Roulette World

1853rd to desperately

"Fourth update~~"

There was an instant silence on the battlefield.

When Ames called Wa Dai and Acrika back to his side, the two sides formed a confrontational situation.

Ames was on the verge of rage and was about to explode.

She didn't understand why things got out of control when she met Ye Zhongming.

If it was said that he and others were arrogant before and did not have a clear understanding of Ye Zhongming's strength, what about this time? They already knew Ye Zhongming quite well, so they made a surprise attack plan, recruited two companions who were good at tracking at any cost, bought a mechanical speedboat that could travel fast on the water, and bought a full-information map of the sea of ​​ten thousand islands , bought potion chips to prevent Ye Zhongming's skills, etc., but why? The effect is not even as good as the first time?

It was the first time they chased Ye Zhongming like a bereaved dog, but this time, they failed to grab the points, not to mention not even grabbing a single spinning fish, both of the companions who woke up died, and I don’t know if the mechanical speedboat can be used.

After fighting back and forth, the four of them were still left, which looked like a defeated army. On the opposite side, Husky and Yang Tuo, who thought they were helpers, had already arrived on the opposite side. Ye Zhongming was in good condition, not to mention Qiuqiu , that woman shouldn't have too much of a problem. That is, the other two members of the Star-Eyed Clan seemed to be seriously injured, but after taking the medicine, the comatose one woke up, and the injured one recovered a lot, recovering a certain amount of fighting power.

This situation, no matter how you look at it, is not quite right.

Wadai glanced at the Hawkins couple.

They take this as a signal that their companions want to retreat.

"We have gone through many setbacks and hardships to get to where we are today."

Hawkins spoke suddenly, causing everyone, including his wife, to look at him.

"Ninth level is the end of the evolutionary level, but we all know that this is not the end after we came here. There are too many people who are strong enough to crush us and can easily kill us."

"Our pride and self-esteem are worthless in front of these people."

Hawkins looked at the opponent eager to attack, with a calm face.

"We want to continue to climb up and become stronger. At least, we don't want to be sent to such a damn place one day without the right and capital to refuse."

"I think you will think so too, and fight for such a goal."

The others nodded, these were indeed ideals in their hearts.

"We must have a strong heart." Hawkins slowly raised the knife in his hand: "Today, I will fight to the end here."

"If I choose to escape because of the bad situation, then my strong heart will be lost, and the road to become stronger in the future will be full of thorns. I think, in that case, I will never become Xeon again. Those who can only live with their current strength will be in a state of confusion until they die."

"It cannot be denied that Ames and I are full of hatred, but no matter what, this is also a kind of motivation. Now, the situation between us and them is no longer a simple hatred, but... "

"A shackle."

"We escaped and were locked up for the rest of our lives."

"We have won, and the road to the strong is smooth."

"We are defeated, then we will sleep here forever!"

Hawkins is exuding this kind of light.


"me too!"

Hawkins nodded, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes. After opening them again, there was already a golden light shining inside.

He didn't ask Wadai and Azika, he and his wife were enough.

"It's interesting to kill oriental people with oriental bloodlines."

After Hawkins finished speaking, the phantom of the monster behind him changed when he activated it, turning into a huge oriental golden Buddha.

"God of Faith!"

After coming to the sky, this Hawkins activated his bloodline, advanced bloodline, god of faith for the first time!

Ames smiled happily,

She changed at the same time.

"Follow you crazy once."

The purple armor on her body spread to the exposed parts of her hands and face at the same time, quickly covering her whole body.

The mechanical spear in her hand and the wings on her back seemed to be integrated into her body at this moment, and when they reappeared, they had already changed their appearance.

Then, the armor also changed. There were two more armors on the shoulders. The armor pieces on the torso and limbs were extended by a few centimeters, making the armor thicker. On the wings, the edges became sharper, and the wing bones Finger-thin black holes appeared on the surface.

At the position of the left arm, a round shield slowly condensed, and two short swords appeared on the outside of the thighs on both sides.

Because the helmet was combined with the mask on the face, some rays of light began to flow on it, constantly washing the entire set of armor from top to bottom, and the surrounding sea water was constantly being pushed away.

These two couples took out all the things at the bottom of the press box, and they were really desperate.

Wadai looked at them and smiled helplessly.

"What do you think I'm going to say? Go back? No, what I want to say is, whether you go or not, I won't go until I kill this person."

"I don't want my brother to come and urge me to avenge him every time I sleep."

Acrika shrugged and picked up the long-handled knife. In the current situation, it seemed that he had to fight.

Ye Zhongming saw the situation on the other side, knowing that today's battle was inevitable, he pondered for a while.

"Fight, you have to fight. I just tricked them. If I let them live, what's the deal?" Husky was the first to stand up and express his opinion.

This guy is really qualified as a deputy. He knew what Ye Zhongming meant, and he immediately spoke up to support him.

Jiekui also received it immediately, "Although I can't exert my full combat power, I can still entangle a person by cooperating with Shi Kangbu."

Shi Kangbu nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Both he and Jiekui were healed by He, and their condition recovered a lot, and they were barely able to fight. They also knew themselves, and they didn't say who they were going to deal with, but they wanted to help entangle one person.

Yang Tuo smiled: "I'm very annoyed by that dwarf girl."

Everyone confirmed their attitude and looked towards He together.

The big beauty was still elegant, and she brushed her hair, "I will put the water chain on for you later."

The two sides confirmed their attitudes almost at the same time, and they both set up their positions. They both knew that this would be an endless battle.

But such a duel that would have been eye-catching had it been put before, but no one noticed it because of the previous video communication. Even Aslan of the Star-Eyed Clan was in contact with the base to discuss countermeasures, hoping to Select suitable fighters as soon as possible, and come here to participate in the final round of battles.

These three fighters made the importance of these novices suddenly reduced...

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