"Second update~~"

While the novices on the planet are desperately striving for coveted rewards, in the outer space of the planet, a sudden video conference is being held, a conference related to the future of life in the entire universe.

It stands to reason that these people on the outskirts are not the general leaders of each race. If you look at the Star-Eyed Clan, you will know that there is only one deputy of the flying army and the daughter of the patriarch.

But all the aircraft were required to connect to the communication equipment at this time.

On the video, the scene of the destruction of the planet is played continuously.

It's not the kind of complete destruction that explodes all at once, but just like Ye Zhongming saw before, one by one from full of vitality to withering and ashes.

The life there may not be completely extinct, but the remaining ones have no possibility of development, and can only wait for the final doomsday over time.

That is a planet that has been sucked dry by slaves.

"According to the latest statistics, it's not complete, but the number of slaves has exceeded 10,000."

There was a voice in the video, a little muffled.

Just one sentence has shocked all the people of the universe. This is news that they don't know, including Aslan and other star-eyed people.

Slaves, are there already so many?

They will not ignore the incomplete four words in this sentence. Everyone in the universe knows that there are too few regions in the universe that they can monitor, but in these very few regions, the number of slaves has exceeded five. Number of digits, what about the more open area, and there are few slaves? !

"One of their kings...that is, the 'Queen Mother of Jie', was mass-produced not long ago. The research laboratories of many of our races feel that the Queen Mother of Jie should have entered the ultimate form."

As soon as the screen turned, a blurry picture appeared in the light curtain. It was very unclear, but the general outline could be seen. It was a slave tribe. Against the background of some surrounding stars, everyone thought it was huge. The size creates fear.

So big, so big... it spread out all its tentacles, probably as big as a small galaxy.

Its color is also very different from other slaves, showing a kind of black.

The kind of deep black that can make people feel scary at first sight.

"Now it is basically certain that every slave clan is actually a descendant of Queen Mother Jie, and they are all her parasites. There is energy transmission between them in a way we don't know."

"This photo was taken by one of our reconnaissance teams desperately. It has been five cosmic years since now, and it may be less than ten cosmic years before the next birth of Queen Mother Jie."

So fast? !

Everyone has a general understanding of the production speed of the slave people. It cannot be said to be slow or fast. After all, the reproductive cycle of each life is different.

But this Queen Mother of Jie gave birth to too many at once, a large litter can be born in less than twenty cosmic years, who can bear it, and this is not counting the number of births of other slaves, and these It can be said that the reproduction of the larvae after adulthood is due to the emergence of the Queen Mother of Jie, a complete body, which has brought the development speed of the slave people into a fast lane.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the situation.

In the past, the "slow" development of the slave race, wandering slowly in the universe in search of life planets, could push all races in the universe to the brink of extinction. With the development of Queen Mother Jie now, everyone seems to have seen the real doomsday.

"It's time to come up with a solution, but we are still not united and are holding each other back."

"Reform is imminent."

"We are Lena Stars."

"We are Hall Stars."

"Together announce that this time the novice battlefield will change the way and increase the difficulty. In the last small cycle, each race is allowed to send three fighters with less than 2,000 Leila energy into the battlefield. The points they get will be included in the ranking."

"When the novice battlefield is closed, the race score ranking will become the basis for reform, everyone,

Do it yourself. "

The video communication ended here, and what was left to all the people of the universe was a night destined to be chaotic.


"Haha, I caught him!"

Ames laughed and looked at Ye Zhongming in the sea with bright eyes.

As long as he appeared in her sight, with the speed of this mechanical speedboat, Ye Zhongming would never be able to escape again.

Also, what did she see? A juvenile spinning fish, a seriously injured but not dead spinning fish, a slightly injured spinning fish with a head, these are all points! Coupled with Ye Zhongming's score, Ames knew that his points ranking this time would probably be in the top ten!

Compared with the excitement on Ames' side, Ye Zhongming's situation is not good.

When Kua Kui saw Hawkins and the others, he felt like crying.

That hunting team has come again! It is self-evident that the two disappearing guys, Husky and Yang Tuo, also appeared in their team.

My own side has lost soldiers and generals, and the others are in good condition and morale is in full swing. This...

He looked at Ye Zhongming.

The head fish of the spinning fish will not let you go just because your enemies show up, and now its family is ruined.

How can it let go of the person who ruined everything.

The fins on the back and sides of the head fish all stood up, and the body suddenly accelerated, spinning and rushing towards Ye Zhongming.

The King of Cloud Top looked away from the speedboat, shouted a ball, pulled He up and jumped out of the sea, and at the same time threw He to Shi Kangbu's side.

"save him!"

After shouting, he stepped on Qiuqiu's body, and at the same time grabbed a white thread protruding from Qiuqiu, and took it with him to teleport towards the speedboat.

At the original position, the huge body of the head fish roared past.

Jiekui consciously swam towards the direction of He, which is where the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled live.

"Well done!"

When Ames saw Ye Zhongming rushing, not only did he not care that he would bring the head of the spinning fish, but he was very excited.

"Wadai acrika, go kill the U-turn, Bora Botu, deal with those little bastards, I'll give you points, my husband, let's deal with Ye Zhongming together!"

A spear was condensed in his hand, and armor with wings appeared at the same time, and the whole person entered a fighting state.

Perhaps thinking that this would be the last battle to kill Ye Zhongming, Hawkins also entered the state, activating the effect of the armor, and a phantom of a monster appeared behind him.

Ye Zhongming sneered coldly, raised the weapon in his hand high, and after pushing the ball violently with the other hand, he jumped to a position higher than the height of the speedboat, and then slashed down with a strong momentum and a ray of light!

Husky and Yangtuo looked at each other, shouted for us to go and wrap his war beast, and jumped into the water together.

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