but he couldn't help but ask.

Perhaps it was because the medicine was successfully refined that He was in a good mood. Although his tone turned cold, he still replied, "One turn."

Sure enough, the ones that can be sold are all of the lowest level.

"This, in our family, is called Jin Dan. The effect is that after taking it, it can improve the weakest attribute in the body. The specific improvement depends on each person's situation. Of course, you can't take it all the time. Take more for each life. Three."


This time even Ye Zhongming couldn't bear it anymore.

Nod together: "Permanent."

Jiekui swallowed hard, he didn't admire He now, but Ye Zhongming. This vision is too good. Without knowing much about the Changxu Aquarium, he had the idea of ​​​​calling He into the team early.

Maybe it was a crooked hit, but that was scary enough, this luck can't be too good.

Kukui became more and more determined to hug this thigh.

Ye Zhongming laughed happily. This time, he was said to be hunting the spinning fish, which is another more powerful existence, and he dared to challenge it!

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